ELSE 1.0-0 rc7 with Live Electronics Tutorial is out. These ELSE updates are only happening this often to pair up with PlugData releases, which is rocking hard (expect a PlugData release announcement soon) - btw, this means I'm not really following my release plans towards a my release...
On breaking changes, I'm highlighting that I'm removing the recently added support for pd-lua. It is still available in PlugData though! I couldn't really get into it and Albert Graef is really active in its development. So now plugdata users have to download it separately for vanilla, and yes, I uploaded the latest version (0.11.6) to deken as well. I thought I could maybe create my own pd-lua variant but I gave it up. I'd still like to offer something like ofelia does, but it's way beyond my limits and way down in my priorities. By the way, Albert also started porting ELSE to Purr Data, check it out ==> https://github.com/agraef/purr-data/releases/tag/2.19.2+ELSE
There are also many bug fixes and new features. Let me highlight that most of my oscillators now have built-in "Soft Sync" capabilities! They can also optionally take pitch in MIDI, which helps with exponential FM. As for new objects, I'm including [beats~], a bpm detection based on aubio. Seb shader also included a new [keycode] object that responds to computer keyboard keys with layout independence and I'm using it for another object ([keymap]) that turns your computer keyboard into a MIDI keyboard input.
For last, I'm also including [plaits~], which is based on the PLAITS module from Mutable Instruments. More clones from Mutable Instruments are coming and I have to say I have big plans in 2023 to also design eurorack inspired abstractions (like MAX's Beap and Automatonism). This should be a submodule in ELSE and available in PlugData too, but will have its own name and repository (it is called *Modular EuroRacks Dancing Along* *[M.E.R.D.A.]*). I also have a new chapter in my tutorial about 'CV' (Control Voltage). So, yeah, I'm going modular...
ELSE 1.0-0 RC7 is up on deken for Linux/mac/windows 64 bit versions. I'm having issues building for raspberry pi (same for pd-lua) but can upload it if someone helps me with that. Total number of objects is now 474 and total number of examples in the tutorial is 498 (expect me to go beyond 475 objects and 500 examples in the next update). Here's a full changelog: https://github.com/porres/pd-else/releases/tag/v1.0-rc7
If you've read this far, you probably care about this project of mine. May I ask you then to consider supporting me on PATREON --> https://www.patreon.com/porres?l=en
I promise to focus on issues and request from subscribers and this already happened for this release, where I was able to improve [else/bicoeff] thanks to 'Esa Ruoho'. I also promise to take motivation from patreon support to keep collaborating to Pd Vanilla as well :) as in my tedious and long revisions of the documentation and other stuff.