VISUALIZAR'11: Understanding Infrastructures
Call for Projects and Papers
*Deadline: March 21, 2011*
*Call for collaborators: April 11, 2011*
*Dates of the workshop: June 14 through July 1, 2011*
Medialab-Prado and EOI Business School call for projects and papers that
will investigate, analyze and represent through data the running of
infrastractures and global systems. Selected projects will be
collaboratively developed during the Visualizar'11: Understanding
infrastructures workshop, that will be held in Madrid from *June 16 to
July 1, * *2011*.
Papers will be publicly presented during the previous international
seminar on June 14 and 15, 2011.
Possible topics:
- Energy infrastructures. Power grids, gas and oil distribution
networks, renewable energy production networks...
- Transport infrastructures. Aerial and sea routes, road and rail
networks, urban mobility networks...
- Information infrastructures. Radio and TV broadcasting, data networks,
communications satellites, underwater cables, wireless urban networks,
terrestrial and mobile telephony.
- Supply chain infrastracture. Processes and systems of the
agro-alimentary production, goods and products distribution networks...
- Removal Chain. Waste collection systems, treatment plants, recycling
- Economy and financial infrastructures. Banks, trade zones, processes
and agents of the financial markets...
- Legal infrastructures. International agreements, regulation bodies,
territory regulation plans... (See the list of related links and references)
Medialab-Prado's Visualizar program is a research and education platform
devoted to exploring the culture of Big Data and its impact today in
science, society and the arts.
Since its first edition in 2007 the program has gathered more than one
hundred participants from all over the world who have developed projects
explaining stories about phenomena like pollution levels and traffic
flows within big cities, the use of social networks in political
campaigns or the financing of cultural institutions.
Each Visualizar edition includes an intensive project development
workshop, a conference, educational activities open to the public and
the exhibition of the developed projects.
Directed by José Luis de Vicente. With the support of Bestiario
Those interested may apply until March 21 through the online form
available at
More information:
Nerea García Garmendia
Comunicación / Press
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda, 15 28014 Madrid
Tfno. +34 914 202 754
"Antes de imprimir este documento asegúrate de que es realmente necesario. ¡Gracias por tu colaboración!"
Paper draft submission: March 28, 2011
Notification of acceptance: May 16, 2011
Final Paper submission: July 11, 2011
The 4th Pure Data Convention will be held August 08-14, 2011, at Liszt School of Music and Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar, Germany. In custom of the previous conventions we invite you to submit your papers related to the Pure Data programming environment in the fields of computer science, artistic creation and scientific research. The papers will be rated according to academic standards such as novelty and relevance in a peer review process. The Pd community is a heterogeneous group of users, developers, authors, artists, musicians, programmers; often in more than one role at a time.
Papers from widely divergent perspectives are encouraged. Some possible topics could include:
• Libraries and externals extending Pd
• Tools built in or for Pd
• Education
• Spatialisation
• Pd on mobile devices
• Pd embedded in games and applications
• Pd as a framework for audiovisual works
Please check the website for the of terms of submission. Templates for the Papers (LaTeX, Open/LibreOffice) will be provided soon on the conventions home page:
The conference is held in English, thereby the papers have to be in English. The length of a paper should be 4-8 pages, including an abstract (50-100 words) and up to 5 keywords.
Proposals for workshops of all levels, from beginner to special interest, may be directed my email to max.neupert at the domain
A separate call for music, performances and artworks will follow soon.
Please feel free to forward this email to anybody who might be interested!
The PureData Convention 2011 organization team.
Björn Lindig and Max Neupert
/[English Below]
/Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la naissance du Flossmanual Pure
Data en français initié grâce à un BookSprint de 5 jours à l'initiative
de l'association FlossManuals France
Il est en ligne depuis hier soir :
Présentation de la démarche cette après midi (samedi 12 février) à Mains
d'Oeuvre entre 15h et 17h
+/- Stream :
irc : #flossmanuals sur freenode
Il est désormais ouvert à vos contributions !
Un grand merci à l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, Mains
d'Œuvres (Craslab) et Okno ainsi qu'à tous les contributeurs qui ont
participé sur place ou à distance à ce BookSprint
== [English] ==
We are pleased to announce the fact that since yesterday, there is a
french flossmanual for Pure Data : initiated with a 5 day
BookSprint initiated by NGO FlossManualFrance
This afternoon (12.02.2011), it will be presented @ Mains d'Oeuvre St
Ouen between 15h - 17h French time
+/- Stream :
irc : #flossmanuals sur freenode
It's now open to all contributions !
Big thanks to Association FlossManuals France, Organisation
internationale de la Francophonie, Mains d'Œuvres (Craslab) and d'Okno +
all contributors
2011/2/8 Pierre Massat <pimassat(a)>:
> Hi,
> Thanks for sharing this.
> Excuse my ignorance, but what use can one make of this external? Can it be
> used for mixing/mastering?
it may be used in that context, it may be used in sound installations as well.
> Also, how can i compile it on windows?
as said earlier: precompiled externals are available there , one of them is for
Other wise you can get the source code from pd svn and compile it yourself.
> Pierre
> 2011/2/8 David Doukhan <david.doukhan(a)>
>> Dear List,
>> It's been a long time since PDCON09, and I've been quite busy.
>> I finally cleaned up my code, did some improvements, and a
>> user-friendly documentation for the external cw_binaural~ .
>> In few words, cw_binaural~ is a binaural synthesis external allowing:
>> * the use of any hrtf database (listen, cipic, ...)
>> * the simultaneous use of different hrtfs
>> * the choice of the interpolation method used (all pass/pure delay
>> decomposition for better ITD estimation or no decomposition)
>> * the length of the HRIR considered
>> * the filtering method (spectral, temporal)
>> * the method used for the pure delay
>> Precompiled external (Linux, Mac Intel & Windows) and doc are now
>> available at
>> The external sources are available on pd svn:
>> trunk/externals/ddoukhan/cw_binaural~
>> The external has been initially described in:
>> CW_binaural~: a binaural synthesis external for Pure Data
>> David Doukhan and Anne Sedes, PDCON09
>> There have been few improvements since that time that are described in
>> the example patches.
>> The aim of that external is to be as user friendly as possible, so
>> feel free to tells any remarks helping to improve the external or the
>> help patches, or to ask any question concerning its use.
>> Hoping you will enjoy it!
>> --
>> David Doukhan
>> _______________________________________________
>> Pd-list(a) mailing list
>> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
David Doukhan
Dear List,
It's been a long time since PDCON09, and I've been quite busy.
I finally cleaned up my code, did some improvements, and a
user-friendly documentation for the external cw_binaural~ .
In few words, cw_binaural~ is a binaural synthesis external allowing:
* the use of any hrtf database (listen, cipic, ...)
* the simultaneous use of different hrtfs
* the choice of the interpolation method used (all pass/pure delay
decomposition for better ITD estimation or no decomposition)
* the length of the HRIR considered
* the filtering method (spectral, temporal)
* the method used for the pure delay
Precompiled external (Linux, Mac Intel & Windows) and doc are now
available at
The external sources are available on pd svn:
The external has been initially described in:
CW_binaural~: a binaural synthesis external for Pure Data
David Doukhan and Anne Sedes, PDCON09
There have been few improvements since that time that are described in
the example patches.
The aim of that external is to be as user friendly as possible, so
feel free to tells any remarks helping to improve the external or the
help patches, or to ask any question concerning its use.
Hoping you will enjoy it!
David Doukhan
Hi all,
I will be in London tomorrow till Thursday, we will do an interactive dance performance, I will have Monday free and other days busy.
Can anyone recommend/suggest me any electronic music ( with or without Pd) event happening in London tomorrow ( Monday 07.02) and Tuesday night ? Especially any Pd related event or any club event with good experimental music? I would appreciate any suggestions, please send them directly to my email :)
thanks to all!!
M.Koray Tahiroğlu
Media Lab,
Aalto University,
School of Art and Design
tel: +358 45 233 6272
Dear Pd folks,
Adam Hyde has asked for your support by voting for Booki in the Open Web
Awards. Booki will be the new platform for all the FLOSS Manuals,
including the Pure Data one. So a vote for Booki is a vote for the Pd
FLOSS Manual!
Best wishes from Berlin!
vote for booki in the Open Web Awards!
Booki (the latest FM project - - a collaborative
publishing platform) is in the final of the Open Web Awards.
Great! We are 1 of 3 projects. If we win we get 5000 which we will use
to do a code sprint on a tropical island somewhere ;)
please please please register :
and vote for us by visiting this page and clicking on the 'vote' link
(top right):
and pass this around!!!! :)
Adam Hyde
Founder FLOSS Manuals &
Booki Project Manager
Contact Information
German mobile : + 49 177 4935122
Email : adam(a)
irc : #flossmanuals
"Free manuals for free software"
Free Software for making Free Books