this is a (not so) short reminder of the Linux Audio Developers Conference 2004 at the ZKM Karlruhe, Germany. Since yesterday a preliminary list of the proposed talks is available online (where already at least one, mine, has a Pd topic):
In cooperation with people of the Linux Audio Developers Mailinglist, the Institute for Music and Acoustics at the Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe invites to a
2nd Linux Audio Developers Conference
to be held from
Thursday, April 29 2004 to Sunday, May 02 2004
at the Institute for Music and Acoustics, ZKM, Karlsruhe/Germany.
After the successful first conference of the LAD group in 2003, ZKM is very glad and proud to host the LAD conference once more in 2004. The conference will take place from April 29 to May 02 2004. The paper deadline will probably be mid-January or early February.
Read on here: http://www.zkm.de/lad/
Many of you might be also interested in the "Call for Music" that has been produced completely or mostly under Linux.
The organizers are looking for:
* Interesting demos of sound synthesis, sound processing, etc. * "Classical" computer music compositions, to be played in a concert setting * Pieces from areas such as Electronica, Chill-Out, Ambient etc.
"Pd Repertory Project" anyone? ;)
See ya in Karlsruhe.