Hi all,
py/pyext 0.1.0 - the Python script external has finally become ready-to-use and allows the building of full-featured message objects. You can: - use multiple inlets and outlets (of course there's no limitation what type goes into which inlet.....) - use methods called by tag (like "bang", "float", "list", "hula" ) or inlet number or both or none of them - use detached threaded methods - use send and receive from within the python code - send messages to the canvas, allowing for dynamic object creation - reload the scripts anytime in order to concurrently develop and test an object
The package comes with some example patches and scripts with inline documentation. I have yet to check out the real-time behavior of the Python interpreter.
flext 0.3.2 - the C++ layer for cross-platform development of PD and MaxMSP externals. It's another maintenance release, fixing some important issues with multi-threading. Also, the zip-file of flext 0.3.1 was somehow corrupt.
Watch out for flext 0.4.0 featuring an object-oriented GUI abstraction layer
Download as usual from http://www.parasitaere-kapazitaeten.net/Pd/ext
and now it's time for some music.