In case anyone is interested, you can see me representing Pd at the Art
+Code Conference that Golan Levin organized back in March:
There were lots of other talks that were worth seeing, you can see
them in the sidebar.
I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my
telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out
how to use my telephone." --Bjarne Stroustrup
Hello all,
I'd like to announce UnTwelve's first annual composition competition!
UnTwelve's mission is to support and encourage the performance and creation
of new microtonal musical works, specifically, music written outside the
framework of 12-tone equal temperament.
There will be a $200 cash prize for your winning 3-5 minute electronic,
acoustic, or electro-acoustic piece, entries are due by Oct. 1st, and you
can find out all the rules and regulations by checking out our webpage for
the event:
On behalf of UnTwelve, I can say we look forward to seeing your
Aaron Krister Johnson
PdCon09 - Música, audiovisual, Instalações, Artigos, Cursos, Hackmeetings...
Uma mostra de arte digital/interativa e simpósio de tecnologia e arte, o
PdCon09 é a 3ª Convenção Internacional de Puredata, de 19 a 26 de julho em São
Paulo, com realização do MIS-Museu a Imagem e do Som, SESC SP e PUC SP.
Como coordenador do evento, tenho prazer em informar que estamos com a
programação completa e todas as informações dos participantes no ar. Foram
também abertas oficialmente as inscrições em workshops.
De 60 participantes, exporemos o trabalho de em torno de 50 participantes
internacionais, é a maior Convenção de Puredata até agora, e a primeira na
América Latina. Trata-se do primeiro evento de arte e tecnologia focado em
ferramentas livres no Brasil!
Informações gerais em http://pdcon. org <>
Confira os Paticipantes e seus trabalhos em: http://blog.
?page_id= 139 <>
Os workshops em: http://blog. ?page_id=
Contato, dúvidas, críticas, sugestões:
pdcon09@gmail. com
Alexandre Porres (11)8179-6226
Pd club - 2nd meeting!
Wednesday, July 8
7:00 - 9:00 PM
AS220 Labs
115 Empire St., 2nd floor
Providence, RI 02903 USA
The AS220 Labs Pd club moves forward with it's 2nd session. On the
agenda for this next meeting is a review of my crash course from the
first session, more on audio synthesis/signal processing, group
handiwork/trouble-shooting, and whatever may arise.
Remaining summer meetings are scheduled for:
July 8
July 22
August 5
August 26
All area patchers are welcome from beginner to expert. Attendance
is free. Bring your laptop with Pd-extended installed.
Hello Pd-user,
We are Thomas Thiery and Pierce Warnecke and we are coming to Berlin in
september (3 - 7) for gigs and for the project Blank Pages.
We have a projet called Blank Pages (see bellow for details) and we
would like to organize a session on sunday the 6 of september in Berlin.
We are looking for a place in Berlin and once thats done we'll recruit
participants. If you are interested by the project and think you can
spare some time/info to help us to find a place that would really be great.
Thanks in advance!
For more information : <>
The project, "Blank Pages" or "Pages Blanches"
This project is based on a score that leads to the meeting and the
improvisation of musicians, video artists and programmers (Max/MSP,
The "Blank pages" score, describes the situation in 4 points: 1- Each
participant has to use one of the two programming language written by
Miller Puckette, Pure Data or Max/MSP. 2- The session length is fixed to
60 min. 3- Participants need to start a session with an empty
programming page. 4- It is strictly forbidden to load or recall any
program during the session.
Each participant has a computer and one of the mentioned applications,
and elaborates a program that will make sound and/or video. Max/MSP and
Pure Data programming languages permit to write and modify applications
in a live situation, while continuing to work on the application itself,
therefore one can code and immediately listen to this code result. There
are no links between the computers, the participants have to listen and
watch the others in order to play together. With the score and the four
instructions, the listening is stimulated, and the quality of the
audio-visual production becomes everyone's responsibility.
Cheers Thomas and Pierce
(Apologies for cross-postings)
(Do not hesitate to forward to interested colleagues)
(French version below)
Call for Projects 2010: Musical Research Residency Program
Ircam (Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics and Music)
offers a unique experimental environment where composers can expand
their musical experience through the concepts found in new
technologies. These technologies are developed as a result of
challenges posed both by new musical ideas and new domains
investigated by scientific teams. At Ircam, this interactive process
is called “musical research”.
Ircam is inviting artists to submit projects for the first musical
research residency program in 2010. The musical research residency
program is open to international artists, regardless of age or
nationality, who wish to carry out their musical research using
Ircam’s facilities and extensive research environment. Candidates will
be nominated through a selection procedure involving international
experts, based on research background and musical motivation, as well
as the quality of the proposed project through the online call for
proposals. Preference is given to new personalities to the Ircam
scene. Upon nomination, each candidate will be granted a residency at
Ircam during a specific period (three or six months) and in
association with a team/project at Ircam. In addition, laureates
receive an equivalent of 1200 Euros per month to cover expenses in
For the year 2010, we invite projects on (but not limited to) the
following research themes:
• Spatial sound composition
• Compositional and high-level control of sound synthesis
• New paradigms for the gestural control of computer music
• Novel compositional approaches to voice processing and/or synthesis
In addition to the proposed themes, we encourage applicants with novel
and unexplored research ideas to apply within the “open call” category.
Submission Deadline: July 31, 2009
More Information and submission procedure:
Department of Musical Research
Appel à projet 2010: Résidence de Recherche Musicale
L’Ircam (Institut de recherche et coordination acoustique/musique)
offre un environnement unique pour l’expérimentation, permettant aux
compositeurs d’étendre leur expérience musicale et de repenser leur
pratique à travers les concepts et idées liés aux développements des
nouvelles technologies les plus récentes. Ces technologies sont le
résultat des défis posés aussi bien par les impulsions artistiques que
par les nouveaux domaines de recherche explorés par les équipes
scientifiques. À l’Ircam, ce processus interactif est appelé
“Recherche musicale”.
Le Programme de résidences de recherche musicale est ouvert aux
artistes internationaux, sans condition d’âge ou de nationalité, qui
souhaitent conduire un projet de recherche musicale en bénéficiant des
facilités matérielles proposées à l’Ircam et de la richesse de son
environnement de recherche. Les candidats seront choisis selon un
processus de sélection faisant appel à l’expertise de chercheurs
internationaux. Les critères principaux seront ceux des références
dans le domaine de la recherche et de l’intérêt artistique des projets
présentés via l’ “Appel à projet en ligne”.
Une fois nommés, chaque candidat se verra proposer une résidence à
l’Ircam pour une durée de trois ou six mois, éventuellement
renouvelable pour réaliser son projet en lien étroit avec les équipes
de recherche de l’Ircam. Le candidat recevra une indemnité forfaitaire
de l'ordre 1200 euros par mois pour couvrir ses frais pendant sa
résidence en France.
Pour 2010, les principales thématiques des projets de recherche que
nous attendons concernent :
• Écriture de l’espace (contrôle de la directivité et trajectoire
• Écriture du son (de la synthèse)
• Paradigmes d’informatique musicale pour le contrôle gestuel de
haut niveau,
• Nouvelles approches compositionnelles aux traitements ou synthèse
de la voix.
Au-delà des les thématiques proposées, nous encourageons les
candidates souhaitant aborder des questions nouvelles ou des domaines
de recherche inexplorés à postuler sous la catégorie “appel ouverte ”.
Date limite de candidature: 31 Juillet 2009
Plus d'information et procédure de candidature:
here's a little tutorial introduction to editing drum and other
patterns in Pd using the rj-library developed for RjDj (a Pd
"vanilla" library):
Have fun, make a scene.
Frank Barknecht Do You _ ______rjdj.me__
Pd club - 1st meeting!
Wednesday, June 24
7:00 - 8:30 PM
AS220 Labs
115 Empire St., 2nd floor
Providence, RI 02903 USA
Come down to AS220 Labs and join the Pd club for it's first meeting!!!
The Pd club will be a periodic, informal gathering (a "patching
circle") where Providence-area "patchers" can work together, exchange
ideas, trouble-shoot, and learn from one-another. The club is open
to all, from beginners to experts. Artists, students, teachers,
programmers, hobbyists, and the "just-curious" are welcome. The only
requirements are that you like a challenge and have a laptop.
On the agenda for the first meeting will be an introduction to Pd by
Shawn Greenlee. Shawn will cover the basics of patching, working
with sound, and handling communication with Arduino boards and MIDI
Before the meeting adjourns, we'll get beginners up and running and
determine the summer schedule for meetings.
What to bring: your laptop with Pd-extended installed.
Shawn Greenlee
sorry for OOPS,
please don't PANIC
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from | __ | | _ _| | |
7 to 13 | | |_ | | | |_|___ _|_|
DECEMBER 09 |_| |_| |_| |___| |_|
MAKE ART 2009 - What The Fork?!
distributed and open practices in FLOSS art
make art is an international festival dedicated to the integration of
Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) in digital art.
The fourth edition of make art – What The Fork?! distributed and open
practices in FLOSS art - will take place in Poitiers (FR), from the 7th
to the 13th of December 2009.
make art offers performances, presentations, workshops and an
exhibition, focused on the encounter between digital art and free
We're currently seeking new, innovative FLOSS works and projects: music
and audiovisual performances, presentations, software demos, and
This year make art focuses on distributed and open practices in FLOSS
art. 'What the fork?!' is about decentralisation. Forking is the new
black. Forking, copying the source code of a project and continuing
work on the copy instead of the original, used to have a bad reputation.
It would split a project and its developer community in pieces, leading
to different, often incompatible, projects. Wasted effort, rivalry and
developer fights were all associated concepts. This is history. Forking
a project with the intention to compete with it is another story, but
the freedom to fork enables quick implementation of features and
customization, bypassing acquiring committer status, bugfix or feature
request protocol, working in a distributed way, together with others but
not necessarily towards one goal, working from one source,
cross-fertilising, inspiring, copying, patching, improving,
experimenting, changing direction, and merging. This practice is boosted
by decentralised software development tools, such as Darcs, Mercurial
and Git. It's not about quick hacks, but about creating room to
experiment, letting go of the one working copy and creating a
multiplicity of ideas.
Deadline : 15th of July 2009.
For more details, please visit
Its done and available for download. This release is focused on lots
of usability enhancements and bug fixes. There are some new features
in the core and in the many included libraries.
Here's the rough changelog:
- fixed strict-aliasing build problems with cyclone, iemlib, bsaylor,
and sigpack
- added/fixed "Next Window" menu item and key binding (Cmd-` on Mac OS
- lots of usability fixes and improvements
- removed all external binaries from package, you can get them here:…
- changed to GPL v3
- fixed paths that used the same image for Gem examples
- fixed paths to example images in Gem help
- libdirs now load properly when using [import]/[declare] to load a
libdir outside of the sys_libdir (i.e. extra) into the canvas-local
- single [output~] that works everywhere
- improved Max Text file (.pat) importing and exporting and added
the ability to handle .mxt files, and binary .mxb and .help files
- added cyclone "maxmode" libraries to cyclone. To use them,
load the cyclone, library, then create [maxmode/cyclone] or
- updated VBAP from 0.9.9 to 1.0.3
- fixed bug in VBAP that cause CPU spike
- bug fixes and clean up of [hid]? externals
- (GNU/Linux) Free Desktop file associations and mime types for
Pd and Max/MSP files
- (GNU/Linux) fixed font size issue when using Tcl/Tk 8.5
- (GNU/Linux) fixed Help Browser when using Tcl/Tk 8.5
- (GNU/Linux) built against libv4l on Debian/testing,
Ubuntu/intrepid, Ubuntu/jaunty, and Fedora 9
- (Debian/Ubuntu) fixed /etc/init.d/pd script to be standards-compliant
- (Ubuntu) lpia builds for Ubuntu Netbook Remix
- (Mac OS X) reduced default audio buffers to 20ms
- (Mac OS X) fixed exit logic
- (Mac OS X) fixed issue with app builder. You can now create apps
without replacing an existing one.
- (Mac OS X) upgraded to libquicktime 1.1.1 and ffmpeg 0.4.20071217
- (Windows) moocow/pdstring externals now included
- (Windows) increased default audio buffer for Window to 100ms since
there are some really flaky audio cards in Windows land
Check before reporting bugs,
and if you find an existing bug report on the same issue, please
add your information there.
- Tcl/Tk 8.5 support is a bit rough, and IEM GUI fonts aren't quite
right under 8.5
- Escape, Enter, and Ctrl/Cmd-W don't close the Path and Startup
- pdp_opengl is alpha and will definitely crash Pd
- loading pdp_opengl will crash Pd if X11 is not open before trying to
load it
- (Mac OS X) Using Jack can cause extra CPU usage at idle
- (Windows) installer won't replace existing installs
You can't steal a gift. Bird gave the world his music, and if you can
hear it, you can have it. - Dizzy Gillespie