I imported a bunch of abstractions (angriff, sseq,...) into sourceforge-CVS. A new, and useful one is "softtakeover" (sto) used to prevent jumps in midi-faders:
Soft Take-Over (sto)
abstraction to temporarily stop incoming controller values until a certain value is reached. All this is useful if you need to switch targets for hardware midi-fader-boxes on the fly and need to prevent sudden value jumps. creation argument: name of a send target. Will send $1 automatically. If you switch targets, send "sto" a "Wait for number"-signal (an int into the rightmost inlet) and sto will not let anything through until this stored value is reached.
Get them with
% cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.pure-data.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pure-data co abstractions
Have fun.
hi list
i just uploaded the dfx externals into the cvs (folder is /externals/dfx)
there you find:
transverb~ polarizer~ buffer_override~ skidder~ dfx-lib
they all need flext to build!
additional documentation at
martin pi
martin pi