Hi Felt that this might be of interest to the list ....
I have just discovered that there are a few places left on these two workshops (makes a good 2 day grounding in the field). They will be run at FACT, Liverpool UK at the start of February. Though the blurb says Director (!) and MAX/MSP (!!) there is the opportunity or individuals to explore other software such as SuperCollider, PD, P5 or even Flash.
Please feel free to contact me directly about content enquiries, otherwise book a place via the email below.
BEYOND THE MOUSE INTRODUCTION TO INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS 01 FEBRUARY 2007 | TUTOR: STEVE SYMONS Many artists have found that the only way to construct the interactive environments they need is to work with sophisticated programming tools such as MAX/ MSP and to build control devices directly into programmable integrated circuits. This session aims to support an understanding of these fairly esoteric tools and to demonstrate the devices and processes that have been used by others. The workshop will be based around hands on demonstrations of a range of systems (physical interfaces and video sensing devices) and the technical overview required to build them. 1 DAY 10.30-5PM, COST £35/£105 + VAT
BEYOND THE MOUSE MAKING ALTERNATIVE INTERFACES 02 FEBRUARY 2007 | TUTOR: STEVE SYMONS This one-day practical workshop will focus on the electronics (and coding) required to turn objects and small spaces into interactive systems. It is aimed at the practitioner/trainer with working knowledge of Director or MAX/MSP and an awareness of the possibilities of alternative interface systems. Participants should bring a small number of short Quicktime Movies or sounds with them on a CDROM.
To book please contact newtools@fact.co.uk or 0151 707 4433