Plaza de las Letras
C/ Alameda, 15 · 28014 Madrid
+34 913 692 303
Interactivos?'12 Dublin: Hack the City. Current and Future Needs
Call for Collaborators
Call for collaborations in the advanced workshop for project pevelopment
Interactivos?'12 Dublin: Hack the City. Current and Future Needs, that
takes place in July 11 - 26, 2012 in Dublin (Ireland).
Collaborators will participate in the production of selected projects
that will create an experimental laboratory to channel hacker culture,
and allow artists, designers, makers, doers, data nerds, hobbyists,
citizen scientists, tech geeks, activists, edgy engineers and DIY urban
planners to take control over the resolution of problems that affect and
link together worldwide 'communities of concern'.
Workshop: July 11 - 26, 2012. Seminar: June 11 and 12, 2012
Open call collaborators through July 5, 2012.
Workshop advisors: Tim Redfern, Carolina García Cataño, John Lynch with
Teresa Dillon (HACK THE CITY curator).
Workshop assistant: Max Kazemzadeh
Complete information and guidelines:
**Activity within the framework of Studiolab European project:
Nerea García Garmendia
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda, 15 28014 Madrid
Tfno. +34 914 202 754
Twitter: @medialabprado
"Antes de imprimir este documento asegúrate de que es realmente necesario. ¡Gracias por tu colaboración!"
(led by Arthur Sauer and Wouter Snoei)
This 3-day seminar will deal with both musical and technical issues
surrounding spatial composition, focusing in particular on working with
wave field synthesis systems. The seminar will be taught by Arthur Sauer
and Wouter Snoei, two of the core members of the The Game Of Life
Foundation‘s team. The foundation's unique mobile wave field synthesis
system (composed of 192 speakers and 12 subwoofers) will be available
on-site for participants to experiment and gain hands-on familiarity
with space as a compositional parameter.
Wave field synthesis is a technique for sound spatialization. It
produces “artificial” wave fronts synthesized by a large number of
individually driven speakers. Such wave fronts seem to originate from a
virtual starting point. Contrary to traditional spatialization
techniques such as stereo, the localization of virtual sources in WFS
does not depend on or change with the listenerÂ’s position. As opposed to
most multichannel systems, WFS has no sweet spot and allows for a wider
optimal listening area.
Language: English
Level: Aimed at musicians, composers, sound and media artists, music
software developers. Participants will be organized into two groups
according to their background and experience. The first group will work
with a graphical GUI interface and requires just basic sound editing
knowledge. The second group will use the SuperCollider interface to the
wave field synthesis system and therefore requires previous familiarity
with this environment.
Tutors: Arthur Sauer and Wouter Snoei.
Monday 18.06.2012, 10:00-18:00 (with lunch break)
Tuesday 19.06.2012, 10:00-18:00 (with lunch break)
Wednesday 20.06.2012, 10:00-18:00 (with lunch break)
Location: Fabra i Coats – Fà brica de Creació. Sant Adrià , 20. Barcelona.
Metro Sant Andreu.
Price: 160€ (limited places available, includes free entry to evening
concerts and lectures)
+info: [
web: [ http://lullcec.org/ ]
facebook: [ http://facebook.com/lullcec ]
twitter: [ http://twitter.com/lullcec ]
LABOR GUEST SPACE - Residency 2012, call for applications
LABOR announces a call for artists and curators for the use of the space of
LABOR as a studio or an open space for a two week time in August 2012. Two
successful applicants can use the space of LABOR in two weeks cycles for
realizing projects related to visual culture. The aim of the residency is to
provide a possibility for artists and curators for individual (or collective)
work, introduction, and to get in contact with the Hungarian contemporary art
scene. During the residency participants can use the spatial and technical
facilities of LABOR (internet access, laptop), the library and the exhibition
spaces. Participants of the residency will be invited to give a public
The residency project covers the use of the art space; upon request we can
help in finding accommodation, seeking and building professional relationships.
Application Procedure:
Please download and fill in the application form from the link bellow:
The application has to contain:
- professional CV
- motivation letter and work plan, proposed activity (max. 2 pages)
The applications should be e-mailed to labor(a)c3.hu, in the subject please
include: Guest Space residency call 2012.
Deadline for applications: June 25, 2012. Expected decision: June 29.
Further information about the previous year's Guest Space programmes in LABOR:
LABOR was founded in 2007 as a joint initiative of C3 Centre for Culture &
Communication Foundation, the Studio of Young Artists Association (FKSE) and
the Hungarian University of Fine Arts (MKE) in the premises of the former
Studio Gallery.
LABOR is a platform where the objectives of partner institutions appear jointly:
• support of emerging artists
• projects related to the contemporary art education
• experimental
initiatives advancing or reflecting on the structural changes of the
contemporary art world
• cooperation between art and the scientific
and technical domains
• events organized in the framework of international collaborations.
The purpose of the collaboration is to create a flexible, shared (art) space
that provides a platform for art research as well as exhibitions, projects and
occasional events.
LABOR aims to emphasize the social responsibility of contemporary art and its
role in knowledge production. It organizes discursive programs to strengthen
the debate- and discussion-culture of the local art world involving other
fields of culture. LABOR recently opened Book Space, a reading room and
library where current theoretical texts, magazines, and publications on visual
culture are available.
Take part in a hands-on building session and rehearsal of pieces for the
Dirty Electronics Racket! The Racket! is a DIY kit that introduces a
number of key building blocks of analogue synthesiser design and Dirty
Electronics aesthetics. It features an oscillator, wave shaping, noise
generation, filtering, feedback and touch control. It is designed to be
made on stripboard using wire connections as well as having a small
copper etched artwork printed circuit board as a touch control. The
Dirty Electronics Racket! epitomises a DIY spirit. Small thrifty synth,
massive sound! Requires 9v battery and external amplification. No prior
knowledge of electronics is needed.
The workshop concludes with a performance by Dirty Electronics and
pieces for the Racket! For example, Hug is a piece for the Racket! and
portable amps (Dirty Cardboard Box Amp) that are worn by performers. A
cacophony of noise is created. Other performers stop/mute the racket
by hugging their noisy friends.
Since 2003, John Richards has been exploring the idea of Dirty
Electronics that focuses on face-to-face shared experiences, ritual,
gesture, touch and social interaction. In Dirty Electronics, process and
performance are inseparably bound. The performance begins on the
workbench devising instruments and is extended onto the stage through
playing and exploring these instruments.
Level: Introductory. Anyone can join!
Date: Wednesday 13.06.2012, 16:00-22.00h.
Location: Fabra i Coats Fàbrica de Creació. Sant Adrià, 20. Barcelona.
Metro Sant Andreu.
Price: 50 (includes workshop participation and instrument to take home)
To sign up or for further information, please send an email to
+ info: [ http://lullcec.org/en/2012/workshops/dirty-electronics/ ]
web: [ http://lullcec.org/ ]
facebook: [ http://facebook.com/lullcec ]
twitter: [ http://twitter.com/lullcec ]
Dear all,
Please note that the early registration deadline for the 38th.
*International Computer Music Conference *- ICMC2012 is on the *10th
June 2012*.
ICMC2012 will take place between the *9th and 15th of September* in
Ljubljana, Slovenia
The 2012 Conference theme is: *Non Cochlear Sound *
- Conference website: www.icmc2012.si
- Registration page: www.icmc2012.si/submitRegister.html
ICMC2012 host is IRZU - Institute for sonic arts Research - www.irzu.org
- supported by the Faculty of Computer and Information Science and the
Faculty of Arts @ University of Ljubljana as well as the Interface
Culture Lab @ Arts University Linz.
ICMC2012 Organisers.
IRZU - Institute for Sonic Arts Research
Vodnikova 28, 1000 Ljubljana
tel: +386 40 512 603
IRZU - Institute for Sonic Arts Research
Vodnikova 28, 1000 Ljubljana
tel: +386 40 512 603
web: www.irzu.org
Since the following position requires a basic understanding of the German language the text is in German.
The Description is tailored to a specific skill set, never the less we encourage you to apply even if you don't fit into the description entirely.
An der Fakultät Medien der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar ist zum 1. September 2012 an der Professur Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen die Stelle einer/eines
künstlerischen Mitarbeiterin / Mitarbeiters
zu besetzen. Die Stelle ist zunächst auf 3 Jahre befristet. Eine Verlängerung ist nach den geltenden Regelungen des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes (WissZeitVG) möglich. Es handelt sich um eine Teilzeitstelle. Die wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt 25 Stunden.
Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen der Mediengestaltung. Mitarbeit bei den organisatorischen und forschenden Aktivitäten der Professur. Weiterqualifikation in einem selbstmotivierten Vorhaben.
• Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium der Fachrichtung Medienkunst, digitale Medien oder Mediengestaltung.
• gestalterische Kompetenz, prakt. Fertigkeiten der Mediengestaltung, Animation und Visualisierung, Experimentelles 3D, Konstruktion (CAD), Grundlagen Programmierung
• Fremdsprachenkenntnisse (Englisch)
• berufliche Praxis (angewandt), Ausstellungspraxis, pädagogische Eignung
• selbstständiges Arbeiten
Die Vergütung richtet sich nach den Bestimmungen des Tarifvertrages für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-L) entsprechend den persönlichen Voraussetzungen bis zur Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L.
Die Bauhaus-Universität ist bestrebt, den Anteil von Frauen in Lehre und künstlerischer Entwicklungsarbeit zu erhöhen. Daher werden insbesondere Frauen gebeten, sich zu bewerben.
Schwerbehinderte Menschen werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.
Ihre Bewerbung, mit den üblichen aussagekräftigen Unterlagen richten Sie bitte unter Angabe der Kennziffer M/WP-04/12 bis zum 15. Juni 2012 an:
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Fakultät Medien
Professur Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen
Frau Prof. Ursula Damm
Marienstraße 5
99421 Weimar
Área de Las Artes del Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Arts Department of the Madrid City Council
* *
Interactivos?’12 Ljubljana. Obsolete Technologies of the Future
Call for Projects
Ljudmila, Digital Medialab of Ljubjliana, in collaboration with SGMK of
Zurich and Medialab-Prado are seeking for proposals for an upcoming
workshops in collaborative prototyping which will be hold in Ljubljana
(September 5 - 15, 2012) with the participation of advisors, technical
Deadline: June 8, 2012
Call for Collaborators: starting July 2, 2012
Project development(workshop): September 5- 15, 2012
Suggested areas of focus include:
* Projects that suggest different usages of existing urban
technological infrastructures
* Rethinking outdated technologies and recycling the computer
and IT wasteland.
* Projects which allow people to interact with technology to
provoke new ways of perceiving the surrounding, the self, the
visual, the material, and stimulate aesthetic experience.
* Particular attention will be paid to projects which promote
open source communities, collaborative work and collective modes
of behavior.
* Playing with data - submissions for works, which connect data
forms and physically embody data streams, bridging ‘on’ and ‘off’
line worlds.
* Products and services that provide sustainable solutions for
our needs, including the use of open data, data mash ups and remixes.
We are seeking proposals for:
* Installations (interactive, responsive, generative)
* Performances (participatory, gesticular, dance)
* Visualisations (moving images, generative, projections,
* Free Software (FLOSS) / Open Hardware / Open Design /
Services / Start-ups / Apps / Devices
The open call is aimed at designers, artists, engineers, coders,
sociologists, architects, city planners, teachers, programmers,
psychologists, journalists, environmentalists... or to any other person
interested in the theme of the workshop.
Complete information and guidelines:
Advisors: Luka Frelih, Ida Hirsenfelder, Chris Sugrue and Yago Torroja.
**Activity within the framework of Studiolab European project:
Nerea García Garmendia
Comunicación / Press
Intermediae Matadero Madrid
Paseo de la Chopera, 14 28045 Madrid
(Temporary Location)
Tel. +34 915 177 288
Twitter: @medialabprado
next tuesday, 22th May 20:00, will be the next meeting of Pure Data
users in Berlin at NK (http://www.nkprojekt.de/) - Elsenstr. 52, 2HH 2Etage.
For more information, look up
We also encourage you to take an active part, and put up suggestions for
topics you want to talk about / topics you want to be talked about.
Pd-Berlin Google group: You can join the open group
http://groups.google.com/group/pd_berlin, and make questions to the users
Doors are open from 20h-20h15. After that they'll be closed, and you will
have to call someone from the Pd-meeting to get in. To get a telephone
number to call or confirm assistance you can write to
steiner AT block4 DOT com.
Please, don´t call to the staff of NK to open the doors. They let us use
the space but we have to take care about having the meeting without
producing any disturbance to them, and to clean the space after the
We would apreciate if you would send us a small mail to
steiner AT block4 DOT com with your name, Pd experience and interests, so
that we know how many people might be coming. Or put your name in the
pd-berlin wiki page.
We would like to thank the support and willingness of NK in the
organization of these events.