(Sorry for cross-posting)
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are currently running an online survey in order to gain insights for the development of musical interactions and systems for smartphones. The survey includes 28 online questions, which will take less than 15 min of your time. We would like to kindly invite you to take part in this survey on Mobile Music Interfaces at the following link and also ask you to spread this link to the survey around your networks.
here it is the link:
Thank you for your time and for your participation!!
M.Koray Tahiroğlu
Department of Media,
Aalto University, School of Art and Design
tel: +358 45 233 6272
Hi all,
Just a friendly reminder that JANUARY 11 is the deadline for all
submissions to the Linux Audio Conference (LAC 2012), which will take
place at CCRMA (Stanford, California) in April
Santa LACus wishes a great paper-and-music-submitting holiday to all!
Ho, ho.
- - - - - - - - -
LAC 2012: the Linux Audio Conference - Call for Participation
April 12-15, 2012 @ CCRMA, Stanford University
[Apologies for cross-postings] [Please distribute]
Online submission of papers, music, installations and workshops is now
open! On the website you will find up-to-date instructions, as well as
important information about deadlines, travel, lodging, and so on. Read
on for more details!
We invite submissions of papers addressing all areas of audio processing
based on Linux and open source software. Papers can focus on technical,
artistic or scientific issues and can target developers or users. We are
also looking for music that has been produced or composed entirely or
mostly using Linux and other Open Source music software.
The Deadline for all submissions is January 11th, 2012
The Linux Audio Conference (LAC) is an international conference that
brings together musicians, sound artists, software developers and
researchers, working with Linux as an open, stable, professional
platform for audio and media research and music production. LAC includes
paper sessions, workshops, and a diverse program of electronic music.
The upcoming 2012 conference will be hosted at CCRMA, Stanford
University, on April 12-15. The Center for Computer Research in Music
and Acoustics (CCRMA) at Stanford University is a multi-disciplinary
facility where composers and researchers work together using
computer-based technology both as an artistic medium and as a research
tool. CCRMA has been using and developing Linux as an audio platform
since 1997.
Stanford University is located in the heart of Silicon Valley, about one
hour south of San Francisco, California. This is the first time LAC will
take place in the United States.
We look forward to seeing you at Stanford in April!
The LAC 2012 Organizing Team
Sofy is hosting us again at the new space, 319 Scholes, in East Williamsburgh, right around the corner from 3rd Ward. Patch up some gifts for the holidays!
We spend enough time alone staring at our computers; we are proposing
to work together. So often issues that arise when working can be
solved with a quick two minute discussion that would take hours to
solve alone. We have Dorkbot to see people's work, we have Share where
anyone can play, we have workshops and universities to learn from.
This is a meeting where we all can come to work.
This is an informal gathering of patching and patchers (Pd, Max/MSP/
Jitter, and even vvvv, Eyesweb, Labview, etc.). Beginners and
Experienced welcome. Open to everyone, students, the public, etc. Work
on personal projects, professional projects, school projects, ask for
help, help others, or just patch quietly to yourself, in a room full of
other people patching patches and helping other people patch.
Tomorrow, Tuesday 12/20, 6-10pm
Patching Circle, http://puredata.info/community/NYCPatchingCircle
319 Scholes, http://319scholes.org/
319 Scholes St (near 3rd Ward)
Brooklyn, NY 11206
917 755 0390 (Sofy)
Mailing List
We also now have a mailing list for announcing the meeting each month, its very low traffic, only the monthly announcements. Sign up here:
(sorry for x-post)
Dear all,
this is to cordially invite you to the premiere of my latest work titled
"Hypo Chrysos".
It is a new biomedia performance for enhanced body, interactive
multi-channel sound and video (purely Pure Data-based).
Friday 16th December
h 20.00
Auditorium, CaixaForum, Madrid.
Following, Herman Kolgen will perform his work "Inject".
Hypo Chrysos is the second piece of a series of bio-interactive works based
on the Xth Sense (XS), an open, biophysical and wearable technology I've
recently developed.
The work was composed ad hoc for the Matadac festival in Madrid, which this
year explores the theme of Machines and Flesh.
In conjunction with this premiere, I'm teaching a workshop on biophysical
generation and control of music and video using the Xth Sense tech.
Hypo Chrysos: http://marcodonnarumma.com/works/hypo-chrysos/
Xth Sense: http://marcodonnarumma.com/works/xth-sense/
XS Workshop:
Matadac Festival: http://www.madatac.es/
Hope to see some of you there,
best wishes,
Marco Donnarumma
Independent New Media and Sonic Arts Practitioner, Performer, Teacher
ACE, Sound Design MSc by Research (ongoing)
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Portfolio: http://marcodonnarumma.com
Research: http://res.marcodonnarumma.com | http://www.thesaddj.com |
Director: http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net
| pdmtl#45 |
| La quarante-cinquième rencontre du club d'utilisateurs de /
| PureData de Montréal aura lieu le samedi 10 décembre 2011 (
| de 13h00 à 17h00 au FouLab. \
| Le FouLab est situé au local 33B du /
| 999, rue du Collège, dans l'arrondissement Sud-Ouest, (
| à 5 minutes du métro Place-Saint-Henri (ligne orange). \
| Entrée gratuite ! (
| à l'horaire : |
| 1. Packet Party |
| par MaxD |
Packet Party est une patch développée pour intervention publique. Packet Party
sonifie le trafic de réseaux informatiques, pour sensibiliser le public à
propos des réseaux qu'ils utilisent régulièrement.
| 2. démos de patchs diverses |
| par Mathieu BOUCHARD |
/ `-------[#remap_image]
Je présenterai :
a) polar.pd : pixélisation en coordonnées polaires
b) zède1.pd : inversion complexe des coordonnées de l'image
c) koch_polygon*.pd : construction récursive de polygones
d) gl-poly-demo-with-blend.pd : troupeau de triangles
e) joyeux_noël.pd : joyeux noël !
(il s'agit d'une patch des exemples de GridFlow, une patch variante d'une patch
d'aide, et trois patchs inédites)
| 3. (Œuvre sans titre) |
| par le collectif //termostat\\ : |
| Stéphanie CASTONGUAY, Jenny ABOUAV, Romain BERGER |
L'œuvre consiste à capter les ondes présentes dans un espace et de
« matérialiser » sous la forme d'image en mouvement l'aspect invisible de ces
flux permanents qui transitent dans les espaces publics. À savoir, capter le
chemin et l'action que les gens parcourent/actionnent sur internet à travers
leurs téléphones portables, leurs ordinateurs et de le matérialiser dans
l'espace où ces informations transitent, ne font que passer. À travers ce
projet, la question de la proximité entre l'espace public et l'espace privé est
| 4. Cercle de patcheux et de patcheuses |
/ `--[s $0-allô]
Pour que tout le monde réponde aux questions de tout le monde, au sujet du
tricotage de patchs, du gossage d'abstractions, du macramé de DSP, de la
broderie linéaire récursive, et cætera et cætera...
| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC
Pdmtl mailing list
hi All! i would like to share the new programmation of mEtamina Free
Net Radio here, also the Pd code is available for dowload..
enjoy !!
MetaminaFNR >> A Tasty of Small Signals (English below)
Desde metaminaFNR presentamos nueva programación, despues de la
emisión durante el pasado mes de mayo del compilado en doble cassette
"Madrid es Ruido" del sello "For Noise's Sake", tras algunas emisiones
clandestinas y la búsqueda de un nuevo server donde alojarnos
temporalmente, el mes de diciembre lo dedicaremos a la escucha de este
magnífico proyecto sonoro "A Tasty of Small Signals" editado en DVD
por el sello STÖRUNG (Barcelona) y el Centro Puertas de Castilla
(Murcia) y comisiariado por Francisco López. 91 microcomposiciones de
2 minutos realizadas por 7 artistas internacionales: James Webb,
Lawrence English, Francisco López, Asmus Tietchens, Louis Dufort, Alan
Courtis y Zbigniew Karkowski.
Queríamos emitirlo de forma especial y extender las posibilidades que
el código y los nuevos formatos de emisión radiofónica en tiempo real
por internet (live stream) nos ofrecen. Para ello hemos desarrollado
un script en "Pure Data" que irá mezclando entre sí las 91
microcomposiciones de forma variada, siguiendo diferentes
distribuciones de probabilidad (cadenas de markow) que hemos asignado
a cada fragmento, con lo que podremos escuchar diferentes versiones y
estructuras de la mezcla segun el dia y hora e el que nos conectemos a
la emisión.
Audio stream url: http://suservidor.servideo.org:8000/metaminaFNR.ogg
web: http://metaminafnr.hotglue.me/
MetaminaFNR >> A Tasty of Small Signals
mEtaminaFNR introduce a new programming, after the emissions during
the last May of the double cassette compilation "Madrid is Ruido"
released by the label "For Noise's Sake ", after some clandestine
broadcasts and the search for a new server where to stay temporarily.
In December we will be devoted to listening the great project "A Tasty
of Small Signals" edited on DVD for the label Störung (Barcelona) and
the Centro Puertas de Castilla (Murcia) and curated by Francisco
López. 2 minutes 91 microcompositions made by 7 international artists:
James Webb, Lawrence English, Francisco López, Asmus Tietchens, Louis
Dufort, Alan Courtis y Zbigniew Karkowski.
We wanted to stream it in a special way and work on the possibilities
of the code and experiment with new broadcasts formats. For that we
are developed a script in “Pure Data” which will mix up the 91
microcompositions “on the fly”, following different probability
distributions (Markov Chains) assigned to each of the fragment, so we
will listen different versions and structures of the mixer depending
on the day and time.
Audio stream url: http://suservidor.servideo.org:8000/metaminaFNR.ogg
web: http://metaminafnr.hotglue.me/
oscar martin && [noish]
Rhode Island School of Design seeks a forward-thinking artist/designer, educator, and scholar for the position of Assistant Professor in its highly regarded Graduate Department of Digital + Media. The successful candidate will be an artist/designer working with emergent technologies and engaged in understanding their relationship to other media, disciplines and debates within contemporary theory and reflexive practice. He or she will have a record of critical thought and action in art, technology and society and will contribute to a department culture of curricular innovation and progressive teaching and research practices. He or she will play an important collaborative role in supporting the diverse work of Digital + Media graduate students and facilitating partnerships with other graduate programs at RISD as well as external partners. He or she will contribute to the development of the Digital + Media Department as a research incubator and creative forum at RISD, and advance the Digital + Media program within the expanding field of new media and technology in art and design graduate education.
Established in 2003, the Department of Digital + Media offers a selective MFA program for students who bring diverse research interests and creative explorations of technology and culture to the fields of contemporary art/design and new media practices. The Department of Digital + Media has an interdisciplinary structure and reach, with strong connections to RISD’s 15 other graduate departments and programs, as well as with neighboring Brown University. The position offers a unique opportunity for a dynamic intellectual and creative individual to help guide the department in collaborative explorations of advanced art, design, and research practices within the contemporary cultural environment of ubiquitous digital media. For more information about the department, please see: http://dm.risd.edu/about/
Applicants should have a terminal graduate degree in a relevant field, or equivalent experience; a substantial record of teaching at the college or university level; and a strong record of research and creative work.
Applicants must provide a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy, examples of curriculum design and/or original course syllabi, documentation of creative and student work, and contact information for three references. Review of applications will begin immediately, and continue until the position is filled. Candidates who submit their materials by January 17, 2012 will be assured full consideration.
For more information about RISD and to apply online visit http://www.risd.edu/jobs
RISD is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage inquiries from candidates who will enrich and contribute to the cultural and ethnic diversity of our College. RISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, genetics, or any other protected characteristic as established by law, in employment, or in our education programs.
Shawn Greenlee, Ph.D.
Chair, Digital+Media Faculty Search Committee
Assistant Professor, Division of Foundation Studies
Rhode Island School of Design