Telemática Aplicada a las Artes.
Técnicas en música electroacústica, circuitos electrónicos,
bioelectrónica y procesamiento de señal digital en tiempo real.
La orientación del taller es la integración de conocimientos prácticos
de medios
electrónicos, informáticos, bioelectrónicos y matemáticos para la
formulación de proyectos estéticos.
Los participantes deberán imaginar un cauce de acción con las herramientas
entregadas en cada
módulo, para luego dirigirlo a una presentación donde podrán debatir y
formular alternativas en torno a
las formas de lógica disponibles para la realización concreta: su
estructura, función y experiencia.
Duración de cada módulo: 8 horas pedagógicas de 45 min.
El método formativo utilizado (esquema CUATRO) consta de 8 horas
pedagógicas de 45 min. divididas
en 4 sesiones de dos horas pedagogicas cada una (90 min.) para un máximo de 4
personas. El expositor
guía cada sesión al estudio representativo de la técnica para luego llevar a
la práctica la aplicación
mediante la construcción de una obra.
- Lugar: dōjō 道場. Matucana 151 (Metro Quinta Normal), Santiago, Chile.
- Valor por módulo: $40.000.-
- Fechas y horario: del 7 al 28 de septiembre; para horarios por módulo,
- Inscripciones: al correo algoritmia[en] o al teléfono (562)
+ Canto a dos voces con Theremín.
+ Introducción a Sensores Análogos para Interfaces Interactivas.
+ Masterización Digital.
+ Instrumentación Bioelectrónica.
+ Introducción a Pure Data (Pd).
+ Introducción a Métodos en Música y Video-Performance con Pd.
Hi all,
I've finally done a good enough job of cleaning up the 'smeck' patch (seen
at Pd conventions 2007 and 2009) to consider it releasable. This patch takes
a 6-channel signal from a separated guitar pickup (such as the Roland GK series)
and does a variety of cool things to it. Smeck is available from:
dear all,
i send you below an information about our current call for entries.
please spread out and forward around you.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The call for entries for the next Rencontres Internationales
Paris/Berlin/Madrid is open until September 5 and 15, 2009.
The next Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid will take place
in Paris from November 30 to December 9 at the Centre Pompidou, the Jeu
de Paume national museum and other venues. The same programme will be
presented in Madrid in April 2010 and in Berlin in July 2010.
Those three events will feature an international programming focusing on
film, video and multimedia, gathering works of artists and filmmakers
recognized on the international scene along with young artists and
without any restrictions for length or genre. All submissions are free,
regardless of geographical origin... [click here >>> ]
FILMS AND VIDEOS - any film and video format
* Video / Experimental video
* Fiction, exp. fiction / Short, middle and full length
* Documentary, exp. documentary
* Experimental film
* Animation
* Video installation, multimedia installation * Net art *
Multimedia concert, multimedia performance
You may have the opportunity to choose between two types of
Until September 5, 2009: Entry form to use with regular mail
Until September 15, 2009: 100% online entry form with video upload
PLEASE FORWARD this information to creative organizations, art networks,
production organizations, artists and filmmakers you are in contact
The 'Rencontres Internationales' offers more than a simple presentation
of the works. It introduces an intercultural forum gathering various
guests from all over the world - artists and filmmakers, institutions
and emerging organizations - to testify to their reflections and their
experiences, but also to artistic and cultural contexts that are often
undergoing deep changes.
The 'Rencontres Internationales' reflects specificities and convergences
of artistic practices between new cinema and contemporary art, explores
emerging media art practices and their critical purposes, and makes
possible a necessary time when points of view meet and are exchanged.
The event aims at presenting works to a broad audience, at creating
circulations between different art practices and between different
audiences, as well as creating new exchanges between artists, filmmakers
and professionals.
It seeks to contribute to a reflection on our contemporary culture of
image via a compelling program opened to everyone..
In 2007, the Rencontres Internationales, which initially took place in
Paris and Berlin, opened up to a third city: Madrid. This event now
constitutes a unique artistic and cultural platform in Europe for
artists, professional networks and various audiences.
The venues in the three cities are in particular in Paris the Centre
Pompidou and the Jeu de Paume national museum, in Berlin the Haus der
Kulturen der Welt, and in Madrid the Reina Sofia National museum, the
auditorium of the Ministry for Culture, the Tabacalera - futur national
centre for visual arts, the Spanish Cinematheque, the CA2M Centro de
Arte Dos de Mayo de la Comunidad de Madrid.
The 'Rencontres Internationales' is a non-commercial event without
competition, supported by French, German, Spanish and international
institutions... [click here >>> ]
||||||| OPENING
||||||| MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2009
Opening on Monday, November 30
from 8PM at the Centre Pompidou - Cinema 1
Presentation, screening, cocktail
||||||| UNTIL NOVEMBRE 20, 2009
Accreditations (only press and professionals) grant access to the whole
program (except for special screenings): screenings, exhibitions,
concerts and performances, video library and debates.
Accreditation application [click here >>> ]
||||||| PRESS
Press kit is sent upon receipt of emailed request
Press contact [click here >>>
Workshop leaders:
Lluis Gómez I Bigórda,, Barcelona
Yves Degoyon,, Barcelona
In collaboration with Piksel (Norway)
Participants: 16 (maximum)
Fee: 75 Euro
Location: BALTAN Laboratories
Glaslaan 2, SWA 8
The Netherlands
Computer Vision is currently acquiring a growing relevance in the field of
interactive arts. From Myron Krueger’s pioneering artwork in the 1970s to the
present day, many artists have used Computer Vision techniques in their works,
extending its field of traditional applications (medical, military, industrial,
etc.) to interactive artistic practices. It might be visible in an interactive
installation or hidden/embedded when used, for example, in gesture-driven
musical instruments.
The purpose of this workshop is to introduce some computer vision techniques
that form the basis of the actual OpenCV library for Pure Data; a set of
objects, utilities and examples to use those techniques in an Open Source /
FLOSS environment for one the very first times. At the same time we will
introduce some practical examples of possible use cases of this technology,
working on thematic research in the different domains of application:
Interactive Installation, Augmented Reality, Learning Interfaces, Interactive
Instruments, etc. This list will be extended depending on the interest and
focus of the participants.
This workshop forms part of a collaboration between BALTAN Laboratories and
Piksel. As part of BALTAN’s Blueprint research programme investigating the
roles and forms of the art and technology laboratory of the future, BALTAN and
Piksel are collaborating to explore the relationship between hard and software
developers working on free and open source tools for artistic production, and
the artistic use and development of these tools in a laboratory setting. The
workshop is both open to the public as well as part of a collaborative
research residency (for which we now have an open call).
Participation in the workshop is flexible. Days 1-4 involve acquiring basic
knowledge and set the groundwork for working further with the technology. Days
5-7 will be dedicated to group work on specific projects. All participants are
required to join the workshop on days 1 and 2 for the basic theory and
practice. Attendance for the remaining days of the workshop is flexible but
participants are asked to indicate when registering what days they will
definitely be present.
To register: please send an email with your bio, technical experience and a
short motivation indicating why you would like to join the workshop to
angela[AT] Please also be sure to indicate the days you
intend to be present during the workshop week.
Note: Participants are asked to bring their own machine and video devices. All
machines will be configured so that participants will be able to keep working
on their project after the end of the workshop.
We will configure the machines as needed by OpenCV :
ppc mac-intoshes : apple’s osx with gem
intel mac-intoshes : apple’s osx with gem
or ubuntu with pdp/pidip and gem
pc’s : ubuntu with pdp/pidip and gem
September 21 : Introduction to Computer Vision
10:00 - 17:00
Theory :
- Image and Video Format Concepts ( RGB, YUV, … )
- Static and Dynamic processing of images and video frames
- Movement Detection example
- Simple Tracking example
- Tracking using Pattern recognition
- Pattern recognition using a Statistical approach
Practice :
- Conversion of videos to a format suitable for analysis
- Simple Movement detection example
- Simple Tracking example
(Objective: Showing a panorama of existing computer vision techniques )
September 22 : Processing Live Video
10:00 - 17:00
Theory :
- Which camera to use? What to expect ?
- The importance of lightning and contrast
- Noise removal and filtering
- Advanced filtering and pre-processing of video
Practice :
- Using simple examples using different kind of inputs
- Measure the importance of filtering
- Use of video pre-processing techniques
(Objective : Stabilize the first examples with a more precise detection and
tracking setup)
September 23 : Processing of data
10:00 - 17:00
Theory :
- Connecting analysis data to media processing
- Smoothing data ( mapping ) to get more stable results
Practice :
- Process incoming data to produce interaction
- Connect first examples to a media production unit ( sound and/or video )
- Calibrating inputs to get the expected result
(Objective : Using incoming data and process it to produce interaction )
September 24 : Choose the right technique in the right context
Theory :
- Outdoor/Indoor context
- Camera/Lighning setup for a ‘Darkroom’
- Importance of background and contrast
Practice :
- Using basic examples in different context ( outdoor, dark room )
- Playing with contrast and background
(Objective : Determine the best technique and setup for different contexts )
September 25-27 : Thematic Working Groups (Practice)
10:00 - 17:00
Groups :
- Motion Detection in a public space
- Tracking in the context of dance and theater
- Augmented reality
- Interactive sound instruments
(Objective : Realize a few prototypes using computer vision techniques for
different kind of applications, towards a real application )
Biographies of the workshop leaders
Lluis Gomez i Bigorda
Lluis Gomez i Bigorda is in charge of the Free and Open Source department of
the HANGAR medialab in Barcelona, association of visual artists of Catalunya
dedicated to the production of multi-media art pieces, involving free hardware
and free software development. He is active in the FLOSS community since more
than 7 years and participated in the development of Pure Data, Freej and GISS
free media platform ( Lately, he worked on interactive setups
with choregraphers and performers (Shu-lea Chang), using Computer Vision
techniques and WII devices as the basis for interaction. He was participating
in the visual collective R3 and now formed a new collective T4 : Terminal 4.
urls :
Pure Data :
Hangar medialab :
GISS free media platform :
Yves Degoyon
Yves Degoyon (es/fr) is a musician/performer and a free software
developer/dealer. He developped since 2001 some tools for audio and video
processing within the frame of Pure Data and some tools for escaping from the
software mainstream, promoting self-mediation and inventive ways of
communicating and organizing.
Some bits of code ::
OpenCV for PD (with Lluis Gomez i Bigorda):
G.I.S.S. (with others) :
/etc/groups :
MapOMatix :
P.i.D.i.P :
Unauthorized PD :
As a musician, he’s practising copyleft philosophy under the name of
Tags: motion tracking, opencv, piksel
Hi all,
I've updated the metastudio packages with the old svf~ external in the drumsynths (clinok~, clinoker~ and fmf_perc~) and svf_fl~.
The bsaylor/svf~ external has problems - denormals cause the filter to max out the CPU and will crash any patch mid-preformance. I also found this problem with moog~ (in moog_fl~) so watch out for it crashing your patch! If it does, I recommend switching to svf_fl~ for a dynamic filter.
This is a critical update, so if you're using metastudio then head over to
And save yourself some future embarrassment!
Hi All,
I finally finished the help file for trigseq.pd, so there is an updated version of metastudio 3 for download at
By the way, it runs much better if pd is not in -rt mode. An rt metastudio will be available once I've finished making nogui versions of all the objects. Modpatch is still a little flakey - for the next update. Watch this space!
I've split it off from the metaVJ:
RjDj in Japan
We are glad to announce the next RjDj sprint/workshop. It will happen Sep 10
and 11 in Tokyo/JP during the APMT week ( and is hosted by the
TokyoMaxUsersGroup, who kindly invited members of the RjDj crew, Florian
Waldner and Frank Barknecht, to support everyone interested in writing Scenes
for RjDj on iPhone/iPod Touch.
The number of participants is limited. But it is free to join! Your iPhone will
be changed into your own instrument by installing DIY scenes to your iPhone
build with Pd.
To register, please see: (EN ver)
Even if you don't make it for the sprint, you may want to join us for an
additional presentation and concert on the weekend directly following the
sprint at the famous "SuperDeluxe" in Tokyo, also part of the APMT.
The most vital facts:
日時 2009/9/13(SUN)18:00~23:00
場所 SuperDeluxe
料金 2000yen/1drink
For more details, see
Flo and Frank don't speak Japanese, so sprint and presentation will be held in
English. We both are in Japan for a bit longer. Interested media can contact us
via info(a)
See you in Tokoyo!
Visualizar'09: Public Data, Data in Public
Call for projects and papers
*International Workshop-Seminar on Public Data Visualization
November 12 - 27, 2009 in Medialab-Prado (Madrid, Spain)
Deadline for projects and papers: October 5, 2009*
*Call for collaborators: October 16 - November 11, 2009*
Directed by José Luis de Vicente. Teachers: Ben Cerveny (Stamen) and
Aaron Koblin. With the support of Bestiario.
This new edition will focus on the implications of using data structure
visualization to aid in public processes of decision-making. Selected
projects and papers will tackle the topic of Open Data and Visualization
for Government Transparency and Civic Engagement.
Visualizar'09 includes an* international seminar *and an *advanced
project development workshop*. Both activities will tackle the topic of
transparency of data to make public discussion and debate possible,
regarding the political, social, and scientific processes. Consequently,
one of the objectives of Visualizar'09 will be the development of new
strategies for communicating these data and returning them to the public
All those interested in collaborating in one of the selected projects
can sign in from* October 16 to November 11*.
*Submission of databases:*
Public databases of institutions or research groups interested in
sharing them and making them more available to citizens can be sent to
visualizar[arroba] or through
Submitted databases could serve as work material for data visualization
projects selected for this workshop.
*More information:*…
With the support of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology -
Ministry of Science and Innovation (FECYT - Ministerio de Ciencia e
Nerea García Garmendia
Comunicación / Press
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda, 15 28014 Madrid
Tfno. +34 914 202 754
= Create reactive music scenes with the RjDj composer pack =
July 24th, 2009
For some time now the RjDj team has been hard at work creating a
library of tools to help everyone create scenes for RjDj (i.e. Pd patch
bundles). These have been available for a while, as RjLib, from the
RjDj website and wiki. However we have now consolidated these tools,
in addition to some others, into the RjDj composer pack.
It's available for download now here :
The RjDj composer pack is a set of tools designed to help at all
stages of the scene creation process. It contains a series of folders:
1. Example Scenes - This is a series of examples for RjDj to
get you inspired.
2. Scene Template - This is a blank template for you to use to create
scenes. It contains temporary images in the correct size and also
contains the "rj" library in a subfolder. The rj library contains a
large number of Pure Data abstractions (vanilla!) we have developed which you can use
whilst creating your scenes. It features many types of tools you would
find in conventional music making, as well as many you certainly
3. Rjutils - This folder contains a number of Pure Data tools for
working with scenes. They are useful for testing scenes whilst on your
4. Pd - This folder contains some essential custom Pd objects that are
not part of the usual Pd installations. You should add these to the Pd
installation on your computer (i.e. copy them to the 'extra' directory
or somewhere else in you Pd search path), but don't put these into
your Scene directory, as the RjDj mobile app includes them already.
6. Rjz server - This is a tool that lets you test your scene on your
iPhone or iPod Touch without jail-breaking it.
7. Doc - In this folder we are delighted to include, with kind
permission from Andy Farnell and his publisher, an excerpt from his
book "Designing Sound" which is an excellent introduction to Pure
Eventually we hope to incorporate a distribution of Pure Data within
the Composer Pack. In the meantime, please download Pd for your
platform here : rsp. (don't use Pd-extended, get the
'vanilla' versions on the bottom of the latter page.)
We are going to be continually updating this pack with new tools and
extended documentation and we have some very exciting things in the
pipeline for the composer community.
To find out more about creating reactive music scenes and RjDj, check
out our wiki at
Frank Barknecht Do You _ _____rjdj.me_