I am happy to announce version 0.7.1 of PuREST JSON, Codename: cookie monster on the couch [*].
PuREST JSON is a library for working with JSON data and communication with RESTful HTTP webservices that use JSON data.
New in this release: - You can now use cookie authentication, e.g. for secure communication with a CouchDB, but it also works for any other implementation of HTTP security with cookies, as long as the expected post data is in the format "name=<username>&password=<password>", and only expects 1 cookie on each request.
- [rest-json] has a third outlet, that reports the HTTP status of the request. That enables you to react e.g. on HTTP status 403 and re-authorize your connection.
See the help files, manuals and examples for details.
Github repository: https://github.com/residuum/PuRestJson Debian package for i386: https://github.com/downloads/residuum/PuRestJson/pd-purest-json_0.7.1_i386.d...
Have fun, Thomas
PS: For those of you waiting for OAUTH: I am still planning to implementing it, but I am not sure, if a general implementation is even possible. But I will see to it.
[*] Well actually 0.7 was cookie monster on the couch, but it still had two serious bug that I have fixed.