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2nd Int. Symposium on Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics
Dates: 2010 May 6-7, Paris, France
ambi10 - Second Call for Participation
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to announce the 2nd International Symposium on
Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics, which will be organized by IRCAM,
together with LIMSI-CNRS and France Telecom/Orange Labs. The Symposium
will be held to provide an intensive exchange between industrial and
academic researchers working in various research areas on spherical
The field of spatial sound reproduction is interdisciplinary by nature
and closely related to a number of computer science and engineering
areas such as acoustics, mathematics, signal processing, and
perception. The symposium focuses on discussing the various problems
and solutions concerning the capture, analysis, and re-synthesis of
sound fields applying spherical acoustics; for example higher-order
Ambisonics (HOA), and spherical microphone arrays.
The symposium is going to be divided into oral presentations (keynotes
and submissions), poster sessions, and two demonstration sessions
(artistic and technical). This symposium will benefit from a hemi-
spherical loudspeaker array that will be installed for the duration of
the symposium, which will be held in the Espace de projection, the
variable acoustics performance hall of Ircam.
Original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the
following topics:
* General considerations on spherical acoustics theory
* Ambisonic for sound scene reproduction and virtual acoustic
* Spherical microphone array systems and signal processing
* Capture and analysis of radiation patterns
* Spherical acoustic holography
* Synthesis of directional and focused sound sources
* Spherical loudspeaker array systems and signal processing
* Theoretical considerations on comparative subjective and objective
* Standardization, exchange, implementation and hardware issues
Submissions will be judged based on extended abstracts (1000 words).
Procedures to submit papers, posters, and demo sessions are detailed
at the symposium website http://ambisonics10.ircam.fr. Final papers
must be camera-ready conforming to the format specified on the
submission website.
Several excellent papers will be selected for collective submission to
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. These papers will be expanded
versions of the presented works, and will go through the standard peer
review process.
The official language of the symposium is English.
Important dates
* Extended abstract (1000 words) submission due: January 8th, 2010
* Papers, Notification of acceptance due: February 19th, 2010
* Camera-ready copy (full paper): March 12, 2010
* Registration opens: March 22, 2010
* Late Registration: April 12, 2010
* Submission of Audio Material for Testing: April 19, 2010
* Symposium Dates: May 6-7, 2010
If you have any questions, please contact ambisonics10(a)ircam.fr
Symposium Chairs
General Co-Chairs
Markus Noisternig (IRCAM - UMR CNRS)
Brian FG Katz (LIMSI - CNRS)
Rozenn Nicol (France Telecom - Orange Labs)
Technical Program Co-Chairs
Nicolas Misdariis (IRCAM - UMR CNRS)
Olivier Warusfel (IRCAM)
Administration Chair
Sylvie Benoit (IRCAM)
Plaza de las Letras
C/ Alameda, 15 · 28014 Madrid
+34 913 692 303
*M - V: 10h - 20h
S: 11h - 20h
D: 11h - 15h
*Call for collaborators for the workshop
PlayLab: Laboratory of Experimentation with Video Games**
Deadline for registrations: *January 20, 2010**
*Venue: Medialab-Prado (Madrid, Spain)*
Call for collaborators for the development of selected projects fo the
*Playlab: laboratory of experimentation with videogames* workshop, that
takes place in *January 21 - 24 and February 4 - 7, 2010*.
Collaborators can join any of the developing teams that will carry out
the selected proposals, depending on their particular interests and
skills, thus contributing with their knowledge and skills and at the
same time learning from the other group members and from the leading
tutors: Mar Canet, Antonin Fourneau, and Abelardo Gil-Fournier. Directed
by Flavio Escribano.
*What is PlayLab?*
PlayLab aims to explore the context of games and video games as a space
for creativity, experimentation, learning and reflection. Selected
projects aim to experiment with tangible interfaces, real objects as
elements of a virtual game, board games with augmented reality,
interactive sound spaces, viral games, etc.
The workshop includes lectures by Mar Canet: "The video game is a
laboratory" (Thursday, January 21 at 7:30pm) and Abelardo Gil-Fournier:
"Events. The game condition on the news" (Thursday, February 4 at 7:30pm).
*More information and guidelines:*
playlab (at) medialab-prado.es
In collaboration with Arsgames. With the support of PlayStation®
Plaza de las Letras
Calle Alameda, 15
28014 Madrid
Nerea García Garmendia
Comunicación / Press
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda, 15 28014 Madrid
Tfno. +34 914 202 754
"Antes de imprimir este documento asegúrate de que es realmente necesario. ¡Gracias por tu colaboración!"
the second bugfix release for Gem 0.92 has been made available to the
it fixes a number of showstoppers in 0.92.1, namely:
* crasher bugs
o fixed bug with threaded image loading
o fixed use of openGL-functions without a valid context
o fixed FreeFrame-loader with no canvas
* compilation issues
o fixed compilation of GemPBuffer on OSX 10.4
o fixed compilation with newer versions of libavifile
o fixed compilation with newer g++ (char*/const char* confusion)
binaries available for w32 (installer), OS-X (universal) and the brave
(source code)
grab it while it's hot: http://gem.iem.at/releases/0.92.2
alternatively you can get the files from
Hi all,
I've uploaded a new sampled sound granulation patch to my website at:
under the 'patches' section:
granulates a loaded sample and allows the grains to be distributed in
5.1 surround. It should be fairly easy for you to use the surround or
granulation code in your own work. Let me know if it is useful to you
and perhaps give credit when appropriate.
presented it as part
of a demonstration at the GameSoundCon in San Francisco in November
2009 and had several people ask for the code, so here it is. If you're
interested in further updates related to using Pure Data with video
game audio, you can have a look at : http://twitter.com/VideoGameAudio .
Leonard J. Paul / VideoGameAudio.com
There will definitely be some Pd projects here:
> NIME: New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
> NIME: creating new performance tools for digital music.
> http://itp.nyu.edu/nime/show/
> In the eighth annual NIME concert, performers will play a series of
> newly designed electronic instruments that aim to keep the "live" in
> the live performance of digital music.
> Electronic music is usually played with a keyboard and mouse. Laptop
> musicians often sit at a desk and give performances that are little
> more than watching someone make "office gestures." The idea behind
> NIME is to go beyond the mouse and keyboard and beyond even piano
> keys and drum pads. It seeks to present performance systems that
> make the most out of the new opportunities for musical expression
> that digital technology offers.
> This year's NIME concert will feature such innovations as a
> musically enhanced sewing machine, sonified floor tiles,
> performative knitting needles, turntablism for live
> instrumentalists, electronically controlled cartoon antics, novel
> realizations of the rock guitar, and a host of other exciting
> approaches to the creation of music.
> NIME is an end-of-semester performance by 16 graduate student
> artists from the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) at NYU.
> Entry is $7 (Free for NYU ID holders)
> Doors open at 7, Show starts at 8
> NIME @ Southpaw
> http://itp.nyu.edu/nime/show/
> 125 Fifth Avenue
> Brooklyn, NY 11217
> Tuesday, December 15, 2009
> Performances 8PM-11PM
> Doors open at 7PM
> http://itp.nyu.edu/nime
> Greg Shakar,
> Hans-Christoph Steiner, +1-718-360-4872, hansi(a)nyu.edu
> http://itp.nyu.edu
> George Agudow +1-212-998-1891, george.agudow(a)nyu.edu
> Southpaw
> 125 Fifth Avenue (at Sterling Pl)
> Brooklyn, NY 11217
> 718.230.0236
> http://www.spsounds.com
RjDJ News item - Friday, November 27th,
The New York reactive music experience
We finally managed to jump over the big pond and will land in New York with the
premier of our new child the RJC-1000 [1] on the 11th of December and an RjDj
workshop on the 12th of December. Both events will be kindly hosted by our
friends at Eyebeam [2]. So all you RjDj lovers in New York, it would be great
meeting you at the first Reactive Music Experience in New York.
The RJC-1000 is our top secret project that we were working on for the last
couple of months and which we will release soon. We will present the software
on the 11th and also play it live on the event. This is good news for everyone
interested in creating his own RjDj scenes. In the workshop on the 12th of
december we will also give deeper insights into how to use PD to create RjDj
Check out the New York experience page for more details about the event:
Michael Breidenbruecker
[1] http://more.rjdj.me/rjc1000/
[2] http://eyebeam.org/events/rjdj-new-software-release-party
We now have the Pd Exhibition, a special exhibition section of main Pd
website, puredata.info. The puredata.info exhibition page is a place
to show works made with any of the many flavors of Pd. Though I am
currently the only contributor, it is designed to be open for all to
contribute to. The only hard rule about posting to the Pd Exhibition:
you can post about any project made with any flavor of Pd, you just
cannot post projects that you worked on or are affilliated with.
So start adding posts! Here's how:
(Also, if anyone knows Plone, the main page would greatly benefit from
thumbnail images)
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during
that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big
Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. - General Smedley Butler
Hi list,
i just started a regular blog contribution at Vague
a web based digital arts publication. My aim is to present and possibly
discuss works, events, festivals and whatever related to FLOSS practice
within the new media artistic environment.
In the case someone out there wishes to share his/her work please write me
Marco Donnarumma aka The !S.A.D!
Independent New Media Arts Professional, Performer, Teacher - Edinburgh, UK
LAB: http://www.thesaddj.com | http://cntrl.sourceforge.net |
EVENT: http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net
December 5, 2009
12:00 – 1:30 PM : Introductory workshop on Pd with Hans-Christoph
2:00 – 6:00 PM : SkillShare w/Steiner and members of RjDj programming
Free, capacity for up to 30 participants
RSVP HERE: http://tinyurl.com/ykaq3l3
Hans-Christoph Steiner returns to Eyebeam with members of the RjDj
programming team from Europe to help turn your iPhone or iPod-Touch
into a programmable, generative, and interactive sound-processor!
Create a variable echo, whose timing varies according to the phone's
tilt-sensor or an audio synthesizer that responds to your gestures,
accelerations and touches. Abuse the extensive sound capabilities of
the Pure Data programming language to blend generative music, audio
analysis, and synthy goodness. If you're familiar with the awesome
RjDj, then you already know the possibilities of Pure Data on the
iPhone or iPod Touch (2nd and 3rd generation Touch only).
Creating and uploading your own sound-processing and sound-generating
patches can be as easy as copying a text file to your device! In this
4-hour hands-on SkillShare, interactive sound whiz and Pure Data
developer Hans-Christoph Steiner and several of the original RjDj
programers will lead you through all the steps necessary to turn your
phone into a pocket synth.
How Eyebeam SkillShares work
Eyebeam's SkillShares are Peer-to-Peer working/learning sessions that
provide an informal context to develop new skills alongside leading
developers and artists. They are for all levels and start with an
introduction and overview of the topic, after which participants with
similar projects or skill levels break off into small groups to work
on their project while getting feedback and additional instruction and
ideas from their group. It's a great way to level-up your skills and
meet like-minded people. This SkillShare is especially well-suited for
electronic musicians and other people who have experience programming
sound. Some knowledge of sound analysis and synthesis techniques will
go a long way.
We’ll also take a lunch break in the afternoon including a special
informal meeting about how to jailbreak your iPhone!
Your Skill Level
All levels of skill are OK as long as you have done something with Pd
or Max/MSP before. If you consider yourself a beginner It would help a
lot to run through the Pd audio tutorials before attending.
NOTE: On the day of the SkillShare we will hold an introductory
workshop from 12:00 until 1:30 PM, led by Steiner, for those who want
to make sure they're up-to-speed before the actual SkillShare starts
at 2:00. The introductory workshop is for people who have some done
something in Pd or Max/MSP but are still relative beginners in the
area of electronic sound programming.
What You Should Bring
You'll need to bring your iPhone or iPod Touch (2nd or 3rd generation
Touch only), your own laptop, a headset with a built-in mic
(especially if using an iPod Touch) and the data cable you use to
connect your device to your laptop. Owing to a terrific hack, you
won't even need an Apple Developer License for your device!
More Information
RjDj is an augmented reality app that uses the power of the new
generation personal music players like iPhone and iPod Touch to create
mind blowing hearing sensations. The RjDj app makes a number of
downloadable scenes from different artists available as well as the
opportunity to make your own and share them with other users. RjDj.me
Pd (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment
for audio, video, and graphical processing. Pd is free software, and
works on multiple platforms, and therefore is quite portable; versions
exist for Win32, IRIX, GNU/Linux, BSD, and MacOS X running on anything
from a PocketPC to an old Mac to a brand new PC. Recent developments
include a system of abstractions for building performance
environments, and a library of objects for physical modeling for sound
kill your television