next week in prague :
'real-time media processing and interactivity with pure data' : an introduction workshop to the wonders of real-time interactivity using open-source environments like pure-data.
for who ? :
this workshop is aimed at people working in performance art and interactivity, no specific computer knowledge is required, but a real interest in real-time processing is recommended. ( no cryptic programation skills involved ).
people wanting to make a small prototype of an interactive project are the most likely to find some inspiration in these sessions.
where ? :
theatre "alfred ve dvore" : http://www.alfredvedvore.cz/cs/ Františka Křížka 36, praha
map: http://mapy.cz/#mm=ZTtTcP@sa=s@st=s@ssq=Franti%C5%A1ka%20K%C5%99%C3%AD%C5%BE...
when ? :
from tuesday 31-08 to friday 03-09, in the afternoons ( 14:00h to 19:00h )
themes :
* basics of real-time processing in pd ( sound and video ) * computer vision for pd * basic setups for different contexts : dark room ( theater ), outdoors ...
modalities :
participants should bring a computer and video devices ( webcam or cameras ), if you come with a pc with windows, we will set up linux/ubuntu on it ( it doesn't hurt ! )
this workshop is part of the invaze festival : http://invaze.tk the workshop is free, donations are welcome.
for more informations or if you can't access to the space, contact Ales Zemene :
+420 77 313 96 96