"If I told you there was a great way to promote your band all over the net, for free, you'd probably think, 'Yeah, what's the catch?'"
racolage (French) : practice of forced seduction used to attract a potential customer (in the context of prostitution).
racolage.xxx is a label that releases experimental music through spam email. Each release is a single track, sent to hundreds of thousands of random email addresses collected with the same techniques used by usual spammers.
If you are interested in releasing a track on racolage.xxx, please send to contact@racolage.xxx :
♦ the title of your release > artist name (or some weird pseudo), track title, ... whatever : 30 characters max ♦ a description for your release : 200 characters max ♦ an image ♦ an audio track : mp3 format, 5mb max
We will respond to you shortly.
http://racolage.xxx/#about https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fracolage.xxx%2F%23about&h=ATMkeZW6glSrZNhfU8qpnzYdN5rB0jCX3xRNubkCjV-UI9NlO8FcmjKQOYmUK4abHV7ZrWvdSfLuHilSJ6PnqqxPDF7CIxGmjJwfmS1VGZSqI0yx0kkazx8IUWZx51Z4pz0rB7y4hULQQAE&enc=AZOGyRNp6Eq0DZE4dDeEH4Cz_Xja_aNxEs8fgt5xFnU36rT0B0NUmpf3_3etPO1-MgUpTWbj4UTWk08QUghRb80Czhpx-s3YA2ByhVsqEVRFxwlgSp0fhUioRoWcxWTE7oOI_Q6KWIFDDb8xYGr17J6Zx9ofpjqdQmrmJYjep1B-CYdX4BwhJ3M2BMHWUtJLhHU&s=1