Medialab-Prado <>
Plaza de las Letras
C/ Alameda, 15 · 28014 Madrid
+34 913 692 303*
International Seminar
Visualizar'11: Understanding Infrastructures
*06.14.2011, 06.15.2011 and 06.27.2011*
@ Medialab Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15
Presentations and seminar program on June 14 and 15, 2011 during the
workshop-seminar Visualizar'11: Understanding infraestructures, an event
on the production of projects that will investigate, analyze and
represent through data the running of infrastructures and global
systems. The seminar will take place on June 13 and 14.
Free admission. Limited seating. [live streaming]
Simultaneous translation English/Spanish
_*Tuesday**, June 14*_
10 am: Opening and presentation of the event
10:30 am: Presentation of the workshop and the 10 projects selected
through an international open call that will be collaboratively
developed during the workshop
2 pm – 2:30 pm: Collaborators' presentation
5 pm: Lecture by Amber Frid-Jimenez: /Data Is Political/
6 pm: Lecture by Rob Holmes: /An Atlas of iPhone Landscapes/
7 pm: Break
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm: Lecture by Dietmar Offenhuber (SENSEable City Lab/
MIT):/The Internet of Obsolete Objects/
_*Wednesday**, June 15*_
10 am-10:30 am: Paper presentation by Daniel Rojas: /Cartografía,
descubrimiento, uso y representación /
10:30 am: Paper presentation byJosé Luis Muñoz Muñoz: /Some Looks of the
Art Over the Space of the Urban Infraestructures of the Contemporary City/
11 am: Paper presentation bye Anil Bawa-Cavia: /Flowprints: Visualising
Urban Network Dynamics /
11:30 am: Break
12 am: Paper presentation byInês Salpico:/Visualizing Financial
Networks: New Understanding of the Financial System and Implications for
Policy Makers /
12:30 am -1 pm: Paper presentation by Evangelos Kapros: /Poverty &
Immigration: Visualising Simulations /
5pm: Lecture by Tom Raftery: /The Terms Smart Grid Has Recently Started
to Enter the Everyday Lexicon, But What Is It, And Why Do We Need It?/
6pm: Lecture by Drew Hemment: /Innovation in Infrastructure: DataGM/
7pm: Break
7:30 pm- 8:30pm: Lecture by Usman Haque (Pachube):/The Craft of Data/
Monday, June 27
*_6 pm: Lecture by Andrew Vande Moere (Information Aesthetics). At EOI
School of Business
_*Other Activities:*_
_*Monday*_*_, June 20
_*5 pm - 8 pm: Impure workshop, an innovative tool for data
visualization. Held by Bestiario. Limited seating.
Tuesday, June 21_*
7 pm - 9 pm: #Redada 8: Transparency and Access to Information. With
Ignacio Escolar, David Cabo, Juan Freire, Eva Moraga, Daniel Montero,
and Victoria Anderica.
_*Wednesday*_*_, June 22_*
6:30 pm - 8 pm: Workshop: Introduction to Data Visualization and
Analysis with R. Held byFelipe Ortega. Limited seating.
In collaboration with EOI School of Business (
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda, 15 28014 Madrid
Tfno. +34 913 692 303
"Antes de imprimir este documento asegúrate de que es realmente necesario. ¡Gracias por tu colaboración!"
The next meeting of the Los Angeles patching circle will be this
Sunday, May 29th from 2-5 pm at CRASHspace (10526 Venice Blvd., Culver
City, CA 90232).
Open and free to all (donations to support CRASHspace are welcome) -
come and bring your Pure Data or Max/MSP project to work on.
The pd-la Patching Circle is an informal gathering of anyone who is
interested in patching languages (Pure Data, Max/MSP/Jitter, etc.).
Beginners and experienced patchers welcome. Open to everyone – work on
personal or professional projects, school work, or just patch quietly
to yourself, in a room full of other people patching patches and
helping other people patch.
For more information, visit or
DorkbotPDX is proud to announce a unique *free* workshop geared at
teaching sound synthesis fundamentals as explored and demonstrated
through Pure Data (PD).
Sunday, May 29th, 2011 - 1-5pm PST
@ Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA), room 205
1241 Northwest Johnson Street
Portland, OR 97209-3023
Fascinated by orgies of towering analog synthesizers from the 60s?
Mesmerized by how computers can generate sound that offends and elates?
In this casual yet intense session, we will cover the basics of audio
signal theory while exploring the common techniques and tricks used by
sound designers and synth builders.
Participants should bring:
[*] A mac/linux/win laptop with a functioning Pure data install.
(This is free and open-source software!)
Download either 'Vanilla' or 'Pd-extended' here:
[*] A basic/rudimentary knowledge of Pd. (Not 100% required - but at
least a very basic understanding of what Pd is will help)
[*] Headphones
[*] An eagerness to learn, develop, and share!
The synthesis workshop is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Seating is limited
to 30 (first-come, first serve)
The registration for the 2011 Ambisonics Symposium is now open.
We have managed to find a low-cost way of handling the registration via Kentucky's Project Lead The Way.
Registration Fee is $50.
We have also organized a tour to two of the Bluegrass Region's main sights, the Woodford Reserve Bourbon Distillery and a dinner and tour at historic Shaker Village. Registration for the tour is optional and is $120, which includes tasting of the local cuisine and beer and spirits.
Please register here:
Looking forward meeting you in the beautiful Bluegrass,
Jens Hannemann
Dr.-Ing. Jens Hannemann --- j.hannemann(a)<> --- GPG Key Available
University of Kentucky -- Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments
This announcement is late but the patching circle is right on time!
Its the third Sunday of May today, so we're meeting at NYC Resistor
tonight from 6-9pm.
We also now have a mailing list for announcing the meeting each month:
We spend enough time alone staring at our computers; we are proposing
to work together. So often issues that arise when working can be
solved with a quick two minute discussion that would take hours to
solve alone. We have Dorkbot to see people's work, we have Share where
anyone can play, we have workshops and universities to learn from.
This is a meeting where we all can come to work.
This is an informal gathering of patching and patchers (Pd, Max/MSP/
Jitter, and even vvvv, Eyesweb, Labview, etc.). Beginners and
Experienced welcome. Open to everyone, students, the public, etc. Work
on personal projects, professional projects, school projects, ask for
help, help others, or just patch quietly to yourself, in a room full of
other people patching patches and helping other people patch.
Today, Sunday 5/15, 6-9pm
NYC Resistor,
87 3rd Avenue, (between Bergen and Dean)
4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel. +1.347.850.4872 or +1.347.586.9270
2/3/4/5/B/D/Q/N/R to Atlantic/Pacific
LIRR to Atlantic Terminal
F/G to Bergen
I rewrote autocompletion-plugin which is now called 'completion-plugin'.
there are some cool new features:
- new GUI (inspired from desire-data)
- added an option file
- auto-creation of completed objects (via Return key)
- added a 'save_mode' so pd remembers keywords for send/receive/table, etc..
- added a nearly-bash-completion mode
- completions update as you type
there is a video demo there:
you can grab the code there:
- pd-0.43
- tcl8.5
I could test it on linux and osx only.
OSX note:
there are some focus problems with tcl8.5 (x11), but not with tcl8.5
built with aqua support.
as usual, bug reports are welcome ;)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 4 May 2011 09:40:03 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mathieu Bouchard <matju(a)>
To: pdmtl(a)
Subject: pdmtl#42
| pdmtl#42 |
| La quarante-deuxième rencontre du club d'utilisateurs de /
| PureData de Montréal aura lieu le samedi 7 mai 2011 (
| de 13h00 à 17h00 au FouLab. \
| Le FouLab est situé au local 33B du /
| 999, rue du Collège, dans l'arrondissement Sud-Ouest, (
| à 5 minutes du métro Place-Saint-Henri (ligne orange). \
| Entrée gratuite ! (
| à l'horaire : |
| 1. table ronde sur le FlossManual de PureData en français |
| proposée par Alexandre CASTONGUAY |
/ (partie reportée de pdmtl#41)
Une préparation d'une session de travail sur le manuel FLOSS de PureData
en français.
Je voudrais que nous regardions comment poursuivre le travail sur le livre
de PureData qui est le résultat du Book Sprint qui a eu lieu à mains
d'oeuvres en février dernier. J'aimerais d'abord écouter Alexandre Quessy
sur son expérience et déterminer comment nous pouvons bonifier le manuel.
* Pour bien cadrer la discussion, les intéressés devraient consulter la
version en ligne ->
* Préparez vos suggestions sur les chapitres ou informations manquantes.
* Proposition d'une fin de semaine de travail en mai.
| 2. Lettre ouverte au CALQ |
| par Sofian AUDRY |
Sofian Audry présentera un projet de lettre ouverte au CALQ pour la
reconnaissance des logiciels et matériels libres dans la politique du
Conseil vis-à-vis des arts numériques. Les personnes intéressées
pourront commenter et signer la lettre sur place.
| 3. Introducing pd-l2ork |
| par Ivica Ico BUKVIC (via Skype) |
Pd community has seen a number of offspring Pd variants come and go and as such
pd-l2ork could be seen just another one of those short-lived projects. Yet, the
fact is pd-l2ork has not only applied over 200 bug-fixes and improvements to
the pd-extended branch since November 2010 alone and is currently working
towards syncing with the vanilla 0.43 branch, but also its lifespan is closely
intertwined with the Virginia Tech's Linux Laptop Orchestra (L2Ork) long-term
initiative. As such, this Linux-oriented variant aims at providing a long-term
support to the Linux Pd ecosystem. More so, with its growing pool of
contributors pd-l2ork seeks to encourage fast turnaround to patch submissions
as well as open discourse in terms of determining future development vectors
and priorities. As part of its mission, pd-l2ork project encourages upstream
adoption of platform-agnostic improvements. In the following talk, I will
showcase some of the core improvements provided by the pd-l2ork as well as
encourage contributions from Pd users and developers alike. For additional
info, including source code please visit
| 4. Midi Learn |
| par Thomas THIÉRY |
/ (partie reportée de pdmtl#40)
La présentation se penchera sur comment faire un système de gestion des données
des contrôleurs graphiques de Pure Data, pour en faire leur sauvegarde. Midi
Learn, la solution proposée, est entièrement réalisée en Pure Data Vanille.
| 5. Pouet |
| par Maxime DAMECOUR |
Pouet est un décomplicateur de poésie. Il prend un poème écrit et le traduit en
poésie sonore. Le tout a été réalisé a l'aide de PureData et du programme de
synthèse vocale Festival.
| Mathieu Bouchard ---- tél: +1.514.383.3801 ---- Villeray, Montréal, QC