RjDj Sprint Amsterdam October 22-23
We will have a sprint hosted by Mediamatic in Amsterdam on October
22-23. Sprint usually start with an introduction to RjDj and reactive
music. The main part then is about composing your own reactive music
using Pd. We will start at 14.00 hrs and finish the next day when your
RjDj scene is ready for your iPod or iPhone. Note that the sprint
takes place right after Music & Bits in Amsterdam, so its definitely
worth a trip.
There is a limited number of seats available, so please rsvp on http://www.mediamatic.net/page/105931/en
. Participation is free.
For general info on RjDj visit http://rjdj.me/
Florian Waldner
Reality Jockey Ltd.
RjDj Sprint London October 2-4 + Kids on DSP App Release Party
October 2
We are having a sprint/workshop in our London office october 2-4.
Starting on friday 8pm
with a party including live performances and DJs to celebrate the
release of the Kids on DSP
App. Sprints are about creating reactive music scenes using Pd on the
RjDj platform. http://rjdj.me
The location for the sprint and the party is our office:
9 Backhill, 4th Floor
For more details on the sprint visit http://more.rjdj.me/2009/09/08/reactive-music-and-augmented-audio-sprint-in…
More info on former sprints: http://more.rjdj.me/category/events/
Florian Waldner
Reality Jockey Ltd.
Telemática aplicada a las artes.
Técnicas en música electroacústica, circuitos electrónicos, bioelectrónica y
procesamiento de señal digital en tiempo real.
Resumen: La orientación del taller es la integración de conocimientos
prácticos de medios musicales, electrónicos, informáticos, bioelectrónicos y
matemáticos para la formulación de proyectos estéticos. Los participantes
deberán imaginar un cauce de acción con las herramientas entregadas en cada
módulo, para luego dirigirlo a una presentación donde podrán debatir y
formular alternativas en torno a las formas de lógica disponibles para la
realización concreta: su estructura, función y experiencia. Duración de cada
módulo: 8 horas pedagógicas de 45 min. El método formativo utilizado
(esquema CUATRO) consta de diversos módulos temáticos con una duración total
por módulo de 8 horas pedagógicas de 45 min. equivalentes a 4 sesiones de 90
min. para un máximo de 4 personas. El expositor guía cada sesión al estudio
representativo de la técnica para luego llevar a la práctica la aplicación
mediante la construcción de una obra.
- Lugar: dōjō 道場. Matucana 151 (Metro Quinta Normal), Santiago, Chile. -
Fechas y horario: del 5 al 31 de octubre; para horarios por módulo,
consultar. - Inscripciones: al correo algoritmia(a)labormedia.cl o al teléfono
(562) 8805476. Módulos para octubre: + Introducción a Sensores Análogos para
Interfaces Interactivas. + Introducción a Pure Data (Pd). + Introducción a
Sensores con Microcontroladores + Instrumentación Bioelectrónica. +
Introducción a Métodos en Música y Video-Performance con Pd. + Introducción
a Open Sound Control (OSC). + Sensores Inalámbricos. + Controladores
Digitales. + Introducción a Métodos en Música Electrónica con Pd. +
Introducción a Open Computer Vision (OpenCV). + Instrumentos Electrónicos
the first bugfix release for Gem 0.92 has been made available to the
it fixes a number of minor annoyances from 0.92.0, namely:
* ./configure is now included in the release tarball
* s_stuff.h is now checked for at configure time and not included if
* correct version of [pix_film] is used (aka no more pix_filmQT quirks)
* MMX-problems with [pix_invert] fixed
* fixed typos in help-patches
* included a demo FreeFrame plugin in binary packages (w32 and osx)
binaries available for w32 (installer), OS-X (universal) and the brave
(source code)
grab it while it's hot: http://gem.iem.at/releases/0.92.1
alternatively you can get the files from
Apologies for double posting
Dear all,
we would like to announce the following event:
3rd International Workshop on Interactive Sonification
April 7, 2010
KTH, School of Computer Science and Communication, Stockholm, Sweden
The overall number of attendees will be *strictly limited* (to about 40),
and priority will be given to attendees that submit and present
novel and interesting work on Interactive Sonification.
It would help us to hear very early if you plan to attend or/and to
submit work.
This workshop is intended as a forum for newcomers and all those
interested in tightly-closed loop human-computer systems involving
sonification. Work in progress is also very welcome, if there are relevant
novel ideas, new approaches, techniques or applications to report.
Please see the above website for full details, and the call for papers.
Best regards
the organizer,
/Roberto Bresin
Roberto Bresin, PhD
Associate Professor
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
School of Computer Science and Communication
Dept of Speech, Music and Hearing
Lindstedtsv. 24
SE - 114 28 Stockholm
url : www.speech.kth.se/~roberto
skype : robertobresin
tel : +46-8-790 78 76
mob : +46-70-795 78 76
fax : +46-8-790 78 54
On Sat, 5 Sep 2009, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
> la trente-et-unième rencontre du club PureData de la ville de Montréal aura
> lieu le mercredi 16 septembre 2009 de 18h30 à 22h30,
> dans les locaux de Vidéographe-Production, situé au 4550 Garnier (entre
> Mont-Royal et Gilford).
> apportez vos portables.
Au programme:
Alexandre Quessy: Purity Création dynamique de patches en python
Purity est une librairie Python pour la création dynamique de patches
PureData. L'objectif est de pouvoir utiliser la puissance de PureData
pour faire de la programmation sonore, mais sans devoir utiliser son
interface graphique. La syntaxe claire et intuitive de Python peut alors
être mise à profit afin de créer des patches à l'algorithmie avancée.
Tout le traitement des chaînes de caractères, les interfaces graphiques de
contrôle et le rendu visuel peuvent être relégués au langage Python.
L'objectif à plus long terme de l'auteur est de créer des interfaces
programmatiques pour le son en Python qui pourront être implémentées
avec plusieurs engins, comme PureData, tels que Csound, Supercollider,
Chuck et STK. Purity est en phase de prototypage alpha. Les commentaires
sont les bienvenus.
Thomas O. Fredericks: pdmtl-abstractions 2
Est-ce qu'il y a une suite après pdmtl-abstractions? Appel de
candidatures. Présentation d'un nouveau "browser" d'externes qui
fonctionne avec des tags. Présentation de nouveaux externes et surtout
du nouveau système de "state saving" ultra puissant.
Patrick S. Coulombe: Guitare à crayon
L'idée derrière "la Guitare à crayon" est de pouvoir peindre et jouer de
la musique avec le même instrument. C'est une guitare usb sur mesure,
faite à l'aide de logiciels libres: notamment, PureData pour le son,
ainsi que gimp, blender et flash pour le visuel.
Notez qu'il reste du temps pour des présentations de dernière minute (ou
autres propositions).
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard, Montréal, Québec. téléphone: +1.514.383.3801
*Urban Screens and Public Space*
*International Seminar*
*September 28, 29 and 30, 2009 @Medialab- Prado Madrid (Spain)*
This international seminar aims to reflect on the relationships
established between urban screens and the public space in which they are
immersed, questioning the kinds of space, communities and personal
interactions they activate.
The program includes lectures given by internationally renowed artists
and experts, as well as roundtables, discussion groups and the
presentation of urban screen projects in Spain, such as the screen at
Plaza de Las Letras (Medialab-Prado) in Madrid, the facade of the C4 in
Cordoba, or the communicating building of Alcorcon City Council (Madrid).
Participants: *Mirjam Struppek* (Interactionfield
<http://www.interactionfield.de/>), *Susa Pop* (Public Art Lab
<http://www.publicartlab.org/>), *Jeffrey Huang* (Media Design Lab),
*Kim Halskov *(Digital Urban Living
<http://www.digitalurbanliving.dk/>), *Jan and Tim Edler* (Realities
United <http://www.realities-united.de/>), and *United Visual Artists*
(UVA <http://www.uva.co.uk/>). Roundtables moderated by *José Luis
Brea*, *Blanca Fernández Quesada*, and *Paloma Blanco*.
Free admission. Limited seating.
Complete program and RSVP:
+34 91 369 2303
*Venue: *
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda, 15
28014 Madrid (Spain)
Nerea García Garmendia
Comunicación / Press
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda, 15 28014 Madrid
Tfno. +34 914 202 754
dear all,
the call for entries to the next 'Rencontres Internationales
Paris/Berlin/Madrid' will be closed very soon...
last deadline approaching... september 15!! plz forward.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
IN ENGLISH http://www.art-action.org/site/_news/09/call/en.htm
AUF DEUTSCH http://www.art-action.org/site/_news/09/call/de.htm
EN ESPA?OL http://www.art-action.org/site/_news/09/call/es.htm
EN FRAN?AIS http://www.art-action.org/site/_news/09/call/fr.htm
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
||||||| http://www.art-action.org/en_index.htm
The call for entries for the next Rencontres Internationales
Paris/Berlin/Madrid is open until September 15, 2009.
The next Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid will take place
in Paris from November 30 to December 9 at the Centre Pompidou, the Jeu
de Paume national museum and other venues. The same programme will be
presented in Madrid in April 2010 and in Berlin in July 2010.
Those three events will feature an international programming focusing on
film, video and multimedia, gathering works of artists and filmmakers
recognized on the international scene along with young artists and
without any restrictions for length or genre. All submissions are free,
regardless of geographical origin... [click here >>>
http://www.art-action.org/site/en/info/appel.htm ]
FILMS AND VIDEOS - any film and video format
* Video / Experimental video
* Fiction, exp. fiction / Short, middle and full length
* Documentary, exp. documentary
* Experimental film
* Animation
* Video installation, multimedia installation * Net art *
Multimedia concert, multimedia performance
You may have the opportunity to choose between two types of
Until September 15, 2009: Entry form to use with regular mail
Until September 15, 2009: 100% online entry form with video upload
PLEASE FORWARD this information to creative organizations, art networks,
production organizations, artists and filmmakers you are in contact
The 'Rencontres Internationales' offers more than a simple presentation
of the works. It introduces an intercultural forum gathering various
guests from all over the world - artists and filmmakers, institutions
and emerging organizations - to testify to their reflections and their
experiences, but also to artistic and cultural contexts that are often
undergoing deep changes.
The 'Rencontres Internationales' reflects specificities and convergences
of artistic practices between new cinema and contemporary art, explores
emerging media art practices and their critical purposes, and makes
possible a necessary time when points of view meet and are exchanged.
The event aims at presenting works to a broad audience, at creating
circulations between different art practices and between different
audiences, as well as creating new exchanges between artists, filmmakers
and professionals.
It seeks to contribute to a reflection on our contemporary culture of
image via a compelling program opened to everyone..
In 2007, the Rencontres Internationales, which initially took place in
Paris and Berlin, opened up to a third city: Madrid. This event now
constitutes a unique artistic and cultural platform in Europe for
artists, professional networks and various audiences.
The venues in the three cities are in particular in Paris the Centre
Pompidou and the Jeu de Paume national museum, in Berlin the Haus der
Kulturen der Welt, and in Madrid the Reina Sofia National museum, the
auditorium of the Ministry for Culture, the Tabacalera - futur national
centre for visual arts, the Spanish Cinematheque, the CA2M Centro de
Arte Dos de Mayo de la Comunidad de Madrid.
The 'Rencontres Internationales' is a non-commercial event without
competition, supported by French, German, Spanish and international
institutions... [click here >>>
http://www.art-action.org/site/en/soutien/ ]
||||||| OPENING
||||||| MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2009
Opening on Monday, November 30
from 8PM at the Centre Pompidou - Cinema 1
Presentation, screening, cocktail
||||||| UNTIL NOVEMBRE 20, 2009
Accreditations (only press and professionals) grant access to the whole
program (except for special screenings): screenings, exhibitions,
concerts and performances, video library and debates.
Accreditation application [click here >>>
http://www.art-action.org/site/en/info/pass_accred.htm ]
||||||| PRESS
Press kit is sent upon receipt of emailed request
Press contact [click here >>> http://www.art-action.org/site/en/contact/
some of you might be interested in this quirky and fun controller built
from logs.
Owl Project - mLog: a hand-held wooden controller interface
It can basically interface with a range of software, such as
Openframework, Supercollider and I am sure pd - but not mentioned
yet(only mention Max MSP).
They are doing a workshop in helping people design and build their very
own log contoller... Definitely a future collectors item.
after a year of silence and hard labour, i decided to take advantage of
the nice date today and finally made a new release of Gem: 0.92
binaries available for w32 (installer), OS-X (universal) and the brave
(source code)
grab it while it's hot: http://gem.iem.at/releases/0.92.0
alternatively you can get the files from
GLSL shaders
support geometry shaders: cool effects are waiting out there...
models use their stored UV-texture coordinates: finally you can
build your textured models in your favourite modeller and fully use them
in Gem
trapezoid object with correctly distorted textures
video capturing
on linux we now have native support for V4L2 devices (including your
eee's webcam, the PS3-camera and whatever hot devices are on the market...)
film/movie reading
on linux we now use Gmerlin/avdecoder support which allows you to
read more movie formats and faster than ever (from FLVs to HDV)
video effects
FreeFrame effects can now be initialized directly as (e.g.)
[pix_GlowVFX] (for the GlowVFX effect)
pix storage
pix_writer is a new object for writing images to your harddisk
more openGL wrapper objects
you can now use symbolic constants with many openGL wrapper objects,
which makes patching much more fun
and more....
like always i keep forgetting the best parts...
like always we have removed (and introduced) numerous bugs, so all in
all GEM should now run more stable for an incomplete list of fixed bug
see the bug-tracker at