Apologies for multiple posting.
Dear colleague,
Registration for the DAFx-06 conference is open. Detailed information and registration form can be found at:
Note that the deadline for early registration is August 7, 2006.
The three-day program will be available soon. There will be 64 papers presented (no parallel sessions): - 39 oral presentations organized in 12 sessions, - 25 posters organized in 3 sessions.
We will be honored to welcome 3 keynote speakers: - Prof. Bruno Torresani, LATP, Universite de Provence, Marseille - Prof. Julius Smith, CCRMA, Stanford University, Stanford - Prof. Steve McAdams, CIRMMT, McGill University, Montreal
A concert will be organized by Prof. Sean Ferguson, Director of the Digital Composition Studio (DCS), Schulich School of Music.
We look forward to meeting you in September,
Best regards, Philippe Depalle, Program Chair, DAFx-06 dafx06@dafx.ca http://www.dafx.ca/