Hi, ofelia v1.0.8 is now available.
You can use GEM with ofelia thanks to Arnaud Courcelle https://www.facebook.com/arno.courcelle?fref=gs&dti=4729684494&hc_location=group who created [ofGemwin] and [ofGemhead] abstractions. Please try out "ofelia/examples/gem/main.pd" to learn how to use GEM with ofelia. I've only tested this on macOS by the way.
Also, I added some utility objects for creating message and file opening/saving dialogs. screenshot: https://github.com/cuinjune/ofxOfelia/blob/master/doc/textbox_screenshot.png You can find these objects inside [pd system] subpatch in UTILS section of "ofelia/help-intro.pd".
Changes: * added [ofGetFboTexID] and [ofGetImageTexID] * added GEM abstractions and example to the "examples/gem" directory * added ofRectangle related objects and help files * renamed [ofGetDollarArgs] to [ofGetCanvasArgs] * added [ofSetCanvasArgs], [ofRemoveCanvas], [ofGetCanvasIndex] * added [ofKeyCodeListener] * added ofSystemUtils objects and help files
Upcoming features: * Video player and grabber * SVG loader * GUI abstractions * Raspberry Pi support
More info about ofelia: https://github.com/cuinjune/ofxOfelia https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fcuinjune%2FofxOfelia&h=ATONUQh1VHCtcyMmQPy6BfZhNFH-YmX-tdl8i_q_r2kvf4Bht3xLQ9xKtR3LuZWu2O56rauxI4ENj6Pi2yH0xaTq2zZTeJiB0PmI8DPmHgruJzj-XTrFNbgsb0LWoxJclWSS6YVdiQ9qCQ