---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 3 May 2011 14:26:16 -0400
From: Claude Lebeuf <claude_lebeuf(a)hotmail.com>
To: formation(a)raav.org, formation(a)cqam.org,
Gwenaëlle Studio XX <ateliers(a)studioxx.org>, DARE-DARE <prog(a)dare-dare.org>,
pdmtl(a)lists.artengine.ca, lab(a)oboro.net, transform(a)sat.qc.ca
Subject: [Pdmtl] formation PureData > 10mai/2juin RAPPEL
Les cours sur Pure Data sont censés démarrer dans une semaine.
Il y a actuellement 8 inscriptions : le minimum requis est 10 personnes.
L'atelier peut accueillir jusqu'à 16 personnes.
Si vous pensez que certaines personnes ne sont pas encore au courant ou ne se sont pas encore inscrites...
c'est toujours/encore le moment d'en reparler!
Claude Maryse Lebeuf
Formation théorique et pratique sur Pure Data – niveau débutant-intermédiaire
du 10 mai au 2 juin inclusivement
8 ateliers de 3 heures – les mardi et jeudi à 18h30
Dans les Laboratoires informatiques de l’École des médias (J1300)
Inscription au SITel — UQAM
Coût : 125 $ (avant les taxes)
SITel – Service de l’informatique et des télécommunications
Pavillon J.-A.-DeSève, 320 rue Ste-Catherine Est
Local DS-6110 • tél: 514-987-0001
Inscriptions sur place au SITel ou par téléphone
Cours offerts à la communauté et aux étudiants de l’UQAM (même prix pour tout le monde)
Pdmtl mailing list
Friday, 13.05.2011, 17:00-22:00h
Workshop: Switch from PureData! (or MAX/MSP for that matter)
Led by Fredrik Olofsson [ http://fredrikolofsson.com ]
During this one-day workshop we will focus on the free software
SuperCollider and show why programming with syntax can be both easier
and superior to patching in graphical environments. This session offers
a great chance for beginners as well as seasoned users of other
synthesis environments to get a taste of the features that make
SuperCollider such a flexible and powerful tool. While not intended as a
full introduction to this synthesis environment, it will function as a
preparatory session for a series of SuperCollider seminars that we are
preparing for after the summer.
Topics will include envelopes, patterns, granular synthesis and
networked music. These are specifically chosen to show how SuperCollider
is a very dynamic system where things easily are replaced on the fly or
adapted to varying number of sound channels, the kind of things that are
cumbersome or hard to do in PureData.
[ http://lullcec.org/en/2011/tallers/workshop-switch-from-puredata/ ]
web: [ http://lullcec.org ]
facebook: [ http://facebook.com/lullcec ]
twitter: [ http://twitter.com/lullcec ]
As part of the Crashspace pd_LAunch festival, Chris McCormick and I
are teaching workshops. There should be a live stream coming soon,
mine workshop is today at 19:30 Pacific time (in two hours), and
Chris' is tomorrow at the same time. Tune in here:
I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three
meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds,
and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits. - Martin
Luther King, Jr.
Pd course at UQÀM in Montréal next month. 8 evenings times 3 hours = 24
hours total. Open to everybody (not restricted to students, not restricted
to residents of Île-de-Montréal, etc)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2011 09:33:43 -0400
From: Claude Lebeuf <claude_lebeuf(a)hotmail.com>
To: pdmtl(a)lists.artengine.ca
Subject: [Pdmtl] Formation sur PureData à l'UQAM – 10mai-2juin 2011
Je voudrais vous faire part d'une formation sur Pure Data qui démarrera bientôt.
Cette formation, proposée dans le cadre du SITel (Service de l'information et des télécommunications de l'UQAM),
est ouverte aux étudiants ainsi qu'à la communauté.
Il s'agit d'un cours de 24 heures, étalé sur 4 semaines à raison de 2 soirs par semaine.
Le cours sera de niveau débutant-intermédiaire, c'est-à-dire qu'il devrait permettre à des gens qui ont déjà quelques connaissances en la matière (par exemple avec MaxMSP) de comprendre le fonctionnement de Pure Data et ses
Avec la permission de ses auteurs, le cours utilisera dans une bonne mesure le récent manuel FLOSS, produit en français au début de l'année par une équipe d'utilisateurs.
Le minimum d'inscription nécessaire pour démarrer le cours est de 10 personnes. Le plus vite se font les inscriptions, le plus d'assurance nous aurons que le cours démarre. Et, si l'intérêt est assez marqué, il pourrait y avoir
répétition à l'avenir... Une bonne façon de répandre l'utilisation du logiciel libre et d'appuyer ses contributeurs.
Merci d'en parler autour de vous.
Claude Maryse Lebeuf
étudiante à la maîtrise en communications
École des médias – UQAM
Pdmtl mailing list
Hi all
a new audio+code release
*chaos audio teorie – extrange attractors–[from mathematical functions to
organic jungle sounds]*
EP: one track 25 minutes + code (pure data)
Release generated from the heretical use and the experimentation with the
sonic possibilities of the iterative function “logistics” in a “complex
number” versión [real+imaginary].
Inspirated but desviated from the research and work by “Elaine A. Walker”
f(xn+1) = 1 – rxn2
adding chaos to the chaos
jumping from attractor to attractor
eternal instability
3d Fractals modulate the temporal frequency of the iterations (Chaos PD
external by Ben Bogart) Audio generators : I used [polywavesynth] a
polyphonic synthesizer for Pure Data by Phil Stone
http://www.pkstonemusic.com/polyWaveSynth.html and some other more simple
oscilator, [nqsint] + FM-AM .
After record some audio blocks using the code included. I edited and mixed
them into Ardour.
software : Pure Data + Ardour Linux: Ubuntu Karmic Koala
Download Audio VBR MP3 31mb
Download Audio WAV 256.6
Download CODE (pureData)<http://noconventions.mobi/noish/download/yupana_Exploit_cat.zip>
FIBRR RECORDS <http://www.apo33.org/records/doku.php?id=virtual_records>
noish [oscar martin] <http://noconventions.mobi/noish>
mEtaminaFreeNetRadio >> http://metaminafnr.hotglue.me/
Medialab-Prado <http://medialab-prado.es>
Plaza de las Letras
C/ Alameda, 15 · 28014 Madrid
+34 913 692 303
*Entrada gratuita / Free admission*
Visualizar'11: Understanding infraestructures. Call for Collaborators
Call for collaborations in the Advanced Workshop for Project Development
Visualizar'11: Understanding infraestructures, that takes place in June
7 - Juy 1, 2011. Collaborators will participate in the production of
selected projects that will investigate, analyze and represent through
data the running of infrastractures and global systems.
Medialab-Prado offers lodging in a Youth Hostel (limited space).
Deadline: June 12, 2011.
Free registration.//
Venue: Medialab-Prado. Plaza de las Letras (C/ Alameda, 15). 28014
Madrid (Spain)**
> Information about the call:
> Selected projects:
*More information: http://medialab-prado.es*
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda, 15 28014 Madrid
Tfno. +34 913 692 303
"Antes de imprimir este documento asegúrate de que es realmente necesario. ¡Gracias por tu colaboración!"
PdDroidParty is, I think, the easiest way to get your patches running on your
Android devices. It emulates Pd native user interface elements (only toggle and
slider implemented so far) so all you need to do is name your patch
droidparty_main.pd and copy it to your SD card.
Download and install the apk from here, and then try out the drum machine
example by unzipping it to your SD card:
This is beta software hot off the compiler, but I think it's just ready enough
for use. As always, patches welcome!
PS oh yeah, get the source like this:
bzr co http://mccormick.cx/dev/PdDroidParty/
We'll have a special guest from Australia: libpd dev Chris McCormick,
so there will be talk about embedding pd into anything from iPhones to
OpenFrameworks. Also, we now have worked out a regular schedule again,
alternating each month between Thursday 6-9pm at General Assembly and
Sunday 6-9pm at NYC Resistor. This Thursday we'll be back at General
Assembly hosted by Lee Azzarello.
We spend enough time alone staring at our computers; we are proposing
to work together. So often issues that arise when working can be
solved with a quick two minute discussion that would take hours to
solve alone. We have Dorkbot to see people's work, we have Share where
anyone can play, we have workshops and universities to learn from.
This is a meeting where we all can come to work.
This is an informal gathering of patching and patchers (Pd, Max/MSP/
Jitter, and even vvvv, Eyesweb, Labview, etc.). Beginners and
Experienced welcome. Open to everyone, students, the public, etc. Work
on personal projects, professional projects, school projects, ask for
help, help others, or just patch quietly to yourself, in a room full of
other people patching patches and helping other people patch.
Thursday 4/21, 6-9pm
Patching Circle, http://puredata.info/community/NYCPatchingCircle
General Assembly, http://www.generalassemb.ly/
Thursday, April 21, 6-9pm
902 Broadway, 4th Floor
Flatiron District
New York, NY 10010
347.850.4872 (Hans)
*Understanding**V**I**S**U**ALMusic 2011*
*Hexagram-Concordia Centre for Research Creation in Media Arts and
*in collaboration with the Department of Music*
Montreal - Canada
August 26th and 27th, 2011
A two-day conference focused on developing an understanding of the
practice of visual music, its definition, related creative and
perceptual considerations, current trends, technological innovation, and
possible future directions.
The event will take place on *Friday the 26th and Saturday the 27th of
August 2011* and will include paper sessions, roundtable discussions,
and creative works presentations.
We are inviting researchers to present studies that address visual
music's multiple definitions and dimensions, questions around visual
music aesthetics and meaning, hierarchy and correlation of sound and
image in this context, and the audience's perception thereof. Artists
are also invited to propose visual music presentations -- both live and
fixed. Attendance is required in both cases.
*Paper presentation*: please send *in the body of an email*: [1] an
abstract (250 words or less) and [2] a short biography ready for
printing (250 words or less). Additionally [3] attach a 3-page CV as a
PDF file.
*Visual music presentation*: please include *in the body of an email*:
[1] the title of your piece, duration, indication whether the
presentation will be live or fixed, [2] a short description of the
proposed piece (250 words or less), [3] a short biography ready for
printing (250 words or less), and [4] detailed technical needs. Also
include [5] links to audiovisual sample material hosted in a
*non-expiring URL* (for this reason, please do not send your
audio-visual material using /yousendit/ or any similar applications, and
do NOT send your audio-visual material by email) and [6] attach a
*3-page CV as a PDF file*.
*Paper presentations*: each paper will be presented in person by the
author for approx. 20 minutes followed by 5-10 minutes of discussion.
*Visual music presentations*: creative works presentations will take
place between paper sessions throughout the day and in a visual music
show that will conclude the colloquium.
*Roundtable discussion[s]*: an hour-long open discussion on key issues
related to the main theme of the colloquium.
- *Deadline *for reception of proposals: *June 18th, 2011*
- *Notification* of acceptance: *June 30th, 2011*
- *Confirmation of attendance* by artist/researchers:*July 20th, 2011*
- *Colloquium* UVM2011: *August 26th-27th, 2011*
Ricardo Dal Farra (co-director)
Eldad Tsabary (co-director)
Email: uvm2011.concordia(a)gmail.com <mailto:uvm2011.concordia@gmail.com> **
(the UVM2011 web site will be online in a few weeks:
http://uvm2011.hexagram.ca/ )
*Understanding**V**I**S**U**ALMusic 2011***
I am happy to announce another workshop for the pd-LAunch week (4/25-5/1) in
Los Angeles. On Friday, April 29th at 7:00 PM, Chris McCormick will be
teaching a workshop at CRASHspace on using Pd as an embedded audio engine
for other applications.
Pd As Your Embedded Audio Engine
“Pd as your embedded audio engine” will teach all about embedding libpd as
the sound engine for your app, whether its iPhone, Android, Java,
OpenFrameworks, Processing, etc. This workshop provides a broad spectrum of
different ways of connecting Pd to other things. Having hardware isn’t a
requirement either. The workshop will cover ways of interfacing with Pd from
computer to computer. Bring your laptop and devices that you want to install
libpd on (Android, iPhone, etc.)
HTML and/or programming knowledge will certainly help. The aim of this
workshop is to give a broad spectrum of different ways to interface to Pd.
So it will be dipping very slightly into Python, C, Java, Javascript, but
this is usually “glue code” and all of the code will be fully provided. You
do not need to be proficient in these languages at all, the workshop will
also cover methods that also just use Pd with no code at all.
Here is an outline of topics:
* Introduction
* History of Pd as an engine
* Ways to interface with a Pd process:
* Midi & OSC
* stdout
* Python + sockets
* pdsend/pdreceive
* Parsing patches in three languages
* libpd on Android and iOS
* PdWebKitDroid
* RjDj and ScenePlayer
* WebPd
Students will need a laptop and should have Pd-extended installed and
working (download for free from http://puredata.info) – it is available for
Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
Space is limited. Cost is $100. Sign up at the CRASHspace store:
CRASHspace is located at 10526 Venice Blvd, Culver City CA 90232.