Hi, I'm making two announcements at once. I'm releasing yet another beta version of ELSE, but I'm also releasing (this one is supposed to be a biggie for me) a first draft of my didactic material that I'm translating to English from Brazilian Portuguese and here it is: https://github.com/porres/Live-Electornics-Tutorial
So far the vol. 1 is ready (vol. 2 maybe done by october). I've been working on this for exactly 10 years now, since I first started using Pure Data to teach computer music and it's nice to finally share this in English (but expect typos and other horrible things, remember this is a 1st draft). Feedbacks are welcome! The plan is to write a book to be accompanied by these examples. The old portuguese version that still relies in the one decade old Pd Extended 0.42-5 is found here for those who wanna check out what else is coming (Part 4 to 6 is gonna be "vol. 2") https://github.com/porres/LiveElectronicsTutorial
Most of the recent work is into upgrading this to the latest Pd vanilla and also in the development of ELSE, which is now the only library needed as a dependency for these examples. And it now needs the latest release of ELSE: beta 11 - which brings us back to the first announcement. This is up on deken for the major OS, so just download it directly from Pd and check details here: https://github.com/porres/pd-else/releases