LABoral Centre for Art and Industrial Creation
Call for participation
Free Tools for Creators
Whether for ethical, economical or technical reasons more and more digital artists are using, or interested in using, free software in their work. This is despite the serious lack of specific training in the field.
LABoral in collaboration with Hangar, proposes a series of workshops for all artists interested in learning to work with free software. Hangar is a visual arts production centre from Barcelona and has over five years experience working with free software in a creative environment. Taken together, the three workshops provide a complete toolkit for the artist wanting to working with interactive audiovisual environments.
This workshop will focus on the creation of programmes for the use of real time video-VJing, installations and interactive video. Participants will learn how to capture video and prepare loops using Kino, and to manipulate them in real time with Pure Data (PD). The generation of 3D visuals will also be taught. Pure Data (PD) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. It is one of the most flexible tools available for creators working with real-time media. PD runs on Linux, OSX and Windows. The workshop is for beginners as well as experienced users.
Workshop led by: Lluis GomeZ I Bigorda is a coder and responsible for free software in Hangar, Barcelona. He has led PD workshops in Spain, Brazil, Palestine and France.
Lituz (Carles Lopez) is an audiovisual performer. He has been playing video internationally.
Hans-ChristophSteiner composes music with computers, builds networks with free software, and works on interactive software. Putting the emphasis on collaboration, he has worked in many forms, including sound, robotics and sensors. He is an active member of the Pure Data.
Dates: 06 - 10.08.2007 Hours: 4 - 9 pm 15 participants, age +18, selected by CV and motivation letter Registration fee: 50 euros Registration:
AUDIO: FROM REALTIME TO THE STUDIO AND BACK AGAIN This workshop will combine live audio performance and generation with the skills required to record and mix tracks. In addition, the workshop will cover interaction with audio, based on methods like pitch tracking and beat detection. Participants will learn to create programmes (patches) for audio generation and performance using Pure Data (PD), a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. They will also learn the basics of the audio studio in Linux – multitrack recording and mixing using Ardour and Rosegarden. These are robust free alternatives to commercial programmes such as ProTools. The workshop is for beginners as well as experienced users.
Workshop led by : Yves Degoyon. Is a musician, mapmaker and PD coder. He is the author of the PiDiP video objects for PD as well as many other useful objects. Lluis Carbonell is a musician and co-founder of is a member of the dark-hop group Acoprova, producer of Jalea Real and co-producer of the soundtrack for the film El Taxista Full. He investigates new configurations to optimise the low latency linux kernel.
Dates: 13 - 17.08.2007 Hours: 4 - 9 pm 15 participants, age +18, selected by CV and motivation letter Registration fee: 50 euros Registration:
HARDWARE: ARDUINO AND OPEN ELECTRONICS Arduino ( is an open-source physical computing platform that is revolutionising the interactive arts. It is based on a simple i/o board, and a development environment for writing Arduino software. The Arduino programming language is an implementation of the language used by Wiring, while the Arduino environment is based on Processing. Arduino can be used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety of switches or sensors, and controlling a variety of lights, motors, and other outputs. Arduino projects can stand alone, or communicate with software running on your computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, Pure Data). The boards can be assembled by hand or purchased preassembled; the open-source IDE can be downloaded for free. Arduino received an Honorary Mention in the Digital Communities section of the 2006 Prix Ars Electronica. The workshop is for beginners as well as experienced users.
Workshop led by: David Cuartielles is co-creator of the Arduino Open Hardware Platform and has directed numerous workshops. He exhibits his own artistic work regularly. Marcos Yarza is an industrial engineer and collaborates on Arduino Project since September 2005 (hyperlink “
Dates: 20 - 24.08.2007 Hours: 4 pm - 9 pm 15 participants, age +18, selected by CV and motivation letter Registration fee: 50 euros Registration:
Conception: Hangar Organised by LABoral
Activities will take place at the labs and workshops of the LABoral.
LABoral is a space for artistic exchange. It is set up with the purpose of establishing an effective alliance between art, design, culture, industry and economic progress and the goal of becoming a space for interaction and dialogue between art, new technologies and industrial creation. It throws a special spotlight in production, creation and research into art concepts still being defined.
Opening Hours: Wednesday to Monday, from 12 noon to 8 pm Universidad Laboral s/n, 33394 Gijón, Asturia/Spain T. +34 985 185 577 F. +34 985 337 355