_ ____syncgrain~ - external for synchronous granular synthesis.
syncgrain~ is a port of the SndObj-Object SyncGrain. The original SyncGrain dokumentation by Dr Victor Lazzarini goes like this:
The source sound for the grains is obtained by reading a function table containing the samples of the source waveform. The grain generator has full control of frequency (grains/sec), overall amplitude, grain pitch (a sampling increment) and grain size (in millisecs). An extra parameter is the grain pointer speed (or rate), which controls which position the generator will start reading samples in the table for each successive grain. It is measured in fractions of grain size, so a value of 1 will make each successive grain read from where the previous grain should finish. A value of 0.5 will make the next grain start at the midway position from the previous grain start and finish, etc. A value of 0 will make the generator read always from the start of the table. This control gives extra flexibility for creating timescale modifications in the resynthesis.
_ ____Changes in the pure-data.sf.net CVS syncgrain~:
While the older syncgrain~ loaded wav/riff files into its own memory as grain sources, the current CVS version uses on standard Pd table/array objects instead. This opens up new possibilities, one could think for example of a granulating delay line done with tabwrite~. A bug, that caused a Pd crash if the grain array is deleted was fixed (I hope).
A packaged version including linux makefile and binary will soon be available on footils.org, but currently syncgrain~ is CVS only.
_ ____Requirements
SndObj : SndObj-enabled flext >= 0.4.1 : g++-3.2 prefered, g++-2.9x might work, but is not officially supported :P
Destroy sounds, have fun!