Dear list,
The world first Japanese Pure Data book for sound programming will be published from BNN(Bug News Network) Inc. on 23rd Feb. 2012 in Japan. The title is "Pd Recipe Book -Sound Programming with Pure Data". This book is written for the programming newbies with the step by step type tutorials. If you know anybody who can read Japanese and hope to jump into the Pd world, please recommend this book.
Web site (Japanese) "Pd Recipe Book -Sound Programming with Pure Data"
I hope this become the starting point to spread Pd in Japan.
best wishes,
Sei Matsumura
-- __/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/ Seiichiro Matsumura, Ph.D.
Tokyo University of Technology School of Design Associate Professor __/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/
wonderful! I really like the cover, too.
I just found that BNN International also has an Englisch announcement here:
All the best,
So in a wonderfully circular twist: Any chance of an English ebook translation (preferably free, of course)? Maybe even just the interviews, I admit I'm curious.
Well done, good work.
On 24 February 2012 09:25, Frank Barknecht wrote: