This workshop series keeps heating up, and promises to be an interesting zone of convergence for analog and electronics noise-makers alike in Berlin.
* 17th February 2pm: noise_produce workshop with Martin Howse
The noise_produce workshop is concerned with techniques for the elaboration of experimental noise electronics (mis-use of functional digital electronics) and a generic means of production traced from defined circuit diagram to copper-etched board. Please bring a soldering iron and any spare/salvaged electronic parts of interest. All other materials will be supplied.
Course fee 15 euros includes materials.
* 24th February 2pm: FM-transmitter-workshop with piradio/superfactory[TM].
How to build your own radio-transmitter, booster, antenna and if required receiver. Audio broadcast. Soldering permitted.
All materials and some tools supplied. Please bring individual audio/noise, your own soldering iron if possible or inform if needed.
* 10th March 2pm: SuperCollider with Fredrik Olofsson
Further planned workshops will cover Pure Data connectivity, the Arduino platform, ATmega8 microcontrollers, UNIX process, documentation, GNU Emacs, VLF reception, analogue TV transmission, FPGA design... full details tbc.
xxxxx, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119 U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl. U8, Rosenthaler Pl. telephone: 3050187482.
Please RSVP to reserve More info: