(Sorry for any x-posting)
The Danish National School of Theatre and Contemporary Dance Supported by The Danish Arts Council and Augustinus Fonden presents:
::::::: Host Guest Ghost, final event ::::::::
Sunday 5th June 11.00 h Dansehallerne, Copenhagen, DK.
HGG is a series of artistic residencies. The project aim at fostering experimental approaches to dance, theatre and interactive technologies while forming emerging, talented choreographers and creatives.
HGG #2 was directed by new media and sonic artist, performer and teacher Marco Donnarumma. Together with a team of 6 dancers, 3 musicians and a professional chef, they developed a new intermedia piece titled "Raw/Roar".
The piece will unveil a peculiar, unique world of enhanced bodies, biophysical sound, augmented music and reactive videos.
Among the different media and technologies explored during the residency, the main focus was set on the open source-based Xth Sense, developed by Marco Donnarumma. Xth Sense is a set biophysical sensors which augment human body by transducing kinetic energy in sound, music and control data for variable media.
Project info: http://www.dansehallerne.dk/side.asp?side=13&id=233&ver=uk
Xth Sense: http://res.marcodonnarumma.com
Director's portfolio: http://marcodonnarumma.com/
Best wishes,