_______________________________________________________ ZEROGLAB - NANOFESTIVAL v.01 - CALL _______________________________________________________
22:11 1/14/03
%keywords = "film, automat, software-art, on-line festival, nano, web-movie, "
We invite film makers, artists, students, programmers and designers to contribute works to the Nanofestival and share it with the internet community. Our aim is to create an open source pool for extreme short web-movies and software-art. This time we want especially encourage creative people from Middle and Eastern Europe to submit, since these countries has a very long tradition of progressive film culture. Naturally, every one from any continent, country or non-country, is also warmly welcomed.
Nanofestival v.01 is a no-budget, on-line art festival for extreme short (!max. 10 sec.!) web movies and software art. The event is organized by ZEROGLAB, an independent digital art-lab in Rotterdam. http://www.xs4all.nl/~are We are planning the festival as a fast sequence of events, with a different theme every time.
The contributed works for AUTOMAT are going to be screened at ZECHS in The Hague on 30 March 2003. The ZECHS event is organized by the architect/design studio v.l.n.r. (from left to right) of Denis Oudendijk: http://www.vlnr.info/.
If you like the idea and want to participate, please fill the entry form at the end of this page and send it to: Károly Tóth mailto:nanofestival@xs4all.nl Please include: "nanofestival v.01 submission" in the subject line.
Want to host the next nanofest? Send an email to: nanofestival@xs4all.nl
Nanofestival website: http://www.xs4all.nl/~are/html/nano.html
THE JURY Anybody can be part of the festival jury, by using the polls of the festival office to vote.
We have set up an on-line festival office at Yahoo!. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nanofestival/ This is going to be the place where you can post messages, art critique, papers, vote for your favorite film and art software, exchange ideas, etc. In order to use all the features of the festival office, like voting, you should sign up. It is free, and you can unsubscribe yourself any time.
1. Deadline for submissions: (+/-) 15 February 2003
2. We accept submissions in three categories:
a. WEBMOVIES: Maximum length: 10 seconds Maximum picture size: 720X576 Maximum file size: 5 MB File formats: avi, (plain)mpeg, gif, mov, wmf, pd Please use no exotic video/audio codecs; Indeo video or alike is just fine.
b. FLASH MOVIES Maximum length: 10 seconds Maximum file size: 500 KB Please make public your flash document (*.fla file) as well.
c. SOURCECODE OF SOFTWARE ART Maximum file size: 500 KB File format: plain ASCII text files only, no executables. We accept contributions for the following softwares / programming languages: pd (pure data) jmax proce55ing web3d / vrml html java java script
links to some art-software related web pages:
pure data = http://iem.kug.ac.at/pd/ jmax = http://www.mamalala.de proce55ing = http://proce55ing.net Web3d/VRML = http://www.parallelgraphics.com & http://www.web3d.org java/java script = http://www.programmingtutorials.com
3. CONTRIBUTION / MODERATION / ETC. Anyone can contribute. After sending your entry form, please place your work at your own website, or in a place where anyone can access it. We have only a limited web space on our own, so we are not able to store large movie files.
Please make sure, your web links are working by 20 March 2003
3. COPYRIGHT ISSUES By submitting your work to the festival, you agree that you let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work and derivative works based upon it but for noncommercial purposes only, and only if they give you credit. Please read the full license text: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/1.0
---- begin form ----
Artwork URL:
Artist(s) name:
Artwork title:
Year of creation:
Artist statement (if any):
Contact name:
Contact email address:
Web site:
Contact mail address:
Technical specifications:
{please note: The artworks must run on an average PC. Please specify video/audio codecs, Web browser or/and player and settings, which your work is tested on/with.}
Other (cv, notes, etc.):
---- end form ---- __________________________________________________________ ZEROGLAB NANOFESTIVAL Károly Tóth / nanofestival@xs4all.nl www.xs4all.nl/~are/html/nano.html Post message to festival: mailto:nanofestival@yahoogroups.com Subscribe: mailto:nanofestival-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Unsubscribe: mailto:nanofestival-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com