Hi all!
As some of you have noticed, a new version of aubio has been released a few days ago.
aubio is a library of functions to analyze music signals, providing note onset detection, pitch detection, and beat tracking, amongst others.
The previous release of aubio included the pd-aubio external, which now has its own package.
Source tarball, signature and digest: http://aubio.org/pub/pd-aubio/pd-aubio-0.3.tar.bz2 http://aubio.org/pub/pd-aubio/pd-aubio-0.3.tar.bz2.asc http://aubio.org/pub/pd-aubio/pd-aubio-0.3.tar.bz2.md5 http://aubio.org/pub/pd-aubio/pd-aubio-0.3.tar.bz2.sha1
Git repository: git://git.aubio.org/git/pd-aubio/ http://git.aubio.org/?p=pd-aubio.git;a=summary
Mirror on github: https://github.com/piem/pd-aubio
To find out more about the latest aubio release:
Post announcing aubio 0.4.0: http://aubio.org/news/20131217-1900_aubio_0.4.0
ChangeLog for aubio 0.4.0: http://aubio.org/pub/aubio-0.4.0.changelog
Merry hacking! Paul