Hi All, The first meeting of the Dublin Pd Patching Circle is taking place on October the 15th at 1pm at Moxie studios just off Baggot St. For Directions see below:http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&rls=en&oe=UTF-8&q=goog...
You can sign up for this free event by contacting Andy at mcgovern_4@hotmail.com or by following this thread: http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=74617895 Just some information about the format for the first meeting. We are hoping that people attending will show what work they are currently doing in Pd and everyone can chip in with ideas of how to develop a patch or area of work. Then at the end of the session we can have a short brainstorming session looking for ideas that the Pd Dublin Patching Circle can work on as a team. For example I know other Patching Circles have worked together on developing Patches for the MS Kinect! This would be great if we could work together on developing Pd for the community on a whole.
All the Best,Andy