jeziz xrist!
thx tom
julian oliver
On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 14:11:36 +0100 Tom Schouten wrote:
hi all,
i've put most of my pd abstractions & externs that have survived bit rot in a lib at:
enjoy, tom
list of objects:
64k a beat shuffler using raw 64k/break sample banks bdft set decay time and osc frequency (for bdiag~) bhip~ butterworth high pass filter blop~ butterworth low pass filter bpm convert bpm to metro time and phasor freq count modulo counter eadh~ exponential attack decay (with hold == duration) eadsrh~ exponential attack decay sustain release (..) inv inverse vols~ volume for a stereo signal vol~ volume for a mono signal
ratio multiply by 2^k so result is 1<=r<2 (transposer) ffpoly finite field polynomial
tilde externs
abs~ absolute value bdiag~ block diagonal state space system (spectral processor) bfft~ reordered fft cheby~ chebychev polynomial waveshaper diag~ diagonal state space system (spectral processor) dist~ several distortions & waveshaping functions dwt~ discrete wavelet transform idwt~ inverse dynwav~ dynamic wavetable: use a signal block as wavetable ead~ exp. attack decay eadsr~ exp. attack decay sustain release ear~ exp. attack release lattice~ lattice filter matrix~ multiply a signal block with an arbitrary matrix permut~ random permute a signal block qmult~ multiply 2 quaternion signals qnorm~ normalize a quaternion signal (or any 4 channel sig) ramp~ generates an integer ramp statwav~ a tabread4~ clone with 8 point interpolation tabreadmix~ a tabread~ clone with overlap add (for smooth time stretch) xfm~ coupled frequency modulation biquadseries~ biquad second order sections (i.e. butterworth) filterortho~ several biquad filters, orthogonal implementation
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