Hi all,
I'd just like to announce that i consider my cvs contributions (cvs.pure-data.souceforge.net:/cvsroot/pure-data/externals/grill) not to be beta any more. The sf.net-cvs is syncd with my local cvs every morning at 5:30 CET. Please note that changes solely made in the sf.net-cvs will simply be overwritten as i only synchronize in one direction. If you want to contribute to my externals (which i want to encourage) please drop me a line (and/or patch)! Whenever i release packages i'll tag the respective project with a version tag in the form version_0_1_2 (corresponding to 0.1.2), so you can easily retrieve so-called "stable" versions. Apart from that all sources in the cvs are bleeding-edge experimental versions. I regularly use them for my own patches though.
have fun, Thomas