PURE LAB PureData experimental sound processing WORKSHOP by Jay Barros
21st of June 2009 @ Emitter19 //// Kiefholzstrasse 19 Berlin
Pure data is an opensource multiplatform grafical oriented programing language used to create innovative sound and video instalations. In this intensive workshop you will learn how to develop your first patch, work with HIDS (human interface devices) and how to modulate and push your sounds to a higher level
more info and registration : emitter19 ät gmail dot com
$$$$$$ Price: 15 for the costs $$$$$$$$
bring Laptops with an installed pure data version (we can also help you with that) and Equipment / instruments / toys / anything you want ..
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Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Govan, Jennifer" <Govan(a)exchange.tc.columbia.edu>
> Date: June 1, 2009 2:45:00 PM EDT
> Subject: Invitation: Pure Data Workshop, with Amy Khoshbin &
> Christian Cerrito, Tuesday, 6/9, 4-6pm
> The Gottesman Libraries invites you to attend a
> PureData Workshop
> Conducted by
> Amy Khoshbin & Christian Cerrito
> Tuesday, June 9, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
> The Gottesman Libraries
> Room 305
> Teachers College, Columbia University
> 525 West 120th Street
> RSVP by Thursday, June 4 to library(a)tc.edu
> Amy Khoshbin is a Brooklyn based multimedia artist from Texas. Her
> visual work explores perceptions on both micro and macro levels.
> Amy's videos, sculptural objects, and wearable technologies question
> how we create meaning through memories, the senses, and unexpected
> narratives. A current work in progress, “You’re not brown, just
> tan,” investigates perceptions of cultural heritage through
> exploring childhood memories, family legacy, and media imagery. The
> project proposes new forms of hybridity via Iranian memory objects
> and videos created out of the material of the Texan suburbs where
> Amy grew up. Amy has presented work at Exit Art, Participant
> Gallery, Maurice Kanbar Institute of Film & Television, South by
> Southwest, Blanton Art Museum and CinemaTexas International Film
> Festival, winning an Audience Award. Amy holds a masters’ degree
> from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York
> University, and received a BS with honors from The University of
> Texas in Film and Convergent Media. For Amy’s website please see:www.tinyscissors.com
> .
> Christian Cerrito, who “likes to make stuff and build things,” has a
> background in drawing, jewelry design, animation, construction, and
> physical computing. He is interested in “social interactions”
> between simple machines, as well as cooperative human-machine art
> making. His work has been featured at DUMBO: Art Under the Bridge
> Festival (Brooklyn); The Pulse (Savannah); and CHI2009 (Bosto).
> Cerrito completed his masters at New York University in Interactive
> Telecommunications and he has a BA in Sociology fro Tufts and a BFA
> in Studio Art from The School of the Museum ofFine Arts, Boston. For
> Christian’s website see:http://www.artdesignwhatever.com/ArtDesignWhatever/Home.html
> .
> This workshop is co-sponsored by the Gottesman Libraries and New
> Blankets, a non profit organization spear-headed by Joseph Deken of
> the University of California San Diego to develop new technologies
> and collaborative projects. You may bring your own laptop and
> headphones, or use equipment provided by the Gottesman Libraries.
> Please note that seating is limited to fifteen persons.
> Individuals with disabilities are invited to request reasonable
> accommodations, including, but not limited to sign language
> interpretation, Braille or large print materials, and a campus map
> of accessible features. Address these requests to the Office of
> Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities at (212)
> 678-3689, keller(a)tc.edu, or Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services at
> (212) 678-3853 VTTY, jaech(a)tc.edu.
> http://library.tc.columbia.edu/news.php?id=454
If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an
idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps
it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into
the possession of everyone, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself
of it. - Thomas Jefferson
Phillip Andrew Lewis and I are offering one day intensive courses for
beginners the AVA in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The course will focus on
introducing data structures and sound synthesis techniques. We will
also show examples of various ways Pure Data is used, methods for
working and troubleshooting in PD, and introduce the PD community.
We will create an adaptable set of related patches, a sort of "tool
box" each student can take away and adapt for future use. AVA is
letting us use of their galleries for to set up and test audio
installations at the end of each day.
This class is designed for people with little or no prior experience.
Computers are provided or you can bring your laptop.
Session 1: Saturday, June 27/ 10am-4pm
Session 2: Sunday, June 28/ 10am-4pm
Hello list,
Sorry in french only.
Premier workshop (4 jours) :
PureData, une introduction
du 28 au 31 juillet 2009
Ce stage est une introduction à PureData dans un contexte de création
visuelle en temps réel, ainsi qu'aux possibilités d'interaction et
d'échange de données sur les réseaux.
Après la révolution du montage vidéo numérique, la nouvelle (r)
évolution est le traitement de la vidéo, de la 3D et des flux de
données en temps réel. Utilisés aussi bien en performance (VJ, Live
Cinema) que dans les arts de la scène (danse, théatre) ou dans les
environnements interactifs, les nouveaux logiciels de traitement en
temps réel sont aussi une autre manière de produire de la vidéo
linéaire, de la 3D ou du son.
Le stage explore un des principaux outils actuels: PureData + GEM,
environnement 'opensource' de programmation visuelle créé par Miller
Puckette. Pd est un équivalent gratuit de MAX/MSP permettant de
nombreuses manipulations en terme de son, d'image, de vidéo, de 3D,
d'interaction en temps réel, mais aussi en terme d'échanges de
données sur les réseaux.
Formateur : Jack/RYBN
Deuxième workshop (4 jours) :
PureData, 3D Temps Réel et modèles physiques
du 3 au 6 août 2009
Durant ce workshop de 4 jours, nous aborderons de manière pratique la
modélisation physique et la synthèse 3D en temps-réel. Les librairies
pmpd et msd pour PureData permettent de simuler des comportements
naturels d'objets simples: cordes, membranes, fluides, sables, ...
Ces librairies seront explorées pour différents usages: filtrage de
signal, contrôle de la synthèse sonore, mais surtout elles seront
employées pour la synthèse 3D en temps-réel dans GEM.
Les participants du workshop apprendront dans un premier temps à
créer puis à manipuler des structures modélisées. Puis des techniques
avancées de dessin et de création graphique seront détaillées pour
représenter les structures développées.
Formateur : Nicolas Montgermont
Conditions de Participation :
Ces stages sont accessibles à tout artiste, étudiant en art,
désigner, infographiste, vidéaste, programmeur, enseignant...
désirant s'initier aux nouveaux outils créatifs issus du numérique
(18 ans ou +).
Inscription :
Attention : le nombre de place est limité (max. 15 personnes),
inscrivez-vous à temps en remplissant soigneusement le(s) formulaire
(s) d'inscription en ligne du ou des stages que vous voulez suivre
sur http://www.imal.org/AteliersArtNum !
Lieu :
Les stages se donnent à iMAL, 30 Quai des Charbonnages, 1080
Bruxelles (le long du canal, métro Comte de Flandre). La classe est
équipée d'ordinateurs en réseau (venez avec votre portable si vous en
avez un), d'un vidéoprojecteur, et d'un tableau...
Horaire :
Les cours se donnent de 10h à 18h00 avec interruption d'une heure le
midi. Les stages ont une durée de 4 jours.
Prix :
140 EUR par stage.
Liens :
les stages d'été d'iMAL (descriptifs, formateurs, inscriptions,
archives) : http://www.imal.org/AteliersArtNum
La orientación del taller es la integración de conocimientos prácticos de
medios musicales,
electrónicos, informáticos y matemáticos para la formulación de proyectos
estéticos. Los participantes
deberán imaginar un cauce de acción con las herramientas entregadas en cada
módulo, para luego
dirigirlo a una presentación donde podrán debatir y formular alternativas en
torno a las formas de
lógica disponibles para la realización concreta: su estructura, función y
Duración de cada módulo: Cuatro sesiones aplicadas de 90 min.
El método formativo utilizado (esquema CUATRO) consta de 4 sesiones de 90
min. para máximo 4
personas. El expositor guía cada sesión al estudio representativo de la
técnica para luego llevar a la
práctica la aplicación mediante la construcción de una obra.
+ Canto a dos voces con Theremín.
+ Introducción a Sensores Análogos para Interfaces Interactivas.
+ Introducción a Pure Data (Pd).
+ Introducción a Métodos en Música y Video-Performance con Pd.
Inscripciones y mayores informaciones al correo electrónico algoritmia[at]
labormedia.cl .
Type: Music/Arts - Exhibit
Date: Thursday, May 21, 2009
Time: 7:30pm - 10:30pm
Location: 3rd Ward
Street: 195 Morgan
City/Town: Brooklyn, NY
Phone: 7187154961
Email: RSVP handmade(a)3rdward.com
* ROBOTIC GAMELAN: The GamelaTron by League of Urban Robots makes an
appearance, with a fully robotic composition for a high-tech take on
the traditional Indonesian instruments
* RESCUED iPODS: Hans-Christoph Steiner and Chris 'the Widget' DiMauro
is saving old mobile devices and PDAs from being junked, by harnassing
open-source software to make them powerful, useful, expressive, fun
tools, toys, and instruments instead
* POCKET ANDROIDS: Peter Kirn shows off a new, in-progress app for
turning Google's open-source Linux platform into a gestural controller
- and for connecting any computer running any operating system for
music, visuals, and interaction via Java and OpenSoundControl
Open hacking and party + time to get close to the instruments and
gadgets + mini-workshops/show-and-tell + a musical performance by the
Robotic Balinese Gender Wayang.
For full details visit http://handmademusic.noisepages.com/
Presented Every 3rd Thursday by createdigitalmusic.com with our
friends at music trend-setters XLR8R.com, DIY bible makezine.com, and
self-made marketplace Etsy.com.
FREE admission and PBR while it lasts
"Free software means you control what your computer does. Non-free
software means someone else controls that, and to some extent controls
you." - Richard M. Stallman
A lecture series on the Theremin Sensor System at NK which is free to
attend, daily this week starting Mon the 18th-Thurs 21st.
Smirnov's system is a digital Theremin sensor which can be used in
conjunction with Pure Data and other languages to capture gestural
Day#1 Mon18
12:00- 14:00 - Lecture:
Introduction to the Theremin Sensors and their applications.
Day#2 Tues19
12:00- 14:00 - Lecture:
Multichannel t-sensor systems: development and programming.
Day#3 Wed20
12:00-14:00 - Lecture:
Motion tracking and beyond. Overview and comparison of different concepts.
Day#4 Thurs21
12:00-14:00 - Lecture:
Hot riding t-sensors. Tips and tricks.
For more info myspace.com/enka52
Elsenstr. 52 2HH 2Etage at NK
12059 Berlin
H a c k t e r i a & l a b h a c k i n g with Marc R. Dusseiller & Kaspar
Saturday 30 May - Wednesday 3 June 2009, 12.00-18.00 daily
Location: eNKa / ElsenStr. 52 (2.Hof) Berlin, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)176 20626386
Course Participation fee: 100 euros
Registration is required for this workshop and can only be done via
email to: enka_nkATgmxDOTde
Please register early to ensure a place. Places are limited to 16.
For Workshop leaders' Biographies and full description and additional
reading go to myspace.com/enka52
Overview--Experimental make-workshop with multilayered outcome for
people interested in sound, DIY-biology, microscopy and interaction of
living microorganisms. Knowledge in physical computing, video and sound
processing, electronics and puredata is welcome, but not compulsary.
Description--In this workshop the experiments will take place in
close-up view of microorganisms (e.g. water bears aka tardigrades,
amoebae and collected organisms from urban environments), which appears
to be a world by itself. Maybe due to the scaling and the amplification
of a microscope, but maybe also due to all parameters of imagination
that the microcosmos provokes. Growth and behaviour of these microscopic
animals remind us of our own micro-macro-development. With the image and
the movement of the organisms, the participants are encouraged to
collect inspiration and bridge video and sound to what they experience
with these small "animalcules", as termed by their first observer
Leeuwenhoek in 1677.
The participants will learn how to work with the usb-microscopes and
hack webcams to be used as microscopes, observe the behaviour and motion
of the waterbears and other microorganisms, find sounds from the lab
equipment, hack into electronic devices to integrate into bioelectronic
culture devices and build habitats for the animals. Also they will
discover sounds from the different instrumentation and utilities of the
laboratory. Recycle and compose arrangements for Lab-visual and
Lab-sound scapes and benefit from a cross fertilization between the
whole (scientific) equipment (you can bring your own too!) and an
artistic metaphorical language. The outcome can be a video with a
microscopic soundtrack, a living object with singing waterbears, a
performance with laboratory sounds, or an openLab Hackteria installation.
Material needed--The participant should bring their own laptop/computer,
a webcam with an adjustable lens and some general lab stuff they have
access to.
Material available various labware, glassware, petri-dishes,
usb-microscopes, microorganisms, soldering stations, electronic parts,
arduinos etc..