Hi all,
For those of you who attended the last PdCon(16) in New York, you might
have heard of the rumor that the next one will take place in Athens,
Greece, since I had the idea of organizing it with a friend and
colleague, at the American College of Greece, where he teaches.
Unfortunately that's not going to happen because the College offered
only a single room for a single day! And even though I had in mind that
it would most likely be necessary to include other venues (for some live
gigs etc.), having this little from a place that would potentially offer
the main infrastructure of the convention makes the whole idea pretty
much not realizable.
Not sure what people have to say, but to me, at this point it seems
impossible to organize something (bearing in mind my schedule - which
none of you know, but it's pretty busy) without getting the help of an
institution. Also, I don't know any other institution that would
potentially offer space and equipment for something like that. ACG was
sort of my only hope.
Hopefully the next convention won't happen in ten years from now...