tomorrow tuesday, 14th August 20:00, will be the next meeting of Pure
Data users in Berlin, this time at Weisestr 7, Berlin Neukoelln. From
20:00. Bring weisbeer, headphones, and X-->jack cable/s if you wanna
plug in the audio mixer and/or cable/connector if you want to show some
For general information, look up
We also encourage you to take an active part, and put up suggestions for
topics you want to talk about / topics you want to be talked about.
Pd-Berlin Google group: You can join the open group
http://groups.google.com/group/pd_berlin, and make questions to the users
Dear all,
it's with great pleasure that I announce the release of the latest issue of
the journal eContact!.
This issue, for which I've been Guest Editor, concentrates on
Biotechnological Performance Practice.
Probably some of the author's name will find familiar to you :)
Thanks to all the contributors for bringing together a wonderful (and
long-needed) collection of texts exploring this field.*
W/ Erich Berger, William Brent, Andrew Brouse, Corrado Cescon, yours
truly, Cota Navin Gupta, Peter Kirn, R. Benjamin Knapp, Kiel Long, Pedro
Lopes, Eric Lyon, Jaime E. Oliver, Miguel Ortiz, Gascia Ouzounian,
Ramaswamy Palanappian, Claudia Robles, STELARC, Joe Stevens, Atau Tanaka,
Valery Vermeulen, Peter Votava.
best wishes,
PRESS RELEASE -- for immediate diffusion / pour diffusion immédiate*
Please forward at large.
Communauté électroacoustique canadienne
(CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community
*eContact! 14.2 -- Biotechnological Performance Practice /*
*Pratiques de performance biotechnologique*
Guest Editor / Rédacteur invité: Marco Donnarumma
[E] Biological technologies are computational systems driven by
physiological and corporeal processes of the body. Endogenous mechanisms
that would otherwise be imperceptible become manifest in the form of data.
The field of biotechnological music performance is presented here through a
set of fascinating articles describing heterogeneous methodologies and
idiosyncratic musical ideas. (July 2012)
[F] Les technologies biologiques sont des systèmes informatiques pilotés
par des processus physiologiques et corporels. Des mécanismes endogènes
autrement imperceptibles deviennent apparents, sous forme de données.
Composé d'une série d'articles fascinants décrivant des méthodologies
hétérogènes et des idées musicales idiosyncrasiques, ce numéro est une
introduction au domaine de la performance musicale biotechnologique.
(juillet 2012)
Communauté électroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic
http://cec.sonus.ca \|\ mailto:cec@sonus.ca
http://FACEBOOK.com/cec.sonus \|\ http://TWITTER.com/cec_ca
Marco Donnarumma
New Media + Sonic Arts Practitioner, Performer, Teacher, Director.
ACE, Sound Design MSc by Research (ongoing)
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Portfolio: http://marcodonnarumma.com
Research: http://res.marcodonnarumma.com | http://www.thesaddj.com |
Director: http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net
Greetings all,
I have just posted a collection of student patches
for an interaction design course I was teaching at Emily Carr
University of Art and Design this past year. I hope that the patches will be useful to
people playing around with Pure Data in a learning environment,
installation artwork and other uses.
The link is: http://bit.ly/MI8AjN
or: http://videogameaudio.com/main.htm#patches
patches include multi-area motion detection, video games, collision
detection, facial tracking, 3D object manipulation, visualizations, beat
detection, motion detection, menu systems, spectral analysis, arduino
projects, movie mixing, augmented reality and more...
Pure Data Interaction Design Patches
These are projects from the Emily Carr University of Art and Design ISMA 202 Interaction + Social Medial Arts course for Spring 2012 term. All projects use Pure Data Extended and most run on Mac OS X. They could likely be modified with small changes to run on other platforms as well. The focus was on education so the patches are sometimes "works in progress" technically but should be very useful for others learning about PD and interaction design. As such, not all projects will run without issues and are simply provided "as is" for educational use.
NOTE: This page may move, please link from:
http://www.VideoGameAudio.com for correct location.
Instructor: Leonard J. Paul
Students: Aaron, Amanda, Andy, Brooks, Emily, Erim, Eunice, Graham, Ke, Kristine, Maryam, Melody, Sarah, Scott, Sebastian and Sinae.
Vertex Control is an interactive polyhedron manipulator that resembles a 16-bit cartridge video game. The viewer is presented with a video game style menu system with appropriate instructions. After selecting the basic polyhedron set Platonic Solids or the more complex Catalan Solids the user manipulates the shape with a game controller joystick. To further the wonder of a retro video game experience, a ten second burst mode can be triggered creating a motion blur effect on the solids.
Features: 3D objects, joystick input, menu system
Hero is a visual novel game using the options and selection functions. This program does not require much set up as it is a fairly simple program, as the focus is more on the art and story of the game as apposed to the functions.
Features: interactive novel, menu system, keyboard input
The technical part of this project is the most complex part of this project, which firstly, I need to purchase regular LEDs and resistors (in certain values) and they must be matched to each other. Also it's need a little bit of mathematical practice, which it needs me to plan a little circuit map to place those LEDs, resistors, and jumpers, to connect to Arduino.
The artistic side of this project is that I would like to make an interaction between music and light(LEDs). Ideally, I would like to make a really huge wall of LEDs and let people feel a sense of clubbing. And the audio input could be changed to other style of music to change audiences' moods.
Youtube video of project
Features: arduino, FFT analysis, spectral analysis, LED, beat detection
My goal is to create a musical instrument controlled by the Wiimote. The Wii controllers are the remote-shaped controllers of the Nintendo Wii which can be connected very easily to your computer or laptop by Bluetooth. In the controller there are a couple of movement sensors and an infrared camera for tracking IR-LEDs. Upon initialization, the program will play a tune that will be visualized digitally. By using the Wiimotes, the user will be able to remix and change the tune, visualization, and overall sound of the song. This will be achieved by using gesture recognition and an audio application in Pure Data.
Features: movie playback, movie mixing, remixing, audio crossfade, movie crossfade, gesture detection, wiimote, audio, video
For this assignment, I layered 4 videos on top of each other, and used the alpha to blend the layers. The layers are controlled by audio input levels, and there are equations that govern the alpha blend based on the volume coming into the computer. When the volume is low, there is a video of a house demolition, with a webcam video in the background. I used a Chroma Key patch to key the webcam video. Overtop, there is a video of a human cadaver dissection with a computer generated video of an animation of the immune system where the immune system is compared to an army. As the volume going into the microphone goes up, the cadaver/immune system overlays the webcam, all within the dark spots of a house being demolished.
Features: audio input, movie layering, movie alpha mask, movie mixing, movie playback
I used pure data with a webcam and FaceOSC software for face recognition and as a switch which interferes with multiple conditions like the sounds, video and model. The patch consists of two phases that includes two background videos, sound mixer, and a 3d model. The first phase is the inactive version of the patch, which means it doesn't get any feedback from the webcam. This part consists of the blacked out shape of the male 3D model, a noisy video loop of some clouds on the background and the white noise sound. When the patch starts to get a feedback the second phase gets activated; the background video and sound changes and the model start to move depending on the person in front of the camera. FaceOSC recognizes face through the webcam feedback and sends different numeric values of face's position and angle to pure data. I used these values to give real time motion to the 3D model to imitate the person's facial position and angle with it.
Features: facial recognition, gesture recognition, FaceOSC, movie playback, 3d model, audio processing, FFT analysis
The project I did was to use motion to control the different pitches and I did it using the motion detection patch from the example list as a base. I made it black and white to make it visually more contrasty. The idea was to how motions can trigger sound and to explore the "stillness" of sound as well. If there are movements, even just a little bit, there will be numerous pitches depending on the motion detector where it is hard to have a monotone since it is hard to get everyone still and not move.
Features: motion detection, video processing, intereactive audio synthesis
The technical side of this patch is based around a location trigger that uses motion disturbances within the webcams focal spectrum to send bangs to the different camera directions, providing for an 'unlimited' amount of perspectives of the graphic environment. These bangs are routed through a random object before being directed at 1 of 6 possible camera directions. the bangs are also coupled with a delay bang to disengage the camera movement after an interval of between 1 and 3 seconds.
The project was conceived and presented as a performative or "feed back" style of interaction by directing the webcam at the patch's projected image, henceforth triggering bangs based on its own graphics. Alternatively, the patch can be viewed on personal computers, in this case some movement on behalf of the viewer is required to set the camera in motion..
Features: motion detection, 3d objects, real-time audio synthesis, movie texture mapping, camera motion
In the final project, I explore the relationship between audio and visual images, three-dimensional geometric images moving in two-dimensional space. It eventually will form the audio visualization.
For the technical aspect, the sound and music I chose is the random dancing songs from radio. So I just used "connect url" to link the url address which depends on the Internet access. In terms of visual images, I will use some cubes and circles as objects. The "repeat" and "rotateXYZ" were used to organize the cubes and circles well on the screen. The interaction between images and music will include the scale, color, the rate of image shaking.
In the early time of the development of interactive images, there were a lot of artists exploring the relationship between 2D space and 3D space, such as John Whitney and John Cage. My goal is to achieve the visual composition and transformation in order to catch up with the controlled randomness, which means, on the one hand, the images are randomly positioned in two-dimensional space, and on the other hand, they are also framed and controlled in a certain range. The audience can play this interactive audio visualization by mouse..
Features: audio mp3 internet input stream, beat detection, 3d objects, vj colour effects, audio visualizer
For my final project, I want to use the physics 2d ball script/code. The motion of sweeping away objects will be the centre of this project. Sound will also be distorted with the movement of the ball. Videos will be mixed when the ball hits the walls of the window. The idea behind the this piece is to further distort the image of beauty that is shown through media in our present day.
Features: physics simulation, spring physics, movie playback, collision detection, movie crossfading, real-time audio scratching effect
I create an interactive game called the Dancing Puppet game. In this game the viewer has to make a sheep figure on the page to dance to the beat of the music by placing their hand on one of the 4 squares that get highlighted at the top of the page The figure will not dance unless the right places are pointed at, but the sheep doesn't necessarily point to the same square as the viewer is pointing. In terms of the artistic intentions I'm trying to illustrate the ideas of control through right and wrong and how the viewer will only be able to control the figure if they're right. But at the same time though the viewer thinks he/she is controlling the sheep the sheep reacts differently to what is expected and points at a different direction than the viewer. Maybe hinting at the plans that we make for our life thinking of doing what are write and wrong (if there is one) and the result being something we never expect. Also a hint to how we may all be very sheep like, and a puppet to destiny. On the technical side I started with a motion cell patch. the webcam is used as the main interaction tool that detect which square the viewer decides to place their hand on. The squares get highlighted to the beat of the song.
Features: video game, regional motion detection, multi-texture object
Puredata and the zip file should be enough to run this patch. When working on this patch I had a few goals in mind. I wanted to create something that related both to Science and to art, and to work on generating a 3D environment. I decided to create an artist interpretation of quantum particles popping in and out of existance while they bend the space around them.
Quantum shows particles which you can alter through the patch. They respond to music input and when forced upwards they bend a space grid bellow them. The background will also become brighter based on the users physical movement (if they have a webcam in their computer).
The technical component for this piece was combining various patches, modifying them and asking them to interact with eachother. There is a wave patch, a beat levels patch, a sphere patch, and a string patch all working to create this environment.
Features: real-time mp3 input audio stream, internet radio, 3d object, dynamic 3d objects, texture mapping, FFT analysis
So the technical part of my project was just to have the sound alter the spinning rotations of the spheres and cubes. The sound can be manipulated to the participants own liking. The other aspects (like the video) are there for aesthetic purposes. So my artistic goals with this piece were to just create an immersive virtual space that one could interact with.
Features: movie texture mapping, real-time audio synthesis
For my face swap patch, I borrowed some ideas from last year's "dog head" and "asteroid tracker" projects as well as getting the idea for large heads from playing "NBA Jam." Being that interactivity was the most important aspect of the project, I wanted to create something that was fun and could be used after the semester was over. Using the color-detection code from "asteroid tracker" I wanted the different goofy celebrity faces to overlay on top of the actual user's to make for some funny combinations. The patch tracks the user's facial position by finding the orange glasses that the user is wearing and increasing or decreasing the size of the overlay face image based on how close the sunglasses are to the webcam. It could be fun in a party or gallery setting where as soon as someone walks in front of the webcam while wearing the glasses, they have this celebrity face slapped on top of theirs.
Features: motion tracking, augmented reality
My patch enabled me to use a wireless usb game controller as a midi controller within Ableton Live. My piece didn't convey the message that I wanted to achieve artistically because it lacked the video aspect. My patch used a Logitech Rumblepad2 controller (selected in puredata) and sent out midi via LoopBe1 internal midi driver into ableton live, then midi paths were connected to effects and samples with live.
Features: game controller input
My patch was for a part of my performance which content is based on ocean and computer virus. I used ocean sound/music to create ocean environment, and the blue screen graphic that reminds the Blue Screen of death in PC which appears when PC gets a problem.
Features: motion detection, real-time webcam video effects, interactive audio synthesis
Apologies for --x-- posting
Dear Pd community,
We are delighted to announce a port of P.A. Tremblay's Max/MSP class
[ipoke~] into Pure Data by Katja Vetter.
ipoke~ v.3 is a variable speed buffer writer with linear interpolation.
Zipfile contains source, makefile, binaries for Linux32 & 64, Windows32 and
an OSX fat binary (ppc7400, i386, x86_64).
Also includes various test patches and comparisons with cyclone's [poke~].
Please see README.txt for further info.
This is an early beta release so please test and share your experience.
Special thanks to P.A. Tremblay for making this happen.
Pd ipoke~ is released under a 3-clause BSD license.
Pd port by Katja Vetter August 2012, with assistance from Matt Barber,
Julian Brooks, Alexander Harker, Charles Henry and P.A. Tremblay.
An exhibition of work by Anthony Antonellis
Curated by Nora O' Murchú
Opens 17th August 6PM - Late
Steambox, School Street, Dublin 8
Music by Deviant & Naive Ted
Exhibition times:
Monday - Saturday 12 - 5pm
Show runs from August 17th - September 1st
PLEASE NOTE: Strobe lights and haze will be in use within a contained area
for the duration of this exhibition...
Net art primarily exists within a virtual public space, and is created to
be seen by anyone, anywhere, at any time. The immateriality and indistinct
physical location of net art challenges the traditional modes of viewing
and contextual experience that exists for art-viewing audiences. In this
exhibition, the curator challenges these issues by translating the
experience and conceptual understanding of Antonellis's work into a unique
immersive site-specific installation. The exhibition recalls the familiar
aesthetics of the original work and transforms, reassembles the work into
new forms, and re-contextualises them for the gallery setting.
The collaborative exchange between curator and artist is a fundamental part
of this exhibition. Consequently, the exhibition presents an experimental
model that challenges the conventional presentation and viewing of online
In this particular exhibition, CMYRGB is encountered as a room infused with
clouds of color that reflect the aesthetics of the original set of GIFS.
The immaterial work putitonapedestal.com, which in its original virtual
form, playfully critiques the role of institutional curation is recreated
through printed 3D forms and visual mappings.
Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V is 1 of 5 in a series of exhibitions entitled Run Computer,
Run - an exploration of critical and experimental approaches to curating
digital and new media art. Run Computer, Run is a series of thematic
exhibitions that discuss and explore curatorial representations of digital
artworks and speculate upon the interrelationship of digital technologies,
artistic and curation practice. The exhibition series concludes with a
publication with contributions from artists, leading new media critics and
More info: www.noraomurchu.com<http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.noraomurchu.com&h=5AQEX-ND…>
Anthony Antonellis
Lives and works on the internet.
Anthony Antonellis is a visual artist who is known primarily for his work
online, but his practice is not limited to virtual space. His process
copy-pastes between analog and digital states, exploring the simultaneity
of real and virtual objects. His recent works have experimented in short
animation, installations, painting, and internet based art. Several of his
pieces have been curated into the Rhizome ArtBase at the New Museum (New
York). His work has been included in recent exhibitions at Jacob’s Island
(London), Eyebeam (New York), Glitch Festival (Chicago/Amsterdam), and at
online galleries including bubblebyte.org and SPAMM.fr.
Antonellis studied at Savannah College of Art and Design, BFA in painting,
and Bauhaus-University Weimar, MFA in new artistic strategies. He is
currently an adjunct professor at Bridgewater State University.
http://**anthonyantonellis.com/ <http://anthonyantonellis.com/>
Nora O’ Murchú is a researcher, curator and designer. She has a degree in
Electronic and Computer Engineering from Nui- Galway, and a Masters in
Interactive Media from the University of Limerick. Her research interests
include grassroots prac- tices, open source culture, and programming.
She is the founder and creator of Tweak - Irelands premier digital and
interactive art festival. Through the platform of Tweak, Nora brought and
hosted some of the leading technologists, and digital artists to Ireland
for the first time, including Golan Levin, Massimo Banzi, Tristan Perich,
and Gregory Shakar.
She has recently received her PhD from the Interaction Design Centre in the
University of Limerick. Her research examined the online practices of open
source users and provides an in-depth analysis of this practice for an
Interaction Design context. In addition she suggests curation as a research
method for Interactions designers, and provides a detailed account of how
this methodology can foster creative innovation for end-users to work as
designers in the context of their everyday lives.
She has worked as a research associate for the Interaction Design Centre at
the University of Limerick, and the Interaction Research Studio at
Goldsmiths, where she has consulted on a broad range of topics, including
health informatics, and web platforms. She was the leading researcher on
the Tidy Street project — an EPSRC project between the Open University and
Goldsmiths that examined the shared energy practices of a small community
in Brighton, England.
Currently she is the curator in residence for the Irish Museum of
Contemporary Art, where she is investigating experimental curatorial
techniques for translating online digital practices into gallery settings
and meaningful experiences for visitors.
This show is kindly sponsored by:
Savage Lighting
Oxwood Print Solutions
Grand Canal Hotel
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line: unsubscribe]*
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Hi all,
Pd version 0.43-4 is available on http://crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/software.htm
or via git from sourceforge:
git clone git://pure-data.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/pure-data/pure-data
git checkout 0.43-4
This fixes a bug that only ppeared on linux so there's no compiled version
for Mac or Windows; the 0.43-3 releases are still the most recent for those
The git repo also contains preliminary work on 0.44. There are separate
0.43 and master branches; master contains the new unstable stuff. This should
all work OK but will get dodgy when I start making bigger changes.
a cordial invitation.
FILE Festival presents a concert for Biophysical Music and a workshop on
the Xth Sense in Sao Paulo with Marco Donnarumma.
~~ Concert
19th July
H. 20.40
Teatro SESI-SP, Av. Paulista, Sao Paulo.
- Music for Flesh II
- Nascent
Two diverse works in which the performer's muscular fibres produces sounds
that resonate the audience tympanic membrane.
Biophysical music is a term I coined to define sound that is a direct
result of joint biological and physical body mechanisms.
~~ Workshop
20th July
SESI-SP, Av. Paulista, Sao Paulo
- Xth Sense. Build your own biophysical open hardware, reclaim your body
and let it sound.
The *Xth Sense (XS)* is a biophysical musical instrument. With the sound of
your muscles you can produce music, and control any software applications.
The XS is free and open source, and it was named the “world’s most
innovative new musical instrument” by the Georgia Tech Center for Music
Technology (US, 2012).
You can build your own with £10, hack it or modify it. No need of APIs and
such. Just make it.
hope some of you can make it there tonight.
best wishes,
Marco Donnarumma
New Media + Sonic Arts Practitioner, Performer, Teacher, Director.
ACE, Sound Design MSc by Research (ongoing)
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Portfolio: http://marcodonnarumma.com
Research: http://res.marcodonnarumma.com | http://www.thesaddj.com |
Director: http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net
Temporarily at Matadero Madrid
Paseo de la Chopera, 14 · 28045 Madrid
+34 915 177 288
Interactivos?'12 Ljubljana: Obsolete Technologies of the Future
Call for Collaborators
Deadline: August 31, 2012
Workshop: September 5 - 15, 2012
Call for collaborations in the advanced workshop for project development
/Interactivos?'12 Ljubljana: Obsolete Technologies of the Future/, that
takes place in September 5 - 15, 2012 in Ljubljana (Slovenia).
Collaborators will participate in the production of six prototypes in
the fields of art and technology using existing or outdated technologies
in an entirely unexpected way to encourage novel approaches, promote
sustainability, and explore possibilities in the far future.
The collaborator is basic in the planning and development of the
workshops of Medialab-Prado, thus these are conceived as spaces for
collaborative work, knowledge exchange and theoretical and practical
training. It is an environment in which there is a horizontal
relationship among professors, developers and the collaborators.
Workshop advisors: Luka Frelih (director of Ljudmila, artist,
programmer), Ida Hiršenfelder (art critic, art consultant), Chris Sugrue
(artist, programmer) and Yago Torroja (hardware, electronics).
Complete information and guidelines:
**An activity within the framework of Studiolab European project:
(Apologies for cross-postings)
(Do not hesitate to forward to interested colleagues and students)
(French version below)
Call for Projects 2013-2014: Musical Research Residency Program
Submission Deadline: September 30, 2012
Details and submission procedure:
The fourth edition of Ircam's Musical Research Residency program is now open for online submissions for the 2013-2014 school calendar. Ircam (Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics and Music) offers experimental environments where composers/artists strive to expand their artistic experience at one end, and scientists aim at extending research and technological paradigms for new artistic expressions. Such interactive process is called Musical Research.
For its fourth edition, Ircam and the INEDIT Project partners are inviting composers and artists to submit projects for the 2013-2014 Musical Research Residency program. The program is open to international artists, regardless of age or nationality, who wish to carry experimental research using Ircam's and partners’ facilities and extensive research environment. Submission is online only and an international panel of experts including researchers, composers, computer musicians and artists will evaluate each project. Upon nomination, each candidate will be granted a residency at Ircam during a specific period (three or six months) and in association with a team/project at Ircam. In addition, laureates receive an equivalent of 1200 Euros per month to cover expenses in France.
Appel à projet 2013-2014: Résidence de Recherche Musicale
Date limite de candidature: 30 Septembre 2012
Plus d'information et procédure de candidature:
L’Ircam (Institut de recherche et coordination acoustique/musique) offre un environnement unique pour l’expérimentation, permettant aux compositeurs d’étendre leur expérience musicale et de repenser leur pratique à travers les concepts et idées liés aux développements des nouvelles technologies les plus récentes. Ces technologies sont le résultat des défis posés aussi bien par les impulsions artistiques que par les nouveaux domaines de recherche explorés par les équipes scientifiques. Ce processus interactif est appelé “Recherche musicale”.
La quatrième édition du programme de résidences de recherche musicale est ouverte aux artistes internationaux, sans condition d’âge ou de nationalité, qui souhaitent conduire un projet de recherche musicale en bénéficiant des facilités matérielles et de la richesse de son environnement de recherché à l’Ircam et chez les partenaires. Les candidats seront choisis selon un processus de sélection faisant appel à l’expertise de chercheurs et artistes internationaux. Les lauréats vont bénéficier d'une résidence pour une durée de trois à six mois en lien étroit avec les équipes de recherche de l’Ircam et partenaires. Le candidat recevra une équivalent forfaitaire de 1200 euros par mois pour couvrir ses frais pendant sa résidence en France.
Arshia Cont
Research/Creativity Interfaces Department,
Ircam - Centre Pompidou, Paris, France.
Musical Metacreation 2012
Submissions Now Due July 15
((( MUME 2012 )))
1st International Workshop on Musical Metacreation
Held at the Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE'12)
Stanford, Palo Alto, California, USA
October 9, 2012
Having received several requests, we have extended the deadline for
Paper and Demo Submissions:
New Deadline *** JULY 15, 2012 ***
Thanks to continued progress in artistic and scientific research, a
new possibility is emerging in our musical relationship with
technology: Generative Music or Musical Metacreation, the design and
use of computer music systems which are "creative on their own".
Metacreation involves using tools and techniques from artificial
intelligence, artificial life, and machine learning, themselves often
inspired by cognitive and life sciences. The workshop will bring
together artists, practitioners and researchers interested in
developing software and systems that autonomously (or interactively)
recognize, learn, represent, complete, accompany, compose or interpret
For complete details on topics, attendance, submissions and dates,
please visit the workshop website: