I am happy to announce the release of PuREST JSON 1.0.0, code name:
Pendulum, as well as the version 1.0.0-json-c-0.10, code name: Ye Olde
PuREST JSON is a library for working with RESTful HTTP webservices, and
JSON data.
Authentication and authorization for webservices are available with
basic HTTP auth, cookie authentication, and OAuth. As an example for
OAuth authenticated webservices, a Twitter client is included.
Changes since 0.15.0:
- Info for users while loading object
- Two releases for different versions of json-c
- Bug fixes in [json-encode]:
-- array handling
-- number handling
Github repository:
Source code packages:
Full documentation:
Binaries for Windows and Debian i386 and amd64:
Build instructions for all platforms:
Have fun,
"Ich komme aus dem Staunen nicht heraus."
"Dann bleib halt drin, du Seppel"
(Dietmar Dath - Die Abschaffung der Arten)
Hi everybody,
I'm pleased to share my new libraries : Chocolate & Coffee.
For the HOA project, I've developed a C library to facilitate the creation
of graphical objects for Pure Data and to allow further interactions with
the users. My experimentation objects were a VU-meter and a number box for
signal. They appeared useful and ergonomic for me so I undertook to extend
the list.
Quickly : Chocolate is a set of GUIs sometimes already available in PD
Vanilla, PD extented or Max with new features (like presets edition) that I
hope, you'll enjoy. And it will be a part of a more complex project for the
writting of events. Coffee is a set of objects to facilitate the patch
The libraries are available for Mac, Windows and Linux and they have been
tested on PD extented 0.43 and PD 0.45.
Download : https://github.com/pierreguillot/PdEnhanced/releases
Feedback are wellcome (for developement questions, the best is to use the
git project).
I hope you'll find this libraries useful.
Bonne année
Ps : The C library seems to work very well under Linux. So, if we don't
have problems with the other dependencies, we'll be able to offer a Linux
version of the Hoa Library very quickly.
(lecture by Massimo Scamarcio)
Audio feedback has been used as a tool by numerous electronic /
electroacoustic musicians, composers and performers, as well as sound
artists. This talk will address some of the potentialities of audio
feedback as well as its strong relationship with acoustic space.
Massimo Scamarcio will discuss the basics of feedback theory and audio
feedback, showing how to trigger and control it using the Supercollider
software, and focusing on some of its compositional and performative
Monday, 16.12.2013, 19:00 h
ESMUC. Room 114.
Padilla, 155 (Edifici L'Auditori). Barcelona.
Metro Marina, Glòries o Monumental.
web: [ http://lullcec.org ]
facebook: [ http://facebook.com/lullcec ]
twitter: [ http://twitter.com/lullcec ]
Sorry for cross-posting, posted it to off-topic first, it fits here better
Medea Electronique announces an open call for works for the upcoming
'Electric Nights' Festival, a 27hour long festival of experimental
electronic music, DIY and noise art.
Check the call here
My new work (in pure data) is now available for listening, with
accompanying documentation at:
An entirely autonomous performing/composing instrument, using 12 tone
Written in Pure Data, an internal variable score defines a semi-fixed
structure. A 12 tone pitch matrix is automatically built, and the various
transformations, inversions, and retrogrades are triggered to playback via
a Euclidean rhythm generator.
Audio output is routed back into the system for automated processing and
spatialization via scored event triggers, and weighted random number
Every performance is unique.
Thanks for looking!
Hi List,
An update to PDP:
Port SCAF MMX code to x86_64 ABI
Revive pdp_opengl (3dp)
SCAF (Simple Cellular Automata Forth) is ported to x86_64 ABI. It still
uses the old MMX 64bit integer code which makes little sense on x86_64,
but at least it works.
3dp mostly works. Some known issues in corner cases
- example05.pd : multiple window render contexts causes crash
- example06.pd : bug in scaf CA grid -> texture conversion ?
The texture feedback also looks a little weird - not as I remember it.
(apologies for cross-posting)
We have 4 seats left available for this workshop that is to start
From the rhythmic, flanging reflections of tiny, narrow corridors to the
long, deep reverberations of large halls and churches, space has always
had a deep and inseparable relationship with sound. Sound carries with
it the identity of the acoustic space in which it occurs: it travels
through air, bouncing on walls and obstacles, waves of acoustic energy
being absorbed, reflected, and progressively shaped by the
characteristics of the room. This workshop focuses on the investigation
of space and will use the SuperCollider software (if you use PureData or
MAX/MSP, read further below).
Participants will be shown the basic techniques for analysing sound and
extracting meaningful data such as pitch, amplitude, spectral centroids,
frequency peaks and more. The Fast Fourier Transform will also be
discussed. An important part of the workshop will be to use audio
feedback as a way to investigate space and as a tool for systemic
construction. Audio feedback is space-made-sound, and as such,
techniques for triggering and controlling it will be introduced and
The workshop will then focus on the acoustic spaces and resonances of
common-found objects. By means of piezo contact mics, miniature
microphones and other transducers, the "space" of the objects will be
explored and investigated, resonant frequencies will be measured and
feedback structures will be set up between the objects themselves and
also between the objects and the acoustic space of the room.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate. Some previous exposure to working with
SuperCollider is preferred, but beginners are welcome. The workshop will
use SuperCollider mainly, but MAX/MSP and PureData patches will be
provided for most of the techniques that we will cover.
Tutor: Massimo Scamarcio [ http://massimoscamarcio.com/ ]
Language: English
Some materials will be available at the venue (piezo contact mics &
miniature mics, mini-speakers, some common objects) Participants should
bring their own computer with a recent release of SuperCollider
installed. Audio interfaces are a plus but not required. Participants
are also encouraged to bring their own materials (mics, preamps, etc) &
objects (can be anything – from glass vases to plastic pipes, bottles
and everything in-between).
Saturday 14.12.2013, 12:00-14:30h, 16:30-20:00h
Sunday 15.12.2013, 12:00–14:30h, 16:30-:20:00h
Location: Joan Casas, 2. Metro Glòries. Barcelona.
+info: [
http://lullcec.org/en/2013/workshops/el-feedback-com-a-espai-lespai-com-fee… ]
web: [ http://lullcec.org ]
facebook: [ http://facebook.com/lullcec ]
twitter: [ http://twitter.com/lullcec ]
(apologies for cross-posting)
In this workshop, complex dynamical feedback systems for human-machine
interaction performance, autonomous sound installations and
non-conventional sound synthesis will be discussed and put to practice.
The workshop will be divided into two main parts:
First, a theoretical part will cover the properties of feedback systems
from a systemic and cybernetic perspective within the framework of
emergent and complex phenomena, along with theoretical concepts related
to such an approach for creative practices.
In the second part, Dario Sanfilippo will present some of his works and
techniques and such systems will be implemented through the Pure Data
programming environment trying to give the possibility to each
participant to personalise their own systems. During the implementation
process, technical and theoretical aspects of the techniques used will
also be discussed.
Requirements: A laptop with the last version of Pure Data-extended
installed and any kind of microphone.
Tutor: Dario Sanfilippo
Saturday 07.12.2013, 19:00-21:30h
Sunday 08.12.2013, 12:00–14:30h, 16:30-:19:30h
+info: [
http://lullcec.org/en/2013/workshops/eco-sistemes-dinamics-complexos-basats… ]
web: [ http://lullcec.org ]
facebook: [ http://facebook.com/lullcec ]
twitter: [ http://twitter.com/lullcec ]
[Sorry for cross-posting, please distribute]
We are happy to announce the next issue of the Linux Audio Conference
(LAC), May 1-4, 2014 @ ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics, in
Karlsruhe, Germnany.
The Linux Audio Conference is an international conference that brings
together musicians, sound artists, software developers and researchers,
working with Linux as an open, stable, professional platform for audio
and media research and music production. LAC includes paper sessions,
workshops, and a diverse program of electronic music.
*Call for Papers, Workshops, Music and Installations*
We invite submissions of papers addressing all areas of audio processing
and media creation based on Linux. Papers can focus on technical,
artistic and scientific issues and should target developers or users. In
our call for music, we are looking for works that have been produced or
composed entirely/mostly using Linux.
The online submission of papers, workshops, music and installations is
now open at http://lac.linuxaudio.org/2014/participation
The Deadline for all submissions is January 27th, 2014 (23:59 HAST).
You are invited to register for participation on our conference website.
There you will find up-to-date instructions, as well as important
information about dates, travel, lodging, and so on.
This year's conference is hosted by the ZKM | Institute for Music und
Acoustics (IMA). The IMA is a forum for international discourse and
exchange and combines artistic work with research and development in the
context of electroacoustic music. By holding concerts, symposia and
festivals on a regular basis it brings together composers, musicians,
musicologists, music software developers and listeners interested in
contemporary music. Artists in Residence and software developers work on
their productions in studios at the institute. With digital sound
synthesis, algorithmic composition, live-electronics up to radio plays,
interactive sound installations and audiovisual productions their
creations cover a broad range of what digital technology can inspire the
musical fantasy to.
The ZKM is proud to be the place of the LAC for the fifth time after
having initiated the conference in 2003.
We look forward to seeing you in Karlsruhe in May!
The LAC 2014 Organizing Team