Linux Audio Conference 2008
Lectures / Demos / Workshops / Concerts / Linux Soundnight
Köln/Cologne, 28.2.-2.3.2008
The 6th Linux Audio Conference is taking place in Cologne (Germany) Feb 28th to
March 2nd 2008.
The Academy of Media Arts[1], Cologne, is proud to host the Linux Audio Conference
2008[2], where once a year programmers and artists, musicians, composers and
practioneers gather to discuss and explore new and important developments in
making music and sounds with Linux and Open Source software.
The Linux Audio Conference is both a meeting of developers writing audio
software for Linux as it is a music festival, where artists from all over the
world show how free software can create fresh and exciting new sounds.
A wide range of workshops, talks and presentations will once again prove, how
Tux, the friendly penguin, spreads its little wings into areas, that no longer
are the realm for the big fish alone - like computer music, sound engineering
and audio distribution. The LAC aims at bringing together developers and users
of Linux and open source audio software with the goal of information sharing,
project discussions, making (and dancing to) music.
Each day of the conference there will be a concert which features music
composed and created with open source software.
Stay tuned for the various calls for Papers, Music and Workshops bound to
appear on the new LAC website - - right after the
summer break.
The team of LAC2008 is working hard to make the LAC Cologne again a successful
and most of all fun event for all visitors and participants. If you have
further questions, want to cooperate with us or just cannot wait anymore, you
can always contact us by email: lac(a)
Hear you in 2008!
Frank Barknecht and Martin Rumori
Mail: lac(a)
Linux Audio Conference 2008
Lectures / Demos / Workshops / Concerts / Linux Soundnight
Köln/Cologne, 28.2.-2.3.2008
The 6th Linux Audio Conference is taking place in Cologne (Germany) Feb 28th to
March 2nd 2008.
The Academy of Media Arts[1], Cologne, is proud to host the Linux Audio Conference
2008[2], where once a year programmers and artists, musicians, composers and
practioneers gather to discuss and explore new and important developments in
making music and sounds with Linux and Open Source software.
The Linux Audio Conference is both a meeting of developers writing audio
software for Linux as it is a music festival, where artists from all over the
world show how free software can create fresh and exciting new sounds.
A wide range of workshops, talks and presentations will once again prove, how
Tux, the friendly penguin, spreads its little wings into areas, that no longer
are the realm for the big fish alone - like computer music, sound engineering
and audio distribution. The LAC aims at bringing together developers and users
of Linux and open source audio software with the goal of information sharing,
project discussions, making (and dancing to) music.
Each day of the conference there will be a concert which features music
composed and created with open source software.
Stay tuned for the various calls for Papers, Music and Workshops bound to
appear on the new LAC website - - right after the
summer break.
The team of LAC2008 is working hard to make the LAC Cologne again a successful
and most of all fun event for all visitors and participants. If you have
further questions, want to cooperate with us or just cannot wait anymore, you
can always contact us by email: lac(a)
Hear you in 2008!
Frank Barknecht and Martin Rumori
Mail: lac(a)
advert break: The (leading) german computer magazine c't [1] has a
6-page Pd tutorial in its 17/07 issue (in stores Aug 6), written by
yours truly.
It's a basic introduction geared towards absolute beginners. But I've
managed to smuggle (at least) two small mistakes into the example
patches[2] that advanced users can search for. ;)
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__
DesireData 2007.08.04 :
* Unicode locales
* fixed type mismatch bug recently introduced in [unpack]...
* fixed lost console posts at startup
* turned most fprintf() into post() or error()
* added Chinese locale from Chun Lee
* added Polish locale from Michal Seta
* added object creation history
* added arrow keys and mouse clicks to KeyboardDialog
* added click drag and copy
* added background grid
* added snap to grid
* added new font selector (in client prefs)
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal QC Canada
L'Œuvre ouverte | PureData Convention 07
Performances + Exhibitions + Paper sessions
Check it out on :
We are very pleased to be hosting over 30 artists and 25 developpers
from more than 10 countries ! There will be a total of 12
performances, 10 installations, 6 workshops and 24 papers.
Consult the list of the participants who are coming !
Check out the workshops.
Learn about the exhibitions and the performances.
More info about papers and round table discussions very soon!
L'Œuvre ouverte | Congrès PureData 07
Performances + Expositions + Conférences
Qui présente quoi, quand ?
Quelles sont les installations ?
Les performances ?
Les conférences ?
Les ateliers ?
Consultez le site :
Nous sommes très heureux de recevoir plus de 30 artistes et 25
développeurs de plus de 10 pays. Il y aura un total de 12
performances, 10 installations, 6 ateliers et 24 conférences.
Jetez un coup d'œil à la liste des participants !
Inscrivez-vous aux ateliers !
Découvrez les projets d'installations et de performances.
Plus d'information à propos des conférences et des tables rondes, très bientôt !
Martin Renaud
Responsable des communications
L'Œuvre ouverte | Congrès PureData 07
Courriel : com.pd(a)
Tél. : (514)521-2116 #15
DesireData 2007.07.30 :
* added classes [unpost], [tracecall], [parse], [unparse]
* non-constructed objects finally have a dashed box like they used to
* most of the rest of the C code switched to C++,PD_PLUSPLUS_FACE
* beginning to use C++ standard library components
* added event history view (help menu)
* added keyboard view
* fixed several bugs in copy/paste, undo/redo, subpatches, gop.
* added atom_ostream (similar to atom_string)
* lifted many string length restrictions
* fixed the hexmunge generator (for classnames with special chars)
* pd_error() is deprecated
* added verror(), added open_via_path2(), canvas_open2(), outlet_atom()
* [route] and [select] support mixed floats and symbols
* [unpack] supports type "e" meaning any atom ("e" stands for "element")
* added variable mouse cursor sensitivity
* various fixes on keyboard navigation
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal QC Canada
Enabling the Spirit of Play in Musical Instrument Building
Notice: hosted by Richard Waldinger
Date: Thursday August 02, 2007 at 16:00
Location: EJ291 (SRI E building) (Directions)
More and more performers are using computer-based instruments for
live performance, using software that allows complex control and
interaction with sound and visual media in real time. All too
frequently, these performers tie themselves to the keyboard-mouse-
monitor interaction model, narrowly constraining the range of
possible gestures. A multitude of gestural input devices are readily
available, making it easy to utilize a broader range of gestures.
Human Interface Devices (HIDs) such as joysticks, tablets, and
gamepads are cheap and can be good musical controllers. Some even
provide haptic feedback. Now, the biggest hinderance for performers
wanting to create their own instruments is the usability of the
software. To enable the creation of computer-based instruments, we
are developing software that allows instruments to be built in the
same spirit of play that many people apply when learning a
traditional musical instrument.
This work is in collaboration with Cyrille Henry, Olaf Matthes, and
David Merrill.
Note for Visitors to SRI
Please arrive at least 10 minutes early in order to sign in and be
escorted to the conference room. SRI is located at 333 Ravenswood
Avenue in Menlo Park. Visitors may park in the visitors lot in front
of Building E, and should follow the instructions by the lobby phone
to be escorted to the meeting room. Detailed directions to SRI, as
well as maps, are available from the Visiting AIC web page.
Using ReBirth is like trying to play an 808 with a long stick. -
David Zicarelli
Hi all,
i will make a PD workshop in Budapest, Hungary. Details are here:
come and see if you are around bp at the middle of august..
ps. the recursive Gem patches posted a few days ago are brilliant...
good to see that things are happening around with Gem...