Hi everyone,
I'm happy to announce the initial public release of MobMuPlat for Android!
Now your Pd patch+interface creations work the same on iOS and Android: MIDI, sensors, GPS, 2D graphics, networking, etc, are all there, plus the Android-only feature of connecting Gamepads/Joysticks.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.iglesiaintermedia.mobmupla... and www.mobmuplat.com
I still consider it somewhat in beta: given the chaotic breadth of Android hardware out there, please contact me with any glaring problems or questions. Improvements are still being made...
Additionally, both iOS and Android versions (and the editor applications) are open-source on github (better building directions coming soon).
Please contact me with any questions, or to show off what you've made with it...
Best, Dan
=== www.danieliglesia.com