as we still couldn't figure out how to deliver two libraries depending on each other using the OSX linker, i released a package containing pdp-0.12.1 and pidip-0.12.10 for OSX.
this package can be found here : http://ydegoyon.free.fr/pdp_pidip_osx.tar.gz
the streaming objects ( pdp_ffmpeg~ and pdp_live~ ) have also been removed because i couldn't find a way to link them properly.
anyway, all other pidip objects are there ( motion detection, compositing, network objects and port of effectv ).
enjoy! sevy
ps : here are the install notes :
############################################################# These notes were kindly provided by Pedro "No User, No Cry" Soler and were compiled during the piksel workshop held at BEK, bergen, norway during early November 2003 thanks, Pedro & people at BEK ( pier, gisle, ellen, thomas,... ) .
1. download Fink http://fink.sourceforge.net/ This permits to download & install libraries - we like Fink Commander which is a graphic interface to fink included in the osx download. In Fink Commander / Preferences click on the Fink tab and tick "use unstable packages". this is important because otherwise you will not see several of the libraries you need.
2. using Fink, install the following libraries : gsl-shlibs libpng-shlibs libpng3 libpng3-shlibs libquicktime0-shlibs ImageMagick Imlib2
you can either do it one by one from Fink Commander or try this from the terminal (be sure to have set "use unstable packages" beforehand)
sudo apt-get install gsl-shlibs libpng-shlibs libpng3 libpng3-shlibs libquicktime0-shlibs ImageMagick Imlib2
( this didnt work for me - i found i had to do it one by one. libquicktime has quite a few dependencies that it needs to install and this causes problems giving a "Problem resolving dependencies. Check for circular dependencies" error message. fink gives u a list of the dependencies its going to install and u have to install them one by one & then check back if u can apt-get install libquicktime0-shlibs )
3. You will need X11 for OSX (http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/x11/) u can download from http://opendarwin.org/ or directly from Apple for 10.3. it runs like an application - PDP uses X11 for its windows.
4. download & install PD (we recommend using Hans-Christoph Steiner's OSX PD installer from http://www.pure-data.org/Members/hans )
5. install the present package in /usr/local/lib/pd/pdp_pidip_osx
6. modify the Pd.command textfile to read like this /usr/local/bin/pd -rt -path /usr/local/lib/pd/extra:/usr/local/lib/pd/pdp_pidip_osx/abstractions -lib /usr/local/lib/pd/pdp_pidip_osx/pdp_pidip
IMPORTANT : v4l will not work (this is currently the object used to grab live video) and neither will the window object pdp_xv (use pdp_glx instead).