Apologies for x-posting,
This holiday release brings you:
*-legacy flag that provides 100% backwards compatibility with iemgui
*gfsm library
*added support for $0 functionality in messages
*support for Intel Haswell and Skylake CPUs
*ability to use # in labels
*ability to use multiple $n arguments in labels
*fixed bug in keyboard autorepeat and cleaned up [key] object to support
autorepeat filtering
*added autotune~ external and its K12 module
*synced cyclone and iem libraries
*other small fixes and cosmetic improvements
For a raw (unedited) changelog and a more detailed overview, please visit:
To download pd-l2ork:
NB: Currently only Ubuntu 15.10 64bit build is available, with 32bit and
Raspberry Pi builds forthcoming.
About Pd-L2Ork
Pd-L2Ork is a fork of the ubiquitous Pure-Data focusing on improved user
interface, expanded collection of externals, and an advanced SVG-enabled
graphical front-end. Originally it was introduced as the core
infrastructure for the Linux Laptop Orchestra (L2Ork http://l2ork
.icat.vt.edu), and has since expanded to include K-12 learning module with
a unique learning environment offering adaptable granularity that has been
utilized in over dozen maker workshops and initiatives, including the
Raspberry Pi Orchestra program for middle school children introduced in the
summer 2014. Today, pd-l2ork is being developed by a growing number of
international collaborators and contributors.
For additional info L2Ork and pd-l2ork:
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Associate Professor
Computer Music
ICAT Senior Fellow
Director -- DISIS, L2Ork
Virginia Tech
School of Performing Arts – 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
[please forward]
Georgia Tech is now accepting applications for the MS and PhD programs in music technology for matriculation in August 2016. All PhD students, and a limited number of MS students, receive graduate research assistantships that cover tuition and pay a competitive monthly stipend. The deadline for applications is January 10, 2016.
The MS in Music Technology is a two-year program that instills in students the theoretical foundation, technical skills, and creative aptitude to design the disruptive technologies that will enable new modes of music creation and consumption in a changing industry. Students take courses in areas such as music information retrieval, music perception and cognition, signal processing, interactive music, the history of electronic music, and technology ensemble. They also work closely with faculty on collaborative research projects and on their own MS project or thesis. Recent students in the program have worked and/or interned at companies such as Apple, Avid, Dolby, Bose, Gracenote, Rdio, Sennheiser, Ableton, Echo Nest, Pandora, Moog, and Smule, and gone on to PhD studies. Applicants are expected to have an undergraduate degree in music, computing, engineering, or a related discipline, and they should possess both strong musical and technical skills.
Students in the PhD program in Music Technology pursue individualized research agendas in close collaboration with faculty in areas such as interactive music, robotic musicianship, music information retrieval, digital signal processing, mobile music, network music, and music education, focusing on conducting and disseminating novel research with a broad impact. PhD students are also trained in research methods, teaching pedagogy, and an interdisciplinary minor field as they prepare for careers in academia, at industry research labs, or in their own startup companies. PhD applicants are expected to hold a Masters degree in music technology or from an allied field, such as computing, music, engineering, or media arts and sciences. All PhD applicants must demonstrate mastery of core masters-level material covered in Music Technology, including music theory, performance, composition, and/or analysis; music information retrieval; digital signal processing and synthesis; interactive music systems design; and music cognition.
Both the MS and PhD programs are housed within the School of Music at Georgia Tech, in close collaboration with the Georgia Tech Center for Music Technology (GTCMT). The GTCMT is an international center for creative and technological research in music, focusing on the development and deployment of innovative musical technologies that transform the ways in which we create and experience music. Its mission is to provide a collaborative framework for committed students, faculty, and researchers from all across campus to apply their musical, technological, and scientific creativity to the development of innovative artistic and technological artifacts.
Core faculty in the music technology program include Gil Weinberg (robotic musicianship, mobile music, and sonification), Jason Freeman (participatory and collaborative systems, education, and composition), Alexander Lerch (music information retrieval and digital signal processing), Timothy Hsu (acoustics), Frank Clark (multimedia and network music), and Chris Moore (recording and production).
More information on the MS program is at: http://www.music.gatech.edu/academics/graduate/overview
More information on the PhD program is at: http://www.music.gatech.edu/academics/phd/overview
More information on the GTCMT is at: http://www.gtcmt.gatech.edu
To apply, please visit: http://www.gradadmiss.gatech.edu/apply/
To contact us, please visit: http://www.gtcmt.gatech.edu/contact-us
PD Berlin meetings are from now at c-base (Rungestrasse 20 Berlin)
every first and third thursday in the month beginning 20:00, the next
one is thursday, the 17.December. This time we want to explore midi and OSC
programming with PD and jam a bit.
Looking forward to it and thanks c-base for hosting us.
What we do:
The meetings don't replace workshops (which are offered extra ;) ),
scope of these meetings can be any (or none) of the following:
patch/project showcase
work on general Pd documentation
help for beginners (installation, programming tips, ...)
or something else you want to do ...
Just come along, bring your laptop and sit down with
us. The bar is open during the meetings. Necessary prerequisites are
only a computer and good mood. If Pd isn't on it, we'll download and
install it.
We thank c-base for providing the space and network for the
[apologies for multiple postings]
Job Advertisement: Software Developer for MUSICOLL ANR Project
8 month contract starting on February, 1st, 2016
Associating the Computer Science and Musical Creation Research Centre (CICM) /
MSH Paris Nord USR 3258 and the OhmForce company, specialized in
collaborative digital audio, the MUSICOLL project (2016-2018), funded by
French National Research Agency proposes to redesign musical practices of
real-time in a collaborative and nomadic environment.
Over a first phase, this project aims at the specification and development
of a C++ software prototype using the JUCE framework. It should enable
several creators to work simultaneously on the design of sound processes
hosted online. In that perspective, we are seeking a software developer
that will work with two Ph.D. candidates / developers and two researchers
from CICM.
- involved in the development of the software kernel.
- involved in the development of user graphic interface.
Training level: Engineer or Master 2 in software engineering if possible
with a specialization in digital audio signal processing.
Required experience: 2 years.
Required skills
- mastery of C++ language (standard library from C++11).
- mastery of versioning tools (Git)
- mastery of continuous integration tools
Desired skills
- knowledge of the JUCE framework (http://www.juce.com/)
- knowledge in digital audio signal processing.
Complementary skills: practice of such visual programming softwares as Pure
Data or Max.
Other skills: excellent editorial skills in English and French. Ability to
work in teams and communicate.
Terms and conditions:
- Beginning : february, 1st, 2016.
- Localization : MSH-Paris-Nord, 20 avenue George Sand - 93210
Saint-Denis. Subway station: Front Populaire (line 12)
- Salary on the basis of a Research Engineer Contractor 1st grade of
CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) equivalent to a gross annual
salary of 29386 euros.
- 8 month contract at fulltime.
If you are interested, send us your curriculum vitae, a motivation letter
and a portfolio of your previous realisations at cicm.mshparisnord(a)gmail.com
CICM is localized between the Université Paris VIII
<http://www-artweb.univ-paris8.fr/spip.php?rubrique336> and the Maison des
Sciences de l'Homme Paris Nord <http://www.mshparisnord.org/>. CICM is
linked to the équipe d'accueil MUSIDANSE n° 1572 "Esthétique, musicologie
et créations musicales" <http://www.musique.univ-paris8.fr/>, Ecole
Doctorale "Esthétique, Sciences et Technologies des Arts »
<http://www.edesta.univ-paris8.fr/> at the Université Paris VIII
Offre d’emploi : Développeur logiciel pour le projet ANR MUSICOLL
CDD de 8 mois à partir du 1er février 2016
Associant le Centre de Recherche en Informatique et Création Musicale (CICM) /
MSH Paris Nord USR 3258 et la PME OhmForce, spécialisée dans
l’audionumérique collaboratif, le projet ANR MUSICOLL (2016-2018) propose
de repenser la pratique musicale du temps-réel dans un environnement
collaboratif et nomade.
Dans un premier temps, le projet vise la spécification et le développement
d’une maquette logicielle C++ utilisant le framework JUCE. Elle permettra à
plusieurs créateurs de travailler simultanément à l’élaboration de
traitements musicaux temps-réel hébergés en ligne. Dans cette perspective,
nous cherchons un développeur informatique qui travaillera au sein d’une
équipe composée de deux doctorants/développeurs et de deux chercheurs du
- Participation au développement du noyau logiciel.
- Participation au développement de l’interface graphique utilisateur.
Niveau de formation : Ingénieur ou titulaire d’un Master (Bac+5) en
ingénierie informatique si possible avec une spécialisation en traitement
du signal audionumérique.
Expérience requise : 2 ans.
Compétences requises
- Maîtrise du langage C++ (bibliothèque standard à partir du C++11).
- Maîtrise des outils de contrôle de version (Git)
- Maîtrise des outils d’intégration continue
Compétences souhaitées
- Connaissance du framework JUCE (http://www.juce.com/)
- Connaissances en traitement du signal audionumérique.
Compétences complémentaires : Pratique des logiciels de programmation
visuelle tels que Pure Data ou Max.
Autres compétences : Excellentes compétences rédactionnelles. Lecture et
écriture de l'anglais. Aptitude à travailler en équipe et à communiquer.
- Début : 1er février 2016
- Localisation : MSH-Paris-Nord, 20 avenue George Sand - 93210
Saint-Denis, Métro : Front Populaire (ligne 12)
- Rémunération sur la base d’un profil d’Ingénieur de Recherche
contractuel 1er échelon CNRS correspondant à un salaire brut annuel de
29386 euros.
- CDD de 8 mois à temps plein.
Si vous êtes intéressé(e), envoyez nous un CV, une lettre de motivation
ainsi qu’un portfolio de vos réalisations à l’adresse :
Le CICM est une équipe bi-localisée entre l'Université Paris VIII
<http://www-artweb.univ-paris8.fr/spip.php?rubrique336> et la Maison des
Sciences de l'Homme Paris Nord <http://www.mshparisnord.org/>. Le CICM est
rattaché à l'équipe d'accueil MUSIDANSE n° 1572 "Esthétique, musicologie et
créations musicales" <http://www.musique.univ-paris8.fr/>, Ecole Doctorale
"Esthétique, Sciences et Technologies des Arts"
<http://www.edesta.univ-paris8.fr/> de l'Université Paris VIII