Hi again,
Ok so the last mail was perhaps a little dry, but we would really like it if you listers had anything to add .. We're trying to build up a forum where people can run their apps and contribute to a 24/7 generative audio radio system. So if you've got any generative audio apps languishing in your hard drive please let us know!
>>>>>>>>previous mail below
Heres an early notice/invite for the rand()% internet radio project I am working on with Joe Glimore (check the info below) . Have a look at the site/Listen to the stream and if there's anything you would like to submit for inclusion then please let me know. We're still setting up so forgive the occasional glitch/error in both the site and the stream. We are planning to launch properly at the ultrasound festival in huddersfield uk (end of November). If you want to know any more about the project or how to contribute then just mail me back. Look forward to hearing from you.. :) I know that plenty of you have done some pretty interesting stuff that we'd love to check out/stream !!!
INFO STREAM FOLLOWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
rand()% internetradiobot
------| rand()% is a realtime streaming generative internet radio station.
It exists as a host for computer driven / user defined audio programming that is entirely automated, where every programme transmitted is composed in realtime by computer. All audio is generated on demand by a unique series of artist / musician developed programs.
int rand ( void );
------| Currently featuring work by: Alku [es] / Dieb13 [at] / Boris Hauf [uk] / Lia+Carvalhais [at+pt] / Mijim [uk] / Nullpointer [uk] / Muio.org [uk] / Josepf Plank [uk] / Charlie Ferrari [uk] / Thor+Runar Magnusson [is] / Andy Gracie [uk] / Dave Courbett [uk] /
------| rand()% is an ongoing project with the ambition to broadcast a wide range of artists projects in the realm of generative audio.
rand()% invites participation. current tested + approved protocols include: Max/msp / Pure Data / Shockwave Flash / Director / Koan / C++ / Perl / etc.
_____________________|||||||__.__ ____ _______......./ + RAND_MAX is a constant defined in stdlib.h. Its default value is implementation defined. Parameters. (none) Return Value. An integer value between 0 and RAND_MAX. Portability. Defined in ANSI-C.
------| http://www.r4nd.org
------| rand@nullpointer.co.uk
Supported by the Digital Research Unit / The Media Centre / Huddersfield (http://www.druh.co.uk)(http://www.ultrasound.ws)