Hello List,
Today is the official release of Infinite Glitch, an online based artwork
that was created using, among other things, Pd-extended and PdGst. Thanks so
much to everyone who has helped with the development of these great tools!
You can read through the description below or jump straight to the project
page: http://infiniteglitch.com
Every day an incomprehensible number of new digital media files are uploaded
to hosting sites across the internet. Far too many for any one person to
consume. Infinite Glitch <http://infiniteglitch.com/> is a
stream-of-conciousness representation of this overwhelming flood of media,
its fractured and degraded sounds and images reflecting how little we as an
audience are able to retain from this daily barrage.
Infinite Glitch <http://infiniteglitch.com/> is an automated system that
generates an ever-changing audio/video stream from the constantly increasing
mass of media files freely available on the web. Source audio and video
files are ripped from a variety of popular media hosting sites, torn apart,
and recombined using collage and glitch techniques to create an organic,
chaotic flood of sensory input.
Ben Baker-Smith
English presentation bellow.
Rencontres, discussions et échanges entre artistes et développeurs
utilisant les nouvelles technologies de programmation (arts numériques,
hacking, performances, etc.).
Le vendredi 21 janvier / 19h-23h
au BlackBoxe
17 rue de la Chapelle / 75018 Paris
Metro ligne 12 / Station Marx Dormoy ou Porte de la Chapelle
/// Noise ambiante abstraite ///
19h / 21h : Présentation de Jukka Hautamäki (FI), suivie d'une
performance. Lors de cette rencontre, il présentera la dernière version
IOKO (sous Max/MSP) réalisé à Paris lors de sa résidence à la Cité
Internationale des Arts (description ci-dessous).
21h / 23h : Pot/apéro suivi de rencontres, discussions et échanges
autour des arts numériques, de la performance, du hacking et du
développement d'applications et d'installations.
Jukka Hautamäki est artiste en nouveaux média basé à Turku/Helsinki,
Finlande. Il travaille avec la vidéo, la photographie numérique, les
paysages sonores expérimentaux et électroniques.
Sous le nom de Ihokas, il essaie de maintenir un style évitant la
facilité et les solutions trop communes. Son style de musique
s'apparente à de la noise ambiante abstraite tournoyante, perturbée,
obscure, difficile d'écoute. La musique d'Ihokas est une combinaison de
traitement du son numérique, de sampling live, de synthés DIY et
d'improvisation électro-acoustique.
J. Hautamäki aime également bidouiller avec l'électronique, Arduino et
Max/MSP. Il est le membre fondateur de l'association Kokomys
d'électronique expérimentale de Turku.
/// English version ///
Jukka Hautamäki is media artist living and working in Turku / Helsinki,
Finland. He works with video, digital photography, experimental
soundscapes and electronics.
With Ihokas moniker Hautamäki has always tried to maintain unique kind
of style while avoiding most common mainstream solutions. Music style is
abstract ambient noise with a twist. Disturbed, obscure, difficult
listening. Ihokas live music is combination of digital sound
processing, live sampling, DIY synths and electro-acoustic sound
Hautamäki is also working with DIY electronics, Arduino and MaxMSP. He
is founding member of Turku based experimental electronics association
Kokomys. He will present the latest version of IOKO MaxMSP patch,
developed in Paris during his residency at Cité Internationale des
Arts .
/dev/art/#6 aura lieu le vendredi 28 janvier à la Générale Nord/Est avec
Join us at Eyebeam tomorrow (Thursday) from 6-10pm! We'll be playing
with the Kinect camera again, plus working on the Pd Starter Kit.
Bring whatever you are working on, or come see what others are doing.
And next month we'll be at The Chocolate Factory in Brooklyn, hosted
by Lee Azzarello.
We spend enough time alone staring at our computers; we are proposing
to work together. So often issues that arise when working can be
solved with a quick two minute discussion that would take hours to
solve alone. We have Dorkbot to see people's work, we have Share where
anyone can play, we have workshops and universities to learn from.
This is a meeting where we all can come to work.
This is an informal gathering of patching and patchers (Pd, Max/MSP/
Jitter, and even vvvv, Eyesweb, Labview, etc.). Beginners and
Experienced welcome. Open to everyone, students, the public, etc. Work
on personal projects, professional projects, school projects, ask for
help, help others, or just patch quietly to yourself, in a room full of
other people patching patches and helping other people patch.
Tomorrow, this Thursday 6-10pm
Patching Circle, http://puredata.info/community/NYCPatchingCircle
Eyebeam, http://eyebeam.org/
Thursday, Jan 20th, 6-10pm
540 W. 21st Street
Tel. 212.937.6580 (Eyebeam) or 347.850.4872 (Hans)
RSVP to info(a)eyebeam.org
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 16:39:31 -0500 (EST)
From: Mathieu Bouchard <matju(a)artengine.ca>
To: pdmtl(a)artengine.ca
Subject: [Pdmtl] pdmtl#39 (L'ANNONCE !)
La trente-neuvième rencontre du club d'utilisateurs de PureData de Montréal
aura lieu le 15 janvier 2011 de 14h00 à 18h00 au FouLab.
Ce local est situé à la suite 33B du 999, rue du Collège, dans l'arrondissement
Sud-Ouest (à ne pas confondre avec la rue du même nom de l'arrondissement
Saint-Laurent !).
La station de métro la plus proche est Place-Saint-Henri à 400 mètres.
Deux présentations à l'horaire :
1. laser (Maxime DAMECOUR)
Ce dispositif de performance audio-visuelle que j'ai développé profite de sa
simplicité : il est aussi simple que des haut-parleurs mécaniquement étendus et
un laser. Les deux haut-parleurs déplacent une paire de miroirs qui tournent
autour d'axes perpendiculaires. Un des haut-parleurs fait osciller le faisceau
verticalement et l'autre le fait osciller horizontalement. En modulant deux
ondes similaires avec PureData, des formes organiques sont produites. Certains
éléments-clés d'images attirantes sont des choses telles que le rapport
cyclique, les décalages de phase, les harmoniques et les fréquences en bas de
150 Hertz. Des sons naturels peuvent aussi être utilisés : on peut contrôler
une forme en fredonnant dans un micro.
This audio visual performance device I developed thrives on simplicity, it is
as simple as mechanically extended speakers and a laser. The two speakers
actuate a pair of mirrors that rotate on perpendicular axes. One speaker waves
the beam vertically and the other horizontally. By modulating two similar
waveforms with PureData, organic shapes are produced. Certain key elements of
appealing shapes are things such as duty cycle, phase offsets, harmonics and
frequencies under 150 Hertz. Natural sounds can also be used: one can control a
form by humming into a microphone.
2. flocons (Mathieu BOUCHARD)
Une des manières les plus populaires de faire des formes fractales est à l'aide
de déformations d'espace utilisant les nombres Complexes. Les fractales de
Mandelbrot et de Julia sont de telles choses, et d'ailleurs, elles utilisent
toutes deux exactement la même formule (quadratique), de deux manières
différentes. La série des flocons que j'ai commencée en décembre 2010 est faite
avec une autre formule de nombres Complexes, cette fois cubique, et avec une
opération qu'on ne retrouve pas dans les nombres Complexes normalement : un
double miroir. Ce sont ces deux choses réunies qui reproduisent la symétrie à
12 parties des flocons de neige (six branches fois deux côtés).
La manière de présenter des formules fractales peut se produire par simple
boucle de rétroaction sur une opération qui réorganise les pixels d'une image
dans laquelle les pixels peuvent aussi disparaître et être copiés de nombreuses
fois. La série des flocons utilise un tel [#remap_image] inséré dans la boucle
d'un filtre passe-bas pour donner un effet multi-couches. La patch est branchée
sur une caméra PWC pour cette démonstration. Je montrerai aussi ce procédé avec
une Julia et avec d'autres formules.
| Mathieu Bouchard ---- tél: +1.514.383.3801 ---- Villeray, Montréal, QC
Pdmtl mailing list
Hey PD Community,
Beginning today and for the next week or so I will be touring the
Northeastern United States playing music made with Pure Data. I play
saxophone while using a MIDI foot controller to control PD and
modulate my sax, and I have also programmed a PD synth to be
controlled by my IPod Touch with TouchOSC and OSCulator. You can go to
www.myspace.com/andrewbbernstein if you'd like to hear some of my
Here are the dates:
1/13 Baltimore, MD @ The Red Room - 425 E. 31st St
1/14 Chalottesville, VA @ Magnolia - 507 10TH STREET NW
W/ Hume, Amil Bleckie Band, Andrew Cedermark, Buildings
1/15 Brooklyn, NY @ Le Wallet - 1154 Myrtle Ave
w/ Ashcan Orchestra & Hubble
1/16 Queens, NY @ Silent Barn - 915 Wyckoff Ave
1/17 New London, CT @ The Playhouse
(dsboroughs(a)gmail.com for info)
w/ MC Charlie Chaplin, Fireball, Dan & Liz
1/18 Providence, RI @ Soft Approach - 39 Manton Ave
1/19 Boston, MA @ The Whitehaus
w/ Duck That
1/20 Northampton, MA @ King St Manor - 113 King St
1/21 Troy, NY @ 51 3rd - 51 3rd St
w/ Sam Sowyrda, Wumme, & Casper Electronics
1/22 Philadelphia, PA @ Younglove's - 5011 Baltimore Ave
w/ The New Heaven and The New Earth
Hope to see some of you there!
Andrew Bernstein
Andrew Bernstein
2622 Miles Ave
Baltimore, MD 21211
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 16:25:04 -0500
From: Eldad Tsabary <tazberry_docs(a)yahoo.ca>
To: [...]
Subject: [Pdmtl] Reminder: Call for proposals for CLIEC 2011 (deadline: Feb 1st)
- live EA performances and paper presentations
CLIEC 2011 - Concordia Live and Interactive Electroacoustic Colloquium
Hexagram Concordia Centre for Research Creation in Media Arts and Technologies
In collaboration with the Department of Music
Montréal - Canada
Saturday 26th of March, 2011
A call for proposals for paper presentations and live performances
Deadline: 1st of February 2011
Hexagram Concordia will be hosting CLIEC 2011 ? a one-day colloquium focused on live and interactive electroacoustic music, organized in collaboration
with the Music Department.
The event will take place on Saturday, March 26th 2011 and will include paper sessions, a roundtable discussion, and an evening concert.
We are inviting artists and researchers to propose paper presentations and performances focusing on live and interactive electroacoustics and related
issues, including artistic and technological innovation, interdisciplinary collaboration, human-machine interface, laptop orchestras/ensembles,
comprovisation, stage techniques, audience interactivity, aural and visual perception, related educational and pedagogical aspects, social and
cultural contexts, and others.
Paper presentation: please email an abstract (250 words or less), a short biography ready for printing (250 words or less), and a 3 page CV.
Performance: please email a short description of the proposed performance piece (250 words or less), detailed technical needs, a short biography ready
for printing (250 words or less), a 3 page CV, and audio samples when relevant (please send a link to download the files through yousendit, soundcloud
or a similar service. Do not send audio files by email).
The basic available setup allows up to 10 channels of audio. If your setup requires additional channels or for any other special technical
consideration please send an email with specific questions.
If you are uncertain whether a proposal is suitable you may email the organizers for clarification.
Email abstracts to:
Paper presentations: each paper will be presented in person for about 20 minutes followed by 5-10 minutes of discussion.
Performances: the evening concert will consist of selected live electroacoustic performances, which may include multiple channels, multimedia, dance,
theatrics, and interactive components.
Roundtable discussion: an hour-long open discussion on key issues related to the main theme of the colloquium.
- Deadline for reception of proposals: February 1st, 2011
- Notification of acceptance: February 12th, 2011
- Confirmation of attendance by artist/researchers: February 25th, 2011
- Colloquium CLIEC-2011: Saturday, March 26th, 2011
Eldad Tsabary (co-director)
Ricardo Dal Farra (co-director)
Paul Scriver (collaborator)
CLIEC 2011 - Concordia Live and Interactive Electroacoustic Colloquium
Pdmtl mailing list
Please pardon cross-posting.
*fixed major CPU hit due to a bug in Cord Inspector implementation. Now the CPU usage is back to what it is in pd-extended.
*further performance optimizations to the Cord Inspector.
*improved edit mode detection and fixed edit menu activation accordingly.
Latest snapshot is available from the usual place:
Complete changelog since 11/25/2010 is available here:
Best wishes,