Dear all,
cordial invitation to my media installation 1/space at the
Medienkunstlabor in the Kunsthaus Graz, Austria.
It will be on display until May 14th, 10am-7pm, except Mondays.
Be sure to drop by, i'll be there again personally from May 11th to
the closing.
It's all realized in Pure Data, GEM and python.…
all the best,
Greetings all,
I have just posted a collection of student patches for an interaction design course I was teaching at Emily Carr University of Art and Design. I hope that the patches will be useful to people playing around with Pure Data in a learning environment, installation artwork and other uses.
The link is:
The patches include multi-area motion detection, colour tracking, live audio looping, live video looping, collision detection, real-time video effects, real-time audio effects, 3D object manipulation and more...
Pure Data Interaction Design Patches
These are projects from the Emily Carr University of Art and Design DIVA 202 Interaction Design course for Spring 2010 term. All projects use Pure Data Extended and run on Mac OS X. They could likely be modified with small changes to run on other platforms as well. The focus was on education so the patches are sometimes "works in progress" technically but should be quite useful for others learning about PD and interaction design.
NOTE: This page may move, please link from: for correct location.
Instructor: Leonard J. Paul
Students: Ben, Christine, Collin, Euginia, Gabriel K, Gabriel P, Gokce, Huan, Jing, Katy, Nasrin, Quinton, Tony and Sandy
GabrielK-AsteroidTracker - An entire game based on motion tracking. This is a simple arcade-style game in which the user must navigate the spaceship through a field of oncoming asteroids. The user controls the spaceship by moving a specifically coloured object in front of the camera.
Features: Motion tracking, collision detection, texture mapping, real-time music synthesis, game logic
GabrielP-DogHead - Maps your face from the webcam onto different dog's bodies in real-time with an interactive audio loop jammer. Fun!
Features: Colour tracking, audio loop jammer, real-time webcam texture mapping
Euginia-DanceMix - Live audio loop playback of four separate channels. Loop selection is random for first two channels and sequenced for last two channels. Slow volume muting of channels allows for crossfading. Tempo-based video crossfading.
Features: Four channel live loop jammer (extended from Hardoff's ma4u patch), beat-based video cross-cutting
Huan-CarDance - Rotates 3D object based on the audio output level so that it looks like it's dancing to the music.
Features: 3D object display, 3d line synthesis, live audio looper
Ben-VideoGameWiiMix - Randomly remixes classic video game footage and music together. Uses the wiimote to trigger new video by DarwiinRemote and OSC messages.
Features: Wiimote control, OSC, tempo-based video crossmixing, music loop remixing and effects
Christine-eMotionAudio - Mixes together video with recorded sounds and music depending on the amount of motion in the webcam. Intensity level of music increases and speed of video playback increases with more motion.
Features: Adaptive music branching, motion blur, blob size motion detection, video mixing
Collin-LouderCars - Videos of cars respond to audio input level.
Features: Video switching, audio input level detection.
Gokce-AVmixer - Live remixing of video and audio loops.
Features: video remixing, live audio looper
Jing-LadyGaga-ing - Remixes video from Lady Gaga's videos with video effects and music effects.
Features: Video warping, video stuttering, live audio looper, audio effects
KatyC_Bunnies - Triggers video and audio using multi-area motion detection. There are three areas on each side to control the video and audio loop selections. Video and audio loops are loaded from directories.
Features: Multi-area motion detection, audio loop directory loader, video loop directory loader
Nasrin-AnimationMixer - Hand animation videos are superimposed over the webcam image and chosen by multi-area motion sensing. Audio loop playback is randomly chosen with each new video.
Features: Multi-area motion sensing, audio loop directory loader
Quintons-AmericaRedux - Videos are remixed in response to live audio loop playback. Some audio effects are mirrored with corresponding video effects.
Features: Real-time video effects, live audio looper
Tony-MusicGame - A music game where the player needs to find how to piece together the music segments triggered by multi-area motion detection on a webcam.
Features: Multi-area motion detection, audio loop directory loader
Sandy-Exerciser - An exercise game where you move to the motions of the video above the webcam video. Stutter effects on video and live audio looper.
Features: Video stutter effect, real-time webcam video effects
Hello Pd-list,
I organise a small "apero" = meeting in Marseille. We haven't any money
for travel because this is a small and local meeting. But if someone
would like to go in Marseille or lives near to Marseille you can
complete the call for participation for this event.
We can try to find a place to sleep in Marseille.
The party is the 10 of July in Marseille.
The deadline of the call of participation is 01 june 2010.
This is the translation of the french website :
The Apero Codelab, what is it? / / /
/ / / Codelab is primarily a forum for mutual aid on the Internet,
bringing together developers, artists and often a bit of both. These
people are essentially found around the code and creative projects. An
Aperitif Codelab Marseille follows many other aperitifs:
Like the preceding it will be an opportunity for artists and developers
to meet around the presentation of projects, technical tips,
performances, concerts and a small snack.
For this edition Marseillaise, the ZINC hosting the event which takes
place in three stages:
/ / / The first, during the afternoon will be a workshop on the theme
"code and audiovisual. Open to all on form and in limited places available.
/ / / The second part will be a presentation of art on their technical
aspects, "how it's done" by computer trickery, or presentations on the
theory or digital audio digital video ...
/ / / The third stage will take place after the drink itself and an
opportunity to attend performances and concerts.
Call for Participation / / / Aperitif Codelab # 8 / / /
/ / / Artists, researchers, developers, enthusiasts, you are cordially
invited to attend a day meeting about the aesthetics of code. Come have
a project in progress or already carried out under one of the following
forms: demo, lecture, performance, concert ..
Have a nice day
the subversion repository of RjDj is undergoing a temporary downtime for
technical reasons. It's not yet clear when it will be available again,
but for those of you who want to use the rj library in the meantime,
I've put the latest version here:
This only includes the "rj" folder of abstractions.
If you want more, a slightly outdated version of rj also is part of the
RjDj Composer pack together with many other niceties:
Sorry for any inconveiences.
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ChangeLog for version 9.8 (2010.04.01):
* fixed GCC >= 4.4.3 related problem (?) with c++ templates...
* fixed [gf/mouse_spy] crash (also related to [#see])
* small fixes to colouring of [display] and [#see]
* added [gf/selector] [gf/getcwd] [gf/find_file] [gf/canvas_index]
* OSX: print real error messages instead of error #-43, etc.
* OSX: [#io.quartz] reports position
* [#in]: lookup file in -path and the dir of the patch containing [#in]
* removed annoying posts/errors when loading helpfiles
* [#print]: fix bug with negative numbers in base 8 and 16
* [# **]: fixed crash with negative numbers
* [#out x11]: hide close-button
* [#out x11]: add "border $1" method for hiding window-border (for
* major update to cellular_1d.pd, instant_blur.pd, markov.pd, ...
* reviewed and updated a lot of examples.
* added examples : rgb_delay.pd dither.pd
* [#]: added back an important optimisation to save on RAM
* [#fold] [#scan]: allow op avg, op hypot
* [#fold] [#scan]: better check for unallowed ops
* merged binary_operations.pd + videodev_effects.pd -> various_effects.pd
* [#in] [#out] output "not_open" in outlet 1, to answer a message in
closed mode
* [#in] load has a $2 as a shortcut for open $1, cast $2, bang, close
* [#in videodev] (linux cameras): trying to add YUYV support (palette 8)
(please test)
* [#out x11] [#out quartz] [#out sdl] [#see] accept greyscale
* [gf/canvas_loadbang]: fixed bug
* added most missing helpfiles, missing parts of helpfiles, corrected
typos, etc.
* added missing entries in index.pd ("GridFlow Index")
* [#in videodev]: some error messages have been condensed
* [#in videodev]: YUV cameras speedup (faster clip function)
* [#camera]: use "not_open" to correctly show that no camera currently is
* [#see]: can drag to a point outside of the window
* [#see]: fixed a bug when closing a gop containing a [#see].
* [#see]: added "margins $1 $2 $3 $4" method
* changed version numbering "scheme", if there was ever any such thing
* linux [#in quicktime] renamed to [#in quicktimehw]
* osx [#in quicktime] renamed to [#in quicktimeapple]
* [#in] and [#out]: added 'quicktime' alias for either of the above two
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard, Montréal, Québec. téléphone: +1.514.383.3801
Hi Pd people,
ICMC 2010 is to be held on june 1st-5th in NYC
I know some of you will be there on ICMC, and even in New York, so here is a
nice opportunity to send some proposals to ICMC's UnConference, it is also
open to something similar as the Pd Hacking Session we had in the last Pd
Extended deadline is April 15th, here'e the address to send it to:
It is also a nice opening for some informal papers to talk about personal
views, ideas, manifestos, whatever.
Please let me know if you have some questions...
"The UnConference will be a more informal gathering of artists, thinkers,
dreamers, and other trouble makers all focused on digital technologies,
electronic arts, and music. Participants will have the opportunity to share
their work with peers in an informal setting. The UnConference will take
place daily in the EMF offices and the Wang Center Chapel. We are looking
for topics of discussion - please submit up to 1 page which will be printed
in the proceedings."
on behalf of andy farnell, i would like to inform you:
April Beginners Pure Data Workshops, London UK
Sorry for cross posting if you receive this more than once.
This Friday the 16th April and the following Friday the 23rd
in London, England, I will be giving two 'free' public lectures
for those who are embarking on Pure Data or audio programming
related courses next semester, or those who are just Pd curious
for art and hacktivism reasons.
It's an open door policy at SAE London, and the $5 booking thing is
merely a mechanism to manage numbers and make sure people are
'serious' if they book one of the limited seats (If you genuinely
can't afford it just ask and they will waive it)
April 2010
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 * 17 18
19 20 21 22 * 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
la trente-quatrième rencontre du club d'utilisateurs de PureData de Montréal
aura lieu à Vidéographe Production, 4550, rue Garnier (coin Mont-Royal) le
mercredi 14 avril 2010, à compter de 18h30.
au programme :
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| Alexandre~ T Porres~ 440 |
3ª Convenção Internacional de Puredata em São Paulo
The 3rd international Pd Convention was held from 19th to 26th of july 2009 in
São Paulo, venues took place at 4 SESC units, the MIS-SP (museum of Image and
sound of Sao Paulo), and PUC University. We had the support of MIS, Sesc, and
the CNPq agency as the major funders. We had around 50 participants from
outside of Brazil, plus 20 brazilians, and the format was closely related to
the previous edition: Performances, Installations, Paper Sessions, Demo
Sessions, workshops, and a Hack Lab...
I had the will and idea to organise this convention when I came to PdCon07 in
Montreal, in 2008 Mathieu Bouchard and Alexandre Castonguay went to Brazil, and
we had a small gathering that served as a way to check the local interest and
join forces. It was organized and carried with no funds at the place I was
living (Ibrasotope), which also works as an artist run center. That event was
organized along with ricardo Palmieri, who was my partner in the organization
of PdCon09 along with Paloma Oliveira, who later joined and helped with the
production team. Many other people helped, of course.
I will show some stats about the convention and show some videos and discuss
its impact and further consequences in the local scenario, and worldwide.
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| pix_Marc Fournel 180 |
VOID 0.2
Présentation de la documentation et survol de la programmation de VOID 0.2, une
installation interactive qui utilise la rétroaction vidéo pour créer un jeu de
déconstruction et reconstruction visuelle en temps réel d'une source vidéo
provenant d'une caméra miniature mise à la disposition des utilisateurs. VOID
0.2 intègre aussi trois interfaces sans fil qui, lorsqu'elles sont manipulées,
modifient différents éléments de la composition visuelle finale. VOID 0.2 est
une expérience sensorielle créée pour être présentée dans un dôme immersif
(écran de 360 X 180 degrés). La première diffusion de cette installation a eu
lieu en mars 2010 à Casablanca (Maroc). VOID 0.2 est issue d'une résidence de
recherche effectuée au centre i-DAT situé à Plymouth (Angleterre).
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| #Mathieu #Bouchard (255 0 0) |
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---o--- `-------
Je présenterai mes nouvelles patchs réalisées à l'aide de GridFlow (et d'un peu
de GEM). Je montrerai dither.pd et rgb_delay.pd, qui sont deux exemples qui
sont nouveaux dans GridFlow 9.8, ainsi que supercycloid.pd, un exemple qui sera
nouveau dans GridFlow 9.9.
Je montrerai plusieurs variations sur chacune de ces patchs, je parlerai un peu
de leur fonctionnement, et surtout, je vous montrerai ce qui en résulte :)
Je montrerai aussi comment générer de gros polygones GEM à partir de GridFlow.
j'utiliserai un exemple à 480 sommets, et ça n'impliquera PAS un [polygon] à
481 inlets (!) : on pourra même varier le nombre de sommets dynamiquement.
à bientôt !
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard, Montréal, Québec. téléphone: +1.514.383.3801
Pdmtl mailing list
Workshop: Max/MSP and Pure Data for Interactive Music
Arizona State University West Campus
Saturday May 1, 10am-5pm Cost: $50
This is a one-day workshop led by Andrew May and Barry Moon. May is a
composer specializing in real-time computer processing of acoustic sources.
His regression analysis externals for Max/MSP and Pure Data can be found on
his website:
May is an associate professor at University of North Texas.
Moon is a sound/video artist creating works for a variety of audio and
visual media. His Baz Tutorials can be found on YouTube:
Moon is an assistant professor at Arizona State University.
Topics covered in the workshop include:
Audio analysis methods
Audio processing, including effects, synthesis, and sampling
MIDI, games controller, and other user inputs
Video analysis for control of audio processing
Setting up a live show (microphones, mixers, performers, etc.)
A CD with May's and Moon's software will be handed out for the class, and
participants can bring their own computers or use one of the computers in
the lab where the workshop will take place. Participants are also encouraged
to bring in their own software (patches) for help and feedback from May and
Please contact Barry Moon with questions regarding the event:
barry.moon at
Also, that evening at 6pm in Kiva Lecture Hall there will be a panel
discussion and at 7:30pm a concert by the Tornado Project, featuring
Elizabeth McNutt, flute, and Esther Lamneck, clarinet, performing live with
hi list
we have released some externals for timecoded vinyl tracking for pure data. It is all still in development but it would be great if some people could test the externals and give us some feedback. So if you know anyone who could be interested please tell them.
You can find the externals here
By the way could anyone help compiling the project on other platforms then osx? linux and windows would be great!
Thanks for any help
cheers komika