Hi all, while i'm hanging out in Cambridge enjoying the business of geese and seagulls i finished the transfer of the online docs for flext and my flext-based externals to http://puredata.info/Members/thomas . The old addresses at http://grrrr.org/ext are redirected. All the accompanying sources are hosted on https://svn.grrrr.org/ext/trunk subpaths as denoted on the externals' pages - this also means that i'm not maintaining the contents on the puredata sf svn any longer.
I also made public three external object libraries that have been on my svn for a longer time: - clk, which implements some objects for very flexible, syncable, high-precision clocking objects - hr, which implements all kinds of basic math operations, both for single and double precision (the latter using lists of two floats) for messaging and dsp usage. - zconf, which implements a number of objects for registering, browsing and resolving network services by use of the zeroconf (aka bonjour) technology.
While there's not much written docs for those objects, the help files on svn should be sufficiently elaborate. Binaries for MacOS (pd and Max) can be found on http://grrrr.org/ext/beta .
have fun, Thomas