Hi all, i'd like to announce a new object library consisting of a number of functions for non-realtime processing of array data. Threading can be employed for each of these transformations in order to achieve non-interupting background work on longer buffers. It has some similarities with Max/Jitter but is not (yet) as general - VASP was already in its testing phase with the advent of Jitter... if i'd known beforehand the design would possibly have been different.
There are PD and Max/MSP ports (but no threading under MaxOS9!), but the help system is not finished for Max/MSP yet. I owe a lot to Marius Schebella for setting up the PD help and pointing me to numerous bugs.
Check it out, it could be useful: http://www.parasitaere-kapazitaeten.net/ext I'd really like to hear your opinion on it, and i'm open for suggestions concerning the future direction.
There's also a mailing list for all affairs concerning vasp modular: http://www.parasitaere-kapazitaeten.net/mailman/listinfo/vasp
best greetings, Thomas