(apologies for any x-post)
Xth Sense™ - Biophysical Music with Marco Donnarumma Make your own low-cost biowearable for interactive music and video
This weekend course offers hands-on experience and theoretical training in the performance of biophysical music and visuals with the wearable instrument Xth Sense™ (XS). Workshop participants will build from scratch their own XS biosensors, then learn how to analyze and map the sound and data from their muscle, blood flow and body movements to generate music, visuals, and do live processing of sound. Attention will also be paid to aesthetic considerations when using the XS system in artistic contexts.
At the end of the workshop, participants will take home the XS bioacoustic sensors they built, and the related software for their own continued creative use.
Some topics covered in the workshop include:
- Theoretical background on the state of art of gestural control of music - Introduction to the Xth Sense (XS) framework (technical overview, capabilities) - Building the biosensor - An introduction to the open source artistic programming language PureData, tips and tricks for using PureData in live settings - Explorations of bioacoustic sound design capabilities - Building audio modules and signal processing chains - Aesthetics of bioacoustic sensor-based performance - Mapping muscle energy to control values and real-time processing - Designing an aesthetic vocabulary for body-sensor performance
The Xth Sense™ (2010-14) is a free and open biophysical technology. With it you can produce music with the sound of your body. The XS captures sounds from heart, blood and muscles and uses them to integrate the human body with a digital interactive system for sound and video production. In 2012, it was named the “world’s most innovative new musical instrument” and awarded the first prize in the Margaret Guthman New Musical Instrument Competition by the Georgia Tech Center for Music Technology (US). Today, the Xth Sense is used by a steadily growing community of creatives, ranging from performing artists and musicians, to researchers in physiotherapy and prosthetics, and universities and students in diverse fields. @xthsense
REGISTER AT: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/xth-sensetm-biophysical-music-workshop-with-marc...
DATE: 4-5 OCTOBER, 2014
COST: Regular: $280, Members & Students (with ID): $250 (+ $40 Materials Cost) Registrants are reminded to bring the $40 for the materials cost in cash to the workshop.
CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS: mark@hyphenhub.com
LOCATION: The Red Door, 140 West 24th Street, New York (between 6th and 7th ave)
COMPLETE WORKSHOP INFO: http://marcodonnarumma.com/teaching/xth-sense-biophysical-music/
INSTRUCTOR Italian-born Marco Donnarumma is a performer, musician, sonic artist and writer based in London and New York City. He has performed, spoken and taught in over 50 countries worldwide for leading festivals, institutions, media labs and universities, such as Sonar+D, Festival Transmediale, FILE, New York Electronic Arts Festival, RPM Sound Art China, ISEA, Stanford CCRMA and STEIM, to name a few. His practice is considered a conceptually elaborated combination of physical actions, intense sonic experiences and forceful sensorial stimulation. His work has been featured on BBC, Forbes, Reuters, ARTE.TV, Wired, RTVE and ResonanceFM, amongst the others.
Full bio and CV: http://marcodonnarumma.com/bio/
wishing you well,
-- Marco Donnarumma Performer, body tinkerer, teacher and writer. #soundandmusic #biotech #freeculture EAVI - Goldsmiths, University of London ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Portfolio: http://marcodonnarumma.com Research: http://res.marcodonnarumma.com