funny enough i've said today i would not release anything soon, i've finally found the nasty bug i had in pdp_live~ : it seems you cannot resample audio to stereo with the current ffmpeg library, so i had to resample it to mono, that's it.
i also incorporated some changes brought on by martin pi, but made them optional ( thanks martin ).
also, you can now use the very nice feature of mouse coordinates that tom has introduced in v0.9 ( thanks doelie ).
finally, thanks to the PDP/PiDiP users -- it's nearly a community now )))
0.9.0 fixed audio encoding/decoding in pdp_ffmpeg~/pdp_live~ ( which caused a lot of crashes ) add synchronization in pdp_live~ and other nice features ( thanks to martin pi ) made the audio decoding in pdp_live~ optional add "set cursor" message in pdp_cmap, pdp_ctrack, pdp_compose ( used in conjonction with coordinates output of pdp_xv v0.9 )
enjoy !!
sevy/yves http://ydegoyon.free.fr