_ ______fmstk __ _
These are the seven example FM instruments from STK (4.1.1) as externals for PD or Max/MSP. You can download STK at http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/software/stk
To compile flext is needed from http://www.parasitaere-kapazitaeten.net/Pd/ext (or from http://pure-data.sf.net)
Included are:
# BeeThree # FMVoices # HevyMetl (which doesn't sound like what I'd call True Metal at all) # PercFlut # Rhodey # TubeBell # Wurley
All externals are named in lowercase and with the usual tilde~ at the end.
They all accept a list with note number and velocity number in midi values (0-128) and control change messages prefixed with "cc" like [cc 2 125(
Consult the STK documentation for possible CC messages.
The externals are polyphonic. Set the maximum polyphony with a creation argument: [beethree~ 12] exhausts my Athlon 900 MHz!
Default with no argument is a monophonic instrument.
All code released under the GPL.
Download at http://footils.org or One-Click-Buy (tm) with http://footils.org/pkg/fmstk-0.1.tgz
[Currently not in PD-CVS, but probably next week.]