La kitchen, center of creation and technological development for the arts, is pleased to present the TOASTER, a new sensor interface for real time applications.
The Toaster gets analogical information from sensors and transmits them to one computer or more with a high band (Ethernet (10Mb/s), UDP network protocol, OSC communication protocol, FUDI : netsend, netreceive), with a precision of 16 bits by sensor. It is compatible with Pure Data, Max/MSP, SuperCollider, etc.
For more information, please go to :
For technical information, please contact Cyrille Henry, our engineer at La kitchen : Cyrille.Henry@la-kitchen.fr
Sorry for cross posting.
Thierry Coduys ------------------------------------ La kitchen 5, rue Laugier 75017 Paris Tel : + 33 1 56 79 02 89 Fax : + 33 1 43 80 53 18 http://www-la-kitchen.fr/ -------------------------------------