Hi all,
the tenth test version of PD 0.37 is out. It looks pretty stable now.
new stuff: I'm moving the MSWindows version to a self-extracting archive format... if you have suggestions or complaints I'd like to hear them... also, if you prefer just having the plain zip files around I'd like to hear that, since I'm thinking of going over to just using the self-extracting form.
I've finally stuck in Thomas Grill's new "quit" and thread-safety stuff. I haven't moved on his other edits (array update sensing, and something else) because I wasn't sure the right way to support them.
The bad type conversions in the IEM GUIs that made some compilers complain should be fixed.
finally, audio latency from portaudio should be 5 msec or so better. I believe I'm getting about 20 msec through-delay on a MSWindoes machine using ASIO now. I haven't tested this in Mac yet. (of course, linux is still by far the best in this respect.)
The "makefilename" object has a "set" message -- you can use it to gang makefilenames to do multiple substitutions, if you _really_ want to do that.
cheers Miller