salut again heres the new release of sIgpAck library a::changed namespace-prefix from "sp." to "sp_" so every extern compiles as single object as well b::In sp_chop~ frank barknecht added a class_addcreator to make it available as "sp.chop~" as well just to illustrate this feature download from hope this clears up things i guess it would be nice to have the same release for every machine so please take this one for porting and for cvsing thanks to frank barknecht gruss m.weiss
Hallo, m.weiss hat gesagt: // m.weiss wrote:
heres the new release of sIgpAck library a::changed namespace-prefix from "sp." to "sp_" so every extern compiles as single object as well b::In sp_chop~ frank barknecht added a class_addcreator to make it available as "sp.chop~" as well just to illustrate this feature download from hope this clears up things i guess it would be nice to have the same release for every machine so please take this one for porting and for cvsing
With Martin's permission, I now added sIgpAck to the CVS in directory: /externals/sIgpAck
Currently it's an exact copy of above zip-file minus the Windows binary dll.
TODO: Adding sIgpAck to externals/Makefile, which should be trivial.