Call for projects:
PlayLab: Laboratory of experimentation with video games**
Deadline: *November 25, 2009 *
Call for collaborators: *December 14, 2009 through January 20, 2010
Teachers: *Mar Canet, Antonin Fourneau*, and *Abelardo Gil-Fournier*.
Coordinated by *Flavio Escribano
*Venue: *Medialab-Prado* in Madrid (Spain)*
Call for the presentation of proposals to be carried out within the
collaborative production workshop that will take place in Medialab-Prado
(Madrid, Spain) on January (21 to 24) and February (4 to 7), 2010.
PlayLab aims to explore the context of games and video games as a space
for creativity, experimentation, learning and reflection. It also aims
to create an environment that leads to collaborative work in which
different disciplines come together.
PlayLab's activities are proposed as an open and participatory research
process from which one can approach video games, a phenomenon that is
becoming more extensive and influent in Contemporary Society, and
explore its critical potential, its learning possibilities and its
capacity to create social spaces that go beyond the purely commercial
and standardized. PlayLab is also interested in the history of games and
video games as it examines its possible genealogies and studies its
social, cognitive and psychological effects characteristic of video
games today.
Check the call guidelines and submit your project before *November 25,
2009. *No entry fees.*
More information and call guidelines:
playlab (at) medialab-prado.es
With the collaboration of ArsGames and PlayStation®
Plaza de las Letras
Calle Alameda, 15
28014 Madrid (Spain)
Nerea García Garmendia
Comunicación / Press
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda, 15 28014 Madrid
Tfno. +34 914 202 754
"Antes de imprimir este documento asegúrate de que es realmente necesario. ¡Gracias por tu colaboración!"
There is currently a PD installation in our university's gallery in
Sewanee Tennessee ( hometown of Miller Puckette)
the press release is below.
Sewanee’s University Art Gallery presents Nowcasting, an installation
created by the collaborative group TEH. It will be on view in the
University Gallery from October 9 – November 22, 2009. There will be
an artists’ talk and reception on Friday, October 23rd at 4:30 pm in
Convocation Hall, immediately adjacent to the University Art Gallery.
Visitors to Nowcasting will experience the building of a digitized
storm in the confines of the gallery. Like TEH’s other works, this
installation is intended to “challenge the senses through the use of
simulation, and present weather/environment through mediated, virtual
and physical processes.” Entering a gallery space transformed by
sound, visitors will question the reality of what their senses tell
them about the surrounding environment.
TEH includes the artists Phillip Andrew Lewis, Adam Trowbridge and
Jessica Westbrook. They named their collaboration TEH after a mistake
commonly made when using a keyboard – typing “teh” instead of “the.”
This name represents the group’s interest in how an actively
participating audience can be a factor in the meaning of an artwork.
Individuals have unintended and surprising effects on the messages
they create and receive. This name also represents the group’s
interest in the difficulties of communication. Messages are often
scrambled, or mean different things to different people.
Representations intended to simulate reality can never be exactly the
same thing.
TEH uses modern interactive technologies to create their
installations, but is also interested in examining the impact and
meaning of those technologies for their users. In a world where we are
surrounded by televisions, wii games, computers and cell phones, how
is our experience of that world changed? The group’s current focus is
on the intersection of technology with weather and specific physical
sites. In today’s world, we experience even something as essential as
the weather mediated through technology. What are the implications if
technology can fool our senses and convincingly simulate real physical
Phillip Andrew Lewis often explores the viewer’s navigation of mental
and physical environments in his work. He received his Bachelor of
Arts in Psychology from the University of Memphis, and his MFA from
the Memphis College of Art. In 2005 Lewis established Medicine
Factory, a contemporary art space in downtown Memphis, and has
exhibited nationally and internationally. His professional awards
include a 2009 Digital Art Commission from the Austin Peay State
University New Media Program, a 2008 Tennessee Arts Commission
Individual Artist Fellowship, and a 2008 Public Art Grant from the
Urban Art Commission, Memphis. Lewis teaches Photography and Media
Arts at the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga.
Adam Trowbridge uses a variety of approaches and media, including
performance, video and computer-driven installations, to explore the
connections, and the gaps, between what we experience and what we
understand. Trowbridge received his MFA in Electronic Visualization /
Responsive Art from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and his
work has been featured nationally and internationally, including at
the Anthology Film Archives in New York, and at the Square Eyes
Festival in the Netherlands.
Jessica Westbrook works with photography, video, language, and
information design. In her work she explores subjective and often
contradictory responses to anything from cultural artifacts to extreme
situations. Westbrook received her MFA from the Tyler School of Art.
In 2005 she established the artist’s collective SEED in Chattanooga,
and has exhibited nationally and internationally. She has recently
been featured in Static, the Journal of the London Consortium, and in
Chicago’s artstorage.org. She teaches Photography and Graphic Design
at the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga.
Sewanee’s University Art Gallery is located on Georgia Avenue on the
campus of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. The
gallery is free, accessible, and open to the public. Hours are 10 – 5
Tuesday through Friday and 12 – 4 on Saturday and Sunday. Please call
(931) 598-1223 for more information, or visit our website at
**International Project Development Workshop and International Seminar*
*November 12 to 27, 2009 at **Medialab-Prado (Madrid, Spain)*
**Deadline for registrations: November 11, 2009
This new edition will focus on the implications of using data structure
visualization to aid in public processes of decision-making. The goal is
to offer new ways to make public data available to everyone, in formats
that make it possible to reuse them and foster citizen innovation
processes. Topics such as water wasting, patent registrations, Internet
piracy, H1N1evolution or the use of social networks in politics will be
Collaborators can join any of the developing teams that will carry out
the selected proposals, depending on their particular interests and
skills, thus contributing with their knowledge and skills and at the
same time learning from the other group members and from the leading
tutors: Ben Cerveny (Stamen), Aaron Koblin, and Manuel Lima, with the
support of Bestiario collective.
Collaborators' profile: The call is aimed at artists, engineers,
programmers, software developers, designers, film & video makers,
architects, hackers, psychologists, sociologists, journalists,
ecologists, physicists, chemists, biologists or any other person
interested in participating in the development of selected proposals.
Medialab-Prado will cover for the stay of a limited number of participants.
No entry fees.
Event directed by José Luis de Vicente.
*More information and online submission form: *
visualizar (at) medialab-prado.es
Venue: *Medialab-Prado*
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda, 15 28014 Madrid (Spain)
T. +34 914 202 754
Nerea García Garmendia
Comunicación / Press
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda, 15 28014 Madrid
Tfno. +34 914 202 754
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "library" <library(a)exchange.tc.columbia.edu>
> Date: October 20, 2009 1:01:31 PM EDT
> Subject: Invitation: Pure Data Focus Group, with Natacha Diels,
> Friday, 10/30, 4-6pm (rescheduled)
> The Gottesman Libraries & New Blankets invites you to attend a
> Pure Data Workshop
> Led by Natacha Diels, Flautist & Composer
> Friday, October 30, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
> The Gottesman Libraries
> Room 305
> Teachers College, Columbia University
> 525 West 120th Street
> RSVP by Wednesday, October 28 to library(a)tc.edu
> Flautist and composer Natacha Diels was born in Los Angeles in 1981
> and spent most of her childhood in New Mexico. She holds a BM in
> flute performance from New York University and a MPS from the
> Interactive Telecommunications program at Tisch School of the Arts,
> New York University.
> In 2002 Natacha founded the new music group Ensemble Pamplemousse
> (non-profit inc. 2004), with the purpose of commissioning and
> performing electroacoustic works for chamber ensemble. Natacha also
> performs in contemporary, classical, and improvised contexts,
> including such ensembles as On Stucture, Tall Brown Boots, and Red
> Light New Music. She has participated as performer and composer in
> new music and art festivals all over the world. Natacha is dedicated
> to helping others incorporate technology and music and has taught
> workshops at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago; the
> Montessori School of Raleigh; the Upper Catskill Community Center
> for the Arts; and Hartwick College. She is currently developing a
> Montessori program in contemporary music with Corinne Sigel.
> This workshop is co-sponsored by the Gottesman Libraries and New
> Blankets, a non profit organization spear-headed by Joseph Deken of
> the University of California San Diego to develop new collaborative
> technologies and innovative projects. For this workshop you may
> bring your own laptop and headphones, or use equipment provided by
> the Gottesman Libraries.
> Individuals with disabilities are invited to request reasonable
> accommodations including, but not limited to sign language
> interpretation, Braille or large print materials, and a campus map
> of accessible features. Address these requests to the Office of
> Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities at (212)
> 678-3689, keller(a)tc.edu, or Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services at
> (212) 678-3853 V/TTY, jaech(a)tc.edu.
> http://library.tc.columbia.edu/news.php?id=484
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Técnicas en música electroacústica, circuitos electrónicos, bioelectrónica y
procesamiento de señal digital en tiempo real.
http://labormedia.cl/algoritmia Resumen: La orientación del taller es la
integración de conocimientos prácticos de medios musicales, electrónicos,
informáticos, bioelectrónicos y matemáticos para la formulación de proyectos
estéticos. Los participantes deberán imaginar un cauce de acción con las
herramientas entregadas en cada módulo, para luego dirigirlo a una
presentación donde podrán debatir y formular alternativas en torno a las
formas de lógica disponibles para la realización concreta: su estructura,
función y experiencia. Duración de cada módulo: 8 horas pedagógicas de 45
min. El método formativo utilizado (esquema CUATRO) consta de diversos
módulos temáticos con una duración total por módulo de 8 horas pedagógicas
de 45 min. equivalentes a 4 sesiones de 90 min. para un máximo de 4
personas. El expositor guía cada sesión al estudio representativo de la
técnica para luego llevar a la práctica la aplicación mediante la
construcción de una obra. - Lugar: dōjō 道場. Matucana 151 (Metro Quinta
Normal), Santiago, Chile. - Valor por módulo: $40.000.- - Fechas y horario:
del 2 al 30 de noviembre; para horarios por módulo, consultar. - Modo de
pago: vía depósito bancario, transferencia electrónica o en efectivo. -
Inscripciones: al correo algoritmia(a)labormedia.cl o al teléfono (562)
8805476. Módulos para octubre: + Introducción a Sensores Análogos para
Interfaces Interactivas. + Introducción a Pure Data (Pd). + Introducción a
Sensores con Microcontroladores + Instrumentación Bioelectrónica. +
Introducción a Métodos en Música y Video-Performance con Pd. + Introducción
a Open Sound Control (OSC). + Sensores Inalámbricos. + Controladores
Digitales. + Introducción a Métodos en Música Electrónica con Pd. +
Introducción a Open Computer Vision.
version 0.9.5 (2009.10.18):
* added [gf.print] (aliased to [print])
* added [cv/#Ellipse], [cv/#HarrisCorner], [cv/#KMeans]
* renamed goop.pd to surface_tension.pd
* [#in quicktime]: "get" also produces messages "framerate", "height",
"width", "depth", "codec".
* added [#draw_hpgl], [#reinterval], [#cluster_avg]
* added [norecurse], [gf.error]
* [#color]: added bang
* [#inner]: fixed infinite loop bug with large right-inlet grids.
* [#transpose]: fixed crash with zero-sized grids.
* [receives]: "empty" prefix automatically turned into "" (no prefix).
* [#in grid] and [#out grid]: fixed several bugs
* [#make_cross] can make rectangular crosses
* [demux] alias removed (please use [shunt])
* renamed every [cv.Something] to [cv/#Something] to avoid any future
nameclashes with Loïc's library.
* automatically removes artificial stacksize limits of the OS that may
have caused segfaults in the last year or so, if you didn't use
ulimit -s unlimited or somesuch
* added [# c2p] and [# p2c] (polar transforms)
* added new examples: polar.pd, radial_blur.pd
* fixed more OSX bugs
* fixed [#grade] bug (thanks to mescalinum)
* removed support for gem 0.89 and some 0.90 versions
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard, Montréal, Québec. téléphone: +1.514.383.3801